so i hear an intro post is how most people make their way onto steemit. my friend, @anwenbaumeister has been telling me all about the platform for almost a year now and i still haven't made it on, mostly because of this whole introductions business. so to make things simple, i've made a list /.
./ the name // kamille
./ the basics // a queer black kid from the bay area.
./ the day.job // software engineer
./ the // poetry, prose and whatnot
./ the last few months // graduated from brown and been traveling a bit
./ the last travel // cuba
./ the next travel // venice, for the beinnale (it's about art, ask google)
most other things will become clear along the way.
Welcome Kamille :-) Nice to have you onboard - Follow me and I will follow you ;-)