in Newcomers' Community4 years ago (edited)

Hello I’m @spyrex a writer who got stranded on an island. All I can do is write on my journal in hope that someone finds it just incase I don’t make it. Well it might sound all confusing right now but read on you’ll get my point pretty soon. This is a story of my adventure of a life time, its not what you would imagine in the movies. Its harder than it actually seems. Survival isn’t an easy task. Will I make it home? Or not?

Journal 1:
Blurred sun lights, seagulls hovering on the sky’s, sounds of ocean waves washed up on land, dry sand on my bare back, am I dead? I asked my self. No I’m sure this is still the real world, heaven must feel better than this I guess that’s If I deserve it (struggles to seat up and coughs out some water, stares at the sea) the sea (I muttered)how did I get washed up here(images flashes down my memory) oh yes the cruise ship hit a berg (reminiscing to my self) feels good to be on land again, I’ve been swimming for so long till I gave up, I thought I was done for but why me, I cant possibly be the only one who survived this wreck. I cant be the only one who got washed up here. Speaking of washed up Where am i? (Signs of wreckage everywhere from the debris of what used to be a ship).


I cant seem to figure out where I am, I guess ill just have to walk around the shores maybe I might find help somewhere. The island basically looked discarded, like a tropical beach but felt so empty, only signs of animal life could be heard most especially the bird chirping on the trees and what ever may be in there. Still stuck in my wet kaki shorts and T-shirt, with wet sand dried all over my body I walked around the island in search of survivors.


Journal 3:

I waked around , thirsty, faded, sun burned, I thought I might’ve been hallucinating but I think I see two blurred figures standing afar. HEYYY!!! OVER HERE!!! HEYYY!!! I yelled( waving my hands frantically) I got a response. Oh my God they are real I muttered. With the remaining strength I had left in me I ran towards them. There I met two other survivors from the ship. Just like me, they got washed up here too . Their names @small-ville and @awesononso. I introduced myself as @spyrex and asked are there other survivors apart from us?, yes they replied. Where are they? They both went to search for other survivors said @awesononso, we were told to stay back since I have a broken leg @small-ville joined in. How bad is it, I asked? Just a dislocation but it was straightened and bandaged up by @alphafx said @awesononso . Who is @alphafx? I asked. One of the survivors that left in search of others he said. I stared at the leg that had be banded up with a piece of rag. It turns out @alphafx is a medical doctor,I guess that would come in handy pretty soon I thought. Just then I saw two blurred figures from a mile away Walking towards us. I guess that must be them I asked. Yes here they come said @awesononso. We introduced ourselves and that’s how I met @alphafx and @whitestallion.

So what now I asked, how do we get off this island. The ship is busted but I know we can scavenge around to find a radio or something to call for help said @whitestallion. Wont it be busted? @alphafx asked. Im sure I can fix it up, I’m an engineer in the US marine, I’m pretty sure we can work something out with enough tools I’ve found a tool box already and a broken radio around I’m sure I can work a signal transmitter with time. That’s great I said. Mean while I think we should find other local means of getting help. Maybe an SOS or help sign on the floor to signal any near by plane if we are lucky enough. We should also try a smoke signal I’m sure it’ll come in handy. That will work out really nice said @small-ville. Hey @whitestallion do you have a knife with you? I asked. Yes he said. That good but can any one here make a really good fire its getting dark and I think our main priority should be to get foo, water , fire and shelter. Can anyone here hunt? I can said @awesononso I work at a game reserve I’m sure I can get us dinner. What about you @small-ville,can you walk with the leg. I guess I can limp,I can assist you guys though I was a chef on the cruise ship. I can find my way around with some herbs and cook the dinner. Okay that’s really good I said. @alphafx and I will work on the shelter. @whitestallion I would love you to assist @awesononso, and @small-ville will help us start the fire. Is that okay? Yes they nodded in agreement. Okay then lets spread out and be careful in there we have no idea whats lurking around.

Its day 2 on the island now. We were able to build shelter close to the beach with the wood and dried leaves around. Hey its not prefect but it’ll hold I guess. We found a water fall within the island which we’ve used for our water supply as the sea is salty @small-ville started a fire and we’ve been supplying wood to keep it burning in otherto send the smoke signals. @awesononso and @whitestallion made some traps and caught a game. Yes we caught a wild boar a big one. @small-ville was able to get some wild herbs he recognized with the help of @alphafx who identified them as okay. He made the best dish ever we even dried some of the meat for preservation. I must say so far so good we’ve been going well. @whitestallion has been trying to fix the radio transmitter-ever since to get help and he’s been making progress. I think we can survive this.


Journal 5:
Its almost a week now, I just had some coconuts and mush room soup for breakfast. @whitestallion used his walkie talkie and some parts from my bursted phone to work on the transmitter, he says he is almost done. I guess there is hope after all. Heyy!! Heyy (distant noises from the hut) hey guys !! It’s working come ovvverr heree!! Yelled @whitestallion. Its done? Wait its done? Yesss!! Yesss I yelled. We were all happy jumping all around in jubilation. I ran towards the hut just as @awesononso ,@alphafx and @small-ville did.
Hello, hello this is @whitestallion from the Queens cruise ship recently wrecked over? ( radio wave noises) this is sergeant kilowag from the British royal navy, may I get your location over? (Yes!! I muttered in happiness we are saved)we are west on an island from the ship wreck I don’t know where exactly but its deserted we need rescue I repeat we need rescue over? ( radio wave noises) rescue is on its way we will find you. How many survivors are on the island I repeat how many survivors over? We are 4 survivors,I repeat 4 survivors said @whitestallion. A smoke signal has been prepared to help your search over?(Radio waves noises) a rescue helicopter is on its way I repeat a rescue helicopter is on its way over? Thank you sergeant over and out. Yess !! We are saved we are saved!!! Said @alphafx as he hugs @awesononso. As for me I cant wait to see my little girl at home, I really cant wait.

Journal 6:
Its almost noon and I’m still writing on my journal. We spoke with the rescue search team and I’m sure they’ll … wait I hear a helicopter…. Wait I see a helicopter.. GUYS!! Rescue is coming !!! Rescue is coming !!!!HEYYYY HEYYYYYY OVER HEREEEE. I yelled with my now friends @whitestallion @alphafx @awesononso @small-ville while waving our hands frantically at the distant helicopter approaching our location. The helicopter landed with the winds from its heavy blades blowing the beach sands on us. Hello I’m sergeant kilowag sorry for taking time to find you guys, I’m sure you must have had it rough this past few days please come in the helicopter lets take you home.



Journal 7:
We arrived in Britain which was the closest place to our crash site. We were taken care off and given health treatment. I met a blogger from @steemit who is currently writing our stories now to publish soon. I promised to offer my journal to help her. This was one of the most adventurous events of my life. @steemit made our story really popular and it went round the world. Soon enough I started receiving calls to attend interviews and survival shows. We even had a book and movie written about our experience and made tons of money. Bless all the souls that lost their lives on the day of the wreck, no matter what happens now . That memory is something I can never walk away from . Maybe I’m damaged maybe I need therapy. I guess I just have to move on and keep on living after all. IM A SURVIVOR.
