Day 1

in #life7 years ago

Well good morning to everyone!

Yesterday was my first day of this unknown and unplanned adventure of future self-employment and entrepreneurship and wanted to share exactly what I accomplished, as well as a little bit of life knowledge. So, to start of my journey I did something very very important, and something that had been bothering me quite a bit lately, I FINALLY got my sleep schedule back on the track of a normal human being, rather than a night owl with insomnia that is addicted to coffee at random hours of the night.
This was important to me for a variety of reasons, but mostly the fact that it's hard to be productive when you don't have a schedule set for yourself. So I decided that would be a good place to start. I went to bed at 10pm and woke up at 6am, felt nice and rejuvenated and was ready to start my day.

The first thing that I decided to work on was doing a bit of research, and to get a rough outline of what my plan was going to be. I watched a hand full of YouTube videos and was pretty overwhelmed with how saturated the affiliate marketing industry is right now. It seemed that every single video I watched, it was just another person trying to sell their own course, claiming that "They had the secret" which got on my nerves a bit. So this is something that I will have to further look into, and if anyone has any recommendations as to where a good place would be to further educate myself with affiliate marketing then that would be much appreciated. Or on the other hand, maybe you actually paid for a course and can vouch that it was worth your money. All in all though, I still learned some valuable information from the YouTube videos.

Next, I decided to finally start learning something that I have been interested in for quite a while now, which is learning Python. I've always been fascinated by learning to code, but haven't ever been willing to really commit to it and find a course to learn from. So I signed up on Codecademy, which may or may not be the best place to learn, but it's free and seems like a decent place to start. This isn't something that I plan to make into a career or anything like that, but it's something that I feel I will enjoy, and I think it'd be a nice skill to add. The course is only 10 hours long, so I think I'll do an hour a day and see where I'm at by the end of the course. If the information seems to be resonating with me, I'll either find an additional course to take, or I'll start on coding my first app/game.

After the coding, my brain needed a bit of a break, so I indulged in a bit of Netflix and chilling by my lonesome. I'm usually a pretty social person, but it just so happens that my two best friends that are in the area both have newborn babies. Which means that I don't see much of them anymore. The only show that I'm really watching right now is Peaky Blinders, which has me hooked. So I binge watched a bit of that, and then went on a run with my dog.


Overall, this may not seem like a super productive day to some of you, but it was a success in my eyes. All of these things I've been interested in for a while now, but never pushed myself to start, which I believe is the hardest part. I think I made some pretty great progress. Today, I want to try and make a decision on which company I will be hosting my website thought, bust out another Python course, and yes, probably binge watch some more Peaky Blinders as well. I hope everyone has a blessed day today, and gets some productive work done for yourself as well. Also, if you have any tips or tricks for me, feel free to let me know! Thanks everyone.