in Steem Africa4 years ago (edited)



In the beginning of this world God Almighty chukwuokike abiama as the Igbo people call him, He created the world with the a word.
God made we Africans in his image.


The journey of Africa

From the creation of the world God almighty made things to be perfect with his words from his heart which made him to create man in his own image and likeness .from the History line of the ancient humans it has been notified that this humans were black and human civilization started from them .
Who are this black humans ?
The Black humans are Africans as some people say Africans are the center gravity of homosapiens even from the world map the map of Africa is placed at the center of the earth which shows the authority and strength of Africa to the world at large.


In this present day people actually think Africa has no civilization or Africa was so useless in the ancient days , But you know what the Gospel truth was and will still remain the truth that civilization of man started in Africa starting from their system of government .
The Democracy we practice in America today was actually gotten from the ancient people of Igbo Tribe in BIAFRA nation which is located at the Western region of Africa. This system of government has been in place for over more than 3000years BC . Before the coming of the European to Africa which they were able to embrace this type of government.


Before the coming of the French colonial masters before the came to Cameroon for trade , the indigenous people of Cameroon had this fashion design pattern which was made local with hands , which today we know as "VERSACE"which we all know is located in France the French people actually stole this design pattern fro the people of Cameroon which even today they are not given praise for such marvelous design.
It looks so saddened that after all the CIVILIZATION in Africa during the ancient times Africa of today has failed to grow and develop in all ramifications ,which people has been asking for a way to solve this problems, well my advice to the people of Africa is to go back to history so the can be able to understand the kind of people God made them to be which I believe with that Africa at large can make a change.