Loving Freely is AmAZing - Welcome!
Loving Freely is AmAZing
A companion along the journey to truly embody Loving Freely
A Unified A-Z Book, with a Dual Perspective
From one perspective, offering guidance for the children of love here on Earth. The individual among the many.
The humans of the world. And the cats and the dogs too!
From another perspective, guidance for the infinity that we are. For the true mother and father within us all.
Within us is infinity. Within us is individuality.
Within us is family, father, mother and child.
May this book be as a best friend or a guide,
As we learn to embrace all that we are and live true to that
May we embrace the True Freedom of Love
May we forever be...
Loving Freely
Welcome! This is the first chapter as it is being written!
As this book is written through me, it will be released chapter by chapter. As little as one and as many as seven, chapters per week, until it has been released in it's fullness.
This is an invitation to be present with this book in it's first incarnation, and to be a contributor to this book through feedback and suggestions.
Age is Aaron Gabriel and Age is Everyone
This is all of us
We are all writing this book together
And I am grateful for your presence within this
Share your email below to be included in the daily release
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It will likewise be released on FB @Age Sol
And on Steemit at https://steemit.com/@wildsunlove