My Introduction

Assalamualaikum teman-teman steemians semuanya
Pada postingan pertama saya di steemit saya akan memperkenalkan diri sebagai Achievement1 kepada Newcomers' semuanya•


Nama Saya Mahmuddin umur saya sekarang 32 tahun, saya sudah berkeluarga dan sekarang berdomisili di kota lhokseumawe aceh indonesia.

pendidikan terakhir saya adalah S1 Pendidika Agama Islam di sebuah perguruan tinggi STAIN Malikussaleh di Lhokseumawe.
Sekarang bekerja di sekolah swasta di kota Lhokseumawe sebagai pengajar,
selain itu saya juga menjalankan aktifitas di lembaga non formal,tepatnya sebagai pendidik
saya mengenal steemit dari rakan tim saya @bgnop

saya baru memulai dan belum berpengalaman di crypto akan tetapi saya akan terus belajar dan mengenal tentang crypto itu sendiri.
tujuan saya bermain steemit salah satunya membagikan kegiatan sehari hari saya tentang kegiatan pribadi dan kegiatan sehari hari saya yang bisa bermanfaat bagi orang lain.

hobi saya sekarang itu bermain buku tangkis dan renang.

Terimakasih steemian semuanya mohon dukungan dan bimbingan untuk saya semoga kedepan tambah sukses buat kita semua.
@anroja @ernaerningsih @nazarul @heriadi @radjasalman @akbar2468 @bgnop

 4 years ago 

Hi @ishlahil firstly I'll WELCOME you wholeheartedly on this beautiful platform of STEEMIT.
Here you will earn by producing some good quality content but keep in mind it should be your own I mean original content.
Secondly I invite you To complete your all Achivements tasks in Newcomers community given by @cryptokannon.
These all tasks will enable you to know much about Steemit and you will get good experience of publishing quality content hence chances of getting reward will be increased.
Moreover you will also learn that what is content etiquette and how to avoid from plagiarism,and also how to attract Authors on your Posts by applying Markdown.
In Short you will learn each and every rules and regulations of beautiful STEEMIT Platform.

At last I'll also suggest you some good communities where you can publish your content.Although there are many good Communities which you can join on the base of your interest,it depends upon you that in which kind of community you are interested but here I'll list some Communities and still if you find any problem in finding community do mention me surely I'll guide you.

Moreover I'll also suggest you to follow SteemitBlog in order to get all new updates on Steemit.
Regards @arrowgate ! And have a nice day 🙂

 4 years ago 

Hello @ishlahil
welcome to steemit continue to post your achievement using this guides
Lists of Achievements by Cryptokannon

You can join any community you wish using this to link then you scroll down to community of your choices and subscribe (it's absolutely free)
By @cryptokannon

Thank you for your participation