Lets talk about things near to our life

in #life7 years ago

In our life eating is most important of our life, and the food we ate includes 7 type of categories.

First we have carbohydrates, this is the kind of food we most contact with. Carbohydrates are foods that are made from carbon, oxygen and hydrogen the chemical cormular is C6H12O6. Foods that contain this substance are bread, noodles, are food that made from plants. Also, this is the most essential for our body to consume as energy to let us to survive.

Second, we have lipid, which have the higest energy value of all. It is made of three fatty acid and one glycerol. It is consumed in our small intestine and absorbed into our lympth. Most fat are retained at our body to protect our internal organs and keep us warm. When our body have insufficient glucose(a kind of carbohydrates), our body will convert lipid to glucoseto keep us survive.

Third, proteins. The most important thing of all, our body can manage to make 12 protiens out of 20, protiens have a complex formation and can be absorb from all foods we it. Protiens allows our body to build cell membrane, antibodies, DNA and even more. Actually protein make up every part of our body.

Forth, vitamin. There are serval kinds of vitamin but the are usally differentiate into two types. Which are lipid soluble vitamins such as vitamin D and water soluble vitamins such as vitamin C. Vitamins helps our body to absorb minerals to maintain different body reactions.

Fifth we got minerals, they help our body to form up different things such as iron formulates red blood cells and calcium builds up our bones and teeths. Actually we need small of it, over intake of minerals will have negative impacts. But insufficient minerals also lead to serval disease.

Sixth we got dietary fiber, they are the cell walls of plants and our body machanism doesn't support us to consume it. Nevertheless it have a great mission to our body, it helps the peristalsis of intestine, making use to easily remove body waste through feces.

Last but not least we have water. Water have multiple funtion. It helps cool down our body, supports body transport oxygen and minerals, act as a medium of place for metabolism(body reaction). Everyone have a different requirement of intake amount of water, also intake 2 liters of water will cause death. We have to regulate our body to intake suitable amout of water.

These are things that are contained in to food and this is how mysterious this world and biology is.

I'll talk each of them in detail in the following post. Looking forward to get your support thanks!!!



Good information. I am a health conscious person on paper...lol...in reality its still a bit of a struggle. I look forward to Part II
