My Daughter Cracks Me Up
Like most people these days, my family tree includes a few fruits and nuts! My biologocial parents divorced and I was raised with my dad, "step-mom" (just "mom" to me), and two step brothers. My biological mother married a man from England and moved across the pond. There, she had two more daughters. Of them visited me in the states twice before deciding to move to California. The other married a man from South Africa and moved there.
My daughter and I keep in touch with my sisters via FaceTime. Kiddo is 9 years old. She randomly starts speaking with a British accent. She tells people she is part British. There's an Irish boy in the classroom next to hers. She didn't want to talk to him directly because she was afraid of "going British" in front of him.
She's gone so far as to tell her Girl Scout leader that "those are my people" after people with a British accent left the cookie booth.
The funny thing about it is, she doesn't think she is embellishing anything. This is simply her heritage because she has relatives from England.
I love this girl so much. She is non-stop entertainment and I wonder what I did with myself before she came along.