Holiday Mask, an original poem by Sophia Manimen
Holidays are here: festivities and lights!
darkness creeps in
ebony haunts of the graves
I find my mask
Relatives come to call, bringing gifts and cheer!
some do not show
longing begins
I reach for my mask
Good food in abundance; we share a great meal!
some do not eat
empty seats
I cling to my mask
Gifts abound, passed around!
some do not receive
stilled hearts
I cry into my mask
My mask shows smiles to everyone!
levity and joy
painted image
I scream into my mask
My mask to show how “strong” I am
and how well I'm “getting on”
diplomacy in action
I crawl into my mask
My mask to say “It's all ok”
so they will leave me alone
my terms
I die inside my mask