Pancakes At The Lake
Pancakes At The Lake
When you next go camping with delicious pancakes to cook. Please take some form of butter to cook the pancakes one. Also take some form of cooking appliance like a gas cooker, or even just an effective way of starting a fire.
Because all of the above we had none of. We had wet wood which proved very difficult to start a good fire with. We had some form of webber pan which needed a good amount of embers to cook on. And we had no cooking oil or butter, but what we did have was beer.
Corona flavoured half cooked pancakes are definitely not the dreamiest of meals to eat when starving on a camping trip. So just a heads up. Don’t be an idiot and find yourself in our predicament.
Anyway here are a few snaps of the Lake and a beautiful hike we did.

This trip was a few years ago and I plan on doing it again very soon. So maybe I will see how closely I can recreate these photos.
Hope you enjoyed!