Introduceyourself: @krypt0man (fr/eng)

Hi Steemians!

Today i would like to introduce myself, in English and in French !

Let me start by an apology. I was born a Frenchman, and my English is far from perfect :)

I am a 29 years old man, born and raised in Paris (France). I decided to move to Tel Aviv (Israel) 5 years ago, at first because of the parties and the weather, but it quickly became the best choice I made in my whole life. More than half a year ago i married to my wonderful wife, and we are now trying to build our future together. I am currently looking for a job opportunity in the Cryptocurrency / Blockchain industry. I hold a master degree in International Business, some experience as a Salesman and some background in marketing (event planing & marketing tool productions). If you feel like I could fit an opportunity, let me know :)

Let's talk about crypto. I caught this addiction almost a year ago, and started investing a very small capital a few months ago. In September, someone told me about Steem, and I decided to create an account and check what is the hype around this service. When I finally received my confirmation email, I had to do some important work and putted crypto aside for a few months. That story brings us to now! I finally managed to discover the rich and brilliant Steem community, and the power of the tools that are provided.

My goals here are very simple:

  • Discover about the world through your eyes.
  • Exchange ideas, post/read articles in French or English, including my interests, my projects, my travels, and even some news about crypto.
  • Build a French speaking community, to post/read articles in french (not exclusively).
  • Feel like a true Steemian! This community is amaziiiiing.

If you are like minded, and you feel like we could bring to each other, I'll be glad to have a talk and even follow back!


Traduction Française

Bonjour les Steemians!

Je suis un homme de 29 ans. originaire de Paris. J'ai décidé il y a 5 ans de m'installer a Tel Aviv (Israel). Au début, mon choix était motivé par la fête et le climat, mais rapidement je me suis senti chez moi, et j'ai donc décidé d'y rester vivre. J'ai rencontré ici ma fabuleuse femme et nous nous sommes mariés il y a 8 mois. Nous essayons désormais de construire notre avenir ensemble! Je suis actuellement a la recherche d'un emploi dans le marché de la crypto / blockchain, titulaire d'un Master en Commerce International. J'ai de l’expérience en vente & en marketing (événementiel & production d'outils marketing). Si vous pensez avoir une opportunité correspondante a mon profile, n’hésitez pas a me contacter!

Parlons un peu de crypto. Je suis tombé dans cette marmite il y a près d'un an, et j'y ai investi un petit capital il y a quelques mois. En septembre, une connaissance m'a parlé de Steem, et au moment de recevoir le mail de confirmation, j’étais très absorbé par mon travail. J'ai donc décidé de reporter mon interet pour Steem. Cette histoire se termine cette termine enfin, cette semaine j'ai pu commencer a découvrir la communauté extraordinaire de Steem et jauger de la puissance de cet outil.

Mes objectifs ici sont simples:

  • Decouvrir le monde a travers vos yeux.
  • Échanger des idées, poster/lire des articles en Français ou en Anglais, a propos de mes centres d’intérêt, mes projets, et parfois des news a propos de la crypto.
  • Aider a construire une communauté francophone, afin de lire/poster en français de temps a autres.
  • Me sentir comme un vrai membre de Steem :) Cette communauté est incroyable!

Si vous pensez que nous avons des points en commun, n’hésitez pas a commenter cet article et me follow. Je me ferais une joie d’intégrer également vos followers!

PS: Pour les francophones, la communauté de @zonguin est un must. Ils vous accueillent a bras ouverts, et vous donnent des passe-droits si vous êtes sympa :P voici le lien du Discord:




Hello krypt0man

One of the few french man who knows english as well :P Just kidding, man, welcome!

Ahahah it's true, not a lot of french people knows english! I got addicted to internet when I was young and most people where speaking english online back then. Have a great day @welcoming :)

Merci pour la mention ça fait super plaisir !
Tu as encore beaucoup a découvrir :-)
N'hésites pas à visiter
Par contre j'ai le regret de t'informer que j'ai supprimé ton magnifique grade sur francopartages, mais pas les commandes ^^.

A bientôt !

Merci @zonguin pour tout, et je ne t'en veux pas pour le demote ;-)

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nice and welcome!!

Nice to meet you @happychau123! Thanks for reading my post :)

Welcome to Steemit @krypt0man!

I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.

Yes, I love Crpto too! Lots of detailed analysis on my blog along with some predictions

Here are some links you might find useful.
Your stats on SteemNow
Your stats on SteemWorld
Your stats on SteemD
How to use Minnow Booster
How does Steemit actually work?

Let me know if I can help.
Many blessings! @bycoleman

Hi @bycoleman, thank you very much for your support, and for this post full of amazingly useful links!!

You're welcome. I use the links daily.

If you are interested, we have a writing contest starting Monday.

Many blessings!

Hi there @krypt0man welcome to steemit how are you and your wife so far? You don't have to worry this is an awesome community where you can learn and we can exchange ideas on a certain topic, we can both gain knowledge and I assure you that you will love this community even more. =)

Welcome, I hope you get the most out of this platform❗

Hi @ev3ryth1ng, thank you for your kind note !

Bienvenue Kryptoman ! N'hesite pas à poster des photos de Tel-Aviv ca m'intéresse :) Au plaisir de te lire !

I love your introduction because I am learning to speak French and could check my translation as I went. I also learned lots of new French words :)

Welcome to Steemit.