in #life6 years ago

I want to greet the entire Steemite community and introduce myself to this, my first post, please be kind to me or at least not so rude and I am open to any advice or contribution that you want to leave in the comments.

To start I want to talk a little bit to all those moms that like me are dedicating full time to their children, because nowadays we make that difficult decision we feel judged by those who often have no idea of ​​the sacrifices that we do for the welfare of our children, I feel that it is not fair, and that it seems to them when they ask us "and what do you do? What do you do? "And when you answer that you are a housewife to take care of children, your expression changes completely as one who has just seen a ghost and his eyes become like two fried eggs. Or as it is said in my country, like a chicken that looks at salt ... it makes me very angry, but sometimes I can not help but laugh because. Could it be that they think we have not thought about it and rethought it a thousand times before making the decision? If they knew everything that goes through our minds on a daily basis.

In my case, I am a mother of two men, one of ten years old and another of six. I am a young mother and I love my children immensely, however I have always worked, because I never wanted to be the kind of woman who should wait for her husband to deign to give her money so she can do something. During each pregnancy I took some time from work to dedicate to my children since I did not want to leave them in such small nurseries, after two years of each one they started going to school, what we call here (maternal). And since I am from Venezuela when I had my youngest son, the conditions were already becoming chaotic in our country and it was imperative that he work as soon as possible, to help with the income at home. And so it was for a while, the work I got was full time just like my husband's, even many times I left later than he and there was no problem with that because they paid very well, I practically became the breadwinner because my My salary was higher than my husband's. But that required the children to spend all day at school, for what they should carry in their lunch boxes, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, and their juices, it was enough. That was possible only if it was prepared in the evening when I came from work, which of course I did not have time to pay attention to my children when I got home from work, the question was this: leave work at 5pm, pick up the children from school, to get home, (straight to the kitchen because they were already hungry and had to prepare dinner) while preparing dinner (with the fatigue of the day in tow) my husband helping me to fight them to bathe, this list dinner, serve the kids and my husband, while I eating standing in the kitchen to prepare lunch the next day and breakfast so that the next morning everything is a little easier and get out of time from home . While all that happened in the kitchen every night from Monday to Thursday my children and my husband on their own each in his room glued to the TV, and I could be ready at about 10pm almost every day, I ran to bathe and and everyone at home sleeping. Throw myself in bed to sleep to wake up the next day to fight with the children so they wake up while my husband cooks whatever I have prepared for breakfast and prepares the lunch boxes with what I left ready for 4. we all took a Lunch box to spend the day on the outside. All ready at last to go to school and work, at 5pm repeat the story.

So four years went by, during that time there were many times that we were summoned to the school to talk about the situation of my oldest son (Santi) underperformance, attention deficit, etc etc etc. so we decided to take him to an educational psychologist who diagnosed him with dyslexia. For us it was a hard blow. And for me I think it was much more, I felt BAD MOM for not noticing it before and being able to offer support and the dedication he needed, I was leaving it by him self for all this time.

In the country the thing was intensifying more and more. Already my salary was not enough. And having the kids at school all day was more expensive than I earned. I was practically working for a hobby, because with what I earned I could not cover the cost of paying extra time at school, it was crazy. It was less expensive to stay at home and take care of them in the afternoon, not to mention the extra, to finally have quality time with my children. So I took the step and resigned from my job. I feel very good for myself and my children.

But what a dance that never fails the condemned but ... things getting worse, only my husband working and I feel helpless when I see him frustrated by the economic situation, thank God I have the husband that I have. That nothing is left or anyone. He is the best father and as we say in Venezuela "echao pa lante" he does not stay conform alone with his salary, if that were the case we would not have food in the fridge. Because with a salary like those of now, it is simply impossible. And there are so many entrepreneurship ideas that I have to help him and to help us. But each of them requires capital to get them going, which I do not currently have, but I'm still working on it. And I know that sooner rather than later we will achieve it.

Meanwhile I continue to take the situation with the children and especially with Santi one day at a time, and every time I meditate on the decision I make to quit my job I have my reward every time I see Santi's improvement, in the congratulations that they give him at school and that fill him with an inexplicable pride that makes my heart become small. I tell myself "if it was worth it and it's still worth it. They are worth it "and for that reason I can send to hell anyone who wants to come to judge me for staying at home to take care of my children. To moms who work and have perfect families, congratulations. I also congratulate those who are not so perfect. And to us, those of us who have a chaotically beautiful life, nothing perfect and that sometimes we are a disaster, a thousand congratulations too. Because the question is not in not making mistakes, the thing is to learn from them and be a little better each day, for them._20190318_091609.JPG
The time will come when they are older and they do not need us, but as long as that day arrives I will be here when they need me ...

Greetings and I hope to write soon when I have another matter to vent.