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RE: MY SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT by @topkpop: The #nocomfortzone Challenge

in #nocomfortzone7 years ago

Power to the strong women. You are so brave to step back and relive the past and post about it. Sometimes digging it up can be very tough. I find myself doing that in some of my posts. I don't know if I'd have your courage to put so much detail out here, for the world to see. I had almost given up and tried to end it because I couldn't handle anymore. To this day, I am glad that I learned to raise my head and learn from the past. God was not done with me. I hated him for putting me through the things that happened, until telling myself, those things made me a stronger person inside. My heart goes out to you for being so strong. And scars are cool, is what I tell myself. They are signs of nothing being able to take us down. That we will ALWAYS remain strong.


Oh, wow @pixiehunter your words touch me! It hurts me, I have tears in my eyes writing this, to know you were at a point you felt so lost & alone.... sorry I am very emotional, tears are gone & say......
I thank you for being so courageous to your share your pain here with me, you are very brave as well <3
Much love & humongous huggins to ya, D

The greatest thing that ever happened to me was bringing in a new beginning, via the birth of my son. It still pains me that he had to see me get hurt and couldn't climb up on the couch to be next to me. I came to with seeing him trying to stand next to me and crying. That was the last straw. The reaction of that little face was enough to give me a wake-up call.
I just wish more women and girls would be strong enough to do the same. No one deserves to be treated that way, ever..I have a sister who suffers brain aneurysms now because she did not leave hers.
I will never give up :-)

I admire your courage & am so thankful you found the strength to say, NO MORE!!!
You are absolutely right, nobody & nothing should be treated in such a way.
I am sorry about your sister @pixiehunter, that too is a very heavy burden to carry, I hope she wakes up before it is too late :(
Sending you much strength, respect, love & bunches of huggins, D.


Thank you for the very kind words @d-vine. She did indeed finally wake up and ended it on 9/11 of all days. That was her worst day and could well have been the last. But she waited too long and each day could be her last as doctors cannot help her at this point...He met his maker since he had many enemies. (strength, respect, love & bunches of huggins) back at ya.
Never Give Up never never never :-) We strong women are not meant to be quitters. :-)

You don't have to thank me, it came from the heart <3
I am happy to hear your sister, at one point, did manage to free herself.
So sad that such damage had to happen though :(

What's quitting? Lol, I got you! NEVER GIVE UP <3

Nope never gonna happen. :-) And I appreciate your heart my friend. :-)

That‘s right!! 👍🤘
I appreciate you too, happy our paths have crossed ❤️

<3 <3 @)--',----

Hugs to you, dear @pixiehunter. I'm glad you are stronger. Thanks for sharing the difficult things, too.