365 Days That Count - Day 52 - Time to bite the bullet.

in #life8 years ago

It is both nerve-wracking and exciting when a long thought about plan finally begins to take shape.

All those hours of dreaming, calculating and hoping can finally be put to good use but it is also when your resolve and strength of character are tested the most. You realise now is the time and simultaneously hope, fear and doubt begin to rush through your mind in waves.

Whether you take action or not simply comes down to whether your hope for success outweighs your fear of failure. But it never feels that simple.

Change is always scary and new things are often intimidating. You never really know how anything will turn out, so all you can do is trust that you are doing it for the right reasons and therefore however it works out is the way it should.

But that's easy to say and damn near impossible to do...

Being able to trust in the hardest and most unfamiliar moments of life is like holding your breath under water. Every part of you wants to break the surface and gulp for air.

It takes courage to stay, to believe you have enough strength to hold your breath a little longer. No matter how hard, these are the moments that teach you the most about yourself.

Do you truly believe you are worthy of goodness and success and know that you would accept both graciously and use them wisely? Do you know your own worth? Are you able to see yourself through the eyes of those around you or only through a film of criticism and judgement?

We have to believe in ourselves so that when positive opportunities or challenges present themselves we don't shy away from our potential, choosing to self-sabotage rather than risk the pain involved in disappointing ourselves or the people around us.

This is when we have to remember that no matter how something turns out there is always a lesson to be learnt and experience to be gained and that by choosing not to walk into the arena and try, we're only robbing ourselves.

So what do we do? We bite the bullet and take action. We stop talking and start doing. And we believe.

Now I have to take my own advice and join the dots the universe has given me.

Everything feels sudden even though it isn't, and I don't feel ready even though I am. I have to put myself out there again to the world, but most importantly to me.

I have been scared into stillness by the thought of disappointing myself. But I've finally realised the only true disappointment would be to not even try, to waste my potential because I'm scared of it not being enough. It is.

Now is the time. All the pieces are there, I just have to put them together and believe in myself as much as those I love and respect the most do.

There's no changing what has happened, or pretending to be as confident as I was. I am only who I am in this moment and that has to be enough.

I promised myself the other day I would be brave and I intend to keep that promise.

I will not shy away from this challenge, I choose to believe in myself and I look forward to growing along the journey.

Let the house hunting commence!


Daisy xx

( @daisyd )


Great outlook! I'm going to try to view things with this in mind today.

Thanks @bitsy hope you had a great day :)