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RE: Can we trust peer-reviewed papers?

in #science7 years ago

... sigh.

Sorry @kyle.anderson I meant what I said, and there is a huge amount of evidence backing it up.
But, none of it is peer reviewed... well, because it goes against everything the peer review / ivory towers believe in.

I don't care where it is located, show me whatever evidence you got.

So, which do you believe? Tesla or Einstein?

I did not know they were mutually exclusive. Also Tesla was a loonie.

As in, you can never understand electricity as long as you think it depends on an electron.
As in, you can't understand how light travels if you discard the luminiferous aether.

So um how do you propose describing electromagnetism? I don't think you understand how light works or what an electron even describes. No such thing as the luminiferous ether. Quantum feild theory and Relativity do remarkable jobs describing the physical universe - down to essentially the level of measurement. If you or anyone else found a better way - everyone is all ears.

I have more college units then you do. In more subjects than you do.

Lmao.. how do you know?
You clearly haven't taken enough mathematics and physics.

Go ahead, debunk the math.

You are right that some of the journals have their fair share of issues - the good thing: science does not care about the journals. It cares about evidence and reproducibility.


I will get around to debunking the math, but it is hard.
You have been so programmed, and then had you mind sealed shut from the truth.
So, writing a piece that worms its way in through that sealed box is proving rather difficult.

But, some hints.
Why do we teach calculus immediately after algebra? As opposed to something really useful, such as discreet mathematics.
Why do we believe that you can always add one to a number? It goes against set theory.
Why can't we divide by zero?

If Tesla is correct, Einstein is wrong. But, you have to find and then read Tesla's works. And they have been buried and obscured. And further, to understand them, you basically have to unlearn all you learned in science class.

But hey, our entire modern world is based off of Tesla's work.
Einstein, on the other hand, did nothing for our modern world. Even the atomic bomb; there is evidence that he really didn't help.

And, maybe I should have said, statistically speaking I have more semester units then you do. That is factually true.


Well Tesla is wrong if that is what you are wondering. Like I said, he went pretty loonie in his older years. Wireless power xD.

Why do we teach calculus immediately after algebra? As opposed to something really useful, such as discreet mathematics.

... so calculus is not useful, got it. Can you name 3 things that involve change of any kind?

My mind is open, if you have anything to share to support your points I would love to be linked.

Sure most people my age don't have too many units - I give you that one.

If you have something logical to say please do, otherwise I am done wasting time with someone like you.

I am one of the few people that I know that knows what calculus is for and uses it. For everyone else, especially engineers, calculus is a waste of time. The formulas have already been worked out.

However, my statement is extremely meta.
If you aren't taught calculus, then the entire math is in danger of collapsing upon itself. Calculus adds a self reinforcing loop to the structure. So that any person who is decent at math doesn't immediately find its edges and start to ask the teacher embarrassing questions.

I don't even know what to tell you.

Calculus is very important for any science feild.