Mining Steem in Windows

in #mining8 years ago (edited)

Begin by downloading the latest Windows Miner from btcsube's Github:

  2. After the download finishes, unzip "steem-win-x64-011"
  3. Navigate into the newly created "steem-win-x64-011" folder and double click "steemd.exe"
  4. Close the command prompt

Download the latest blockchain:

  2. After the download finishes, unzip "witness_node_data_dir.tar"
  3. Navigate into the newly created "witness_node_data_dir.tar" folder
  4. Once again, unzip "witness_node_data_dir"
  5. Copy the newly created "witness_node_data_dir" folder
  6. Go back to the "steem-win-x64-011" folder and paste the "witness_node_data_dir" folder here
  7. Allow the folder to be overwritten

Navigate into the "witness_node_data_dir" folder located inside of the "steem-win-x64-011" folder

  1. Right click on "config.ini" and choose "Edit" (I prefer to use Notepad++ for this)
  2. Locate "# P2P nodes to connect to on startup (may specify multiple times)" and paste the seed-nodes found here:
  3. Locate "# Endpoint for websocket RPC to listen on" and put "" as the rpc-endpoint rpc-endpoint =
  4. Locate "# name of witness controlled by this node (e.g. initwitness )" and put your steem account as the witness witness = username
  5. Locate "# name of miner and its private key (e.g. ["account","WIF PRIVATE KEY"] )" and put your account and WIF Private Key as the miner miner = ["account","WIF PRIVATE KEY"]
  6. Locate "# Number of threads to use for proof of work mining" and put the amount of threads you would like to dedicate to Proof of Work mining mining-threads = 4
  7. Save and exit the editor

Navigate back to the "steem-win-x64-011" folder

  1. Double click "steemd.exe" to begin syncing and mining!

Happy mining!


I cant get it to work either. ive tried 2 other tutorials so far with no joy.
when i try to run steemd.exe it just stops running and crashes.
i added a .bat file also.

Try installing the 2013 C++ Redistributable first


Do you know what windows OS are supported?

I cannot say for sure, but I imagine Windows 7 and above.

Yeah I suppose!

Just FYI I tried in windows 2008 and I tried to run " Navigate into the newly created "steem-win-x64-011" folder and double click "steemd.exe"

It did not work.


Server 2008 must be missing a dependency that steemd.exe requires. I will look into this and let you know if I find anything.

Also, try creating a .bat file with a pause at the end to see if you get any errors.

Try installing the Visual C++ Redistributable Packages 2013 and see if that helps. Is your Windows fully up to date via Windows Update?

I did but no !

No worries I will try on windows 10

Ok new to mining steem, but not new to mining other coins. Do i need a wallet on my local machine to mine on windows?

There is currently only a command line wallet available and it is part of the download.