Dealing with impossible circumstances

in #life7 years ago (edited)

We've all come to a point in our lives that absolutely tackles everything you thought you were certain of. These are the moments that make you feel like no matter what you do, everything is falling apart. 

First of all, these circumstances are more common than you think. Whatever is you're dealing with, there are places you could go, people you can talk to that can help you get through it. So don't shy away from professional counsel, it can only help by giving you a different perspective on things. 

  This is my go-to step by step self-care rules to follow whenever I'm dealing with something that is deeply upsetting for me. Like a crash course on how to get yourself together little by little:

Let it all out:

Ask yourself, what does it feel like? Does it make you want to scream? Does it make you want to cry? Does it make you want to shut down from the world? Think hard on this, and once you target the best release form, just go with it. You need time to freak out, you need time to react to your circumstances by yourself. 


Once you've let it all out, you have to stop and think of how this is or isn't your fault. For this you need to be completely honest with yourself, understand that this won't help if you lie to yourself. Also take some time to identify all the things you couldn't control, the things no one could've had control over and accept them. Both what's on you and what is not. 

Try to relax: 

Once you've got a better understanding and acceptance of the circumstances, take some time off worrying, or at least try, to relax. Clear your mind for at least five minutes. Some people find it helps best to run it out, others find watching a movie or show very therapeutical. I for one find reading fiction a helpful escape to my stress. For you, it could be an hour at the gym, cooking, or baking. Do something you enjoy. 

Take action:

 Now you've calmed a little, done something relaxing, you have all the tools to find the answers you're looking for. Deep down you know what's right for you and sometimes the best policy is to work on yourself, on self-love and acceptance. On the other hand, if it's an issue that needs handling on your part, just get at it, trust that you can do whatever you put your mind to. Every day has a new opportunity and even if the steps you're taking aren't big, you'll look back one day and realize you've climbed past the mountain. 

If you follow these steps, even if you're not sure what's what at this moment, I promise they'll provide you with some sort of direction towards better answers. I'm posting this because, "Been there, done that" and I know how dark and lonely these moments can be. 

  Do you have any tips on how to deal with impossible circumstances? Share them in the comment section below. 


Hauff xx


Beautiful article that is sure to help many others through tough times and uncertainty! Keep up the great content!

Good one! I get it...we all need time alone. Best to live your life a loner.

Thank you! And yes, we do need time alone, but I don't know that shutting everyone out is the best way to go either. Humans are social beings, we need social interactions in order to thrive. That's how society advances.

I'm not quite sure. There's no historical data to indicate that we've always lived like this. I think our socialising and sex life is on speed. We need to slow down. We've become like rats in the gutter. I'm quite positive human species will go back to hunting and gathering someday....not int he same way we did before, but once we wage a few more wars and destroy half the planet, there won't be too many options left.