I have seen God do things that are beyond human comprehension, so much that when I see a minister performing some unthinkable miracles in the name of Jesus I am not quick to roll my eye in judgement, because studying the scriptures there was nothing Jesus did not do, unbelievable things, greater things will you do was what He said, greater things than I ever did. Whenever I see these miracles I just say in my heart "Lord Jesus I celebrate you, if this is by your hand I give you all the glory, and if this is by a strange power I have no doubt that it will be exposed soon." It is unfair to limit God's work to all He did while He was walking amongst us, so very unfair, it doesn't end here, it doesn't have to be done the same way that I am doing, it doesn't have to be the exact same miracles I have performed, the order does not need to be the same, greater things than these will you do, greater than I am doing now. If Jesus walks on the air today we would mistake Him for baal, because while He was walking amongst us He only walked on water, so how then can He now do different. Jesus never wrote in tongues nor performed a miracle by asking people to put their hands on their TV screen, but greater things will you do. Oh Glory hallelujah! Praise the Lord! 🌐