in #steemchurch6 years ago

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen of Steemchurch Block chain peace be with you!

About couple of days Steemchuch Ghana has been studying the good initiatives and innovations our leaders in #Steemchurch foundered by our legendary @Sirknight- the #GoldenKnight are putting in place in order to strengthens the Parish.

Some of these initiatives and innovations are for the various Parishioners to vote @steemchurch to win the prize of 20k delegation power for one year; and for Parishioners to join the Steemchurch Telegram which was just created for the smooth running of the affairs of the Parish. Steemchurch Ghana has views this as a calling to all of us here in this Parish. And as an association of this renowned community whose preach the good, no one should not be found being adamant to this calling. We should quickly adhere to the calling to vote for @steemchurch to win the 20k delegation power for one year and to join the Telegram for the unity to prevail in the Parish. Steem Ghana thinks that it is worthy to see all of here in the Parish of Steemchurch heading towards one direction with a common goal. We have seen the frequent announcement made by our Leaders in Steemchurch requesting from Parishioners to cooperation with some of the decisions taken to move the Parish forward, yet others are not teaming up. It is about time we need to change our attitudes for good, as Parishioners.

Because of this, Steemchurch Ghana is appealing to all Christians fellowships to "Let love be without Hypocrisy," one of the bad attitudes Jesus Christ spoke against both in the church and outside the church as far as Christianity is concerned. Hypocrisy is found everywhere: in our churches hypocrisy is there, in our market places hypocrisy is there, in our offices or work places hypocrisy is there, in our family hypocrisy is there, in our societies or communities hypocrisy is there, in our country hypocrisy is there.


According to Wikipedia, Hypocrisy is explained as the contrivance of a false appearance of virtue or goodness, while concealing real character or inclinations, especially with respect to religious and moral beliefs; hence, in a general sense, hypocrisy may involve dissimulation, pretense, or a sham. Hypocrisy is the practice of engaging in the same behavior or activity for which one criticizes another. In moral psychology, it is the failure to follow one's own expressed moral rules and principles.

Always, the Hypocrites see what is good to be wrong. There is nothing you will do that will please them, they pretend as if they love your policies and ideas but in effect they tend to sabotage them and finally pull you down to none. Jesus Christ found such attitudes among the Pharisees, even in an attempt to heal people who are seriously sick, they would try to prevent him. When Jesus tried to speak the truth, they would try to intervene and challenge him to just destruct the work of God. The hypocrites always want debate and to find fault and your weak points in order to harm you. Not that they don't know what is right, the pretend not to know.

According to the New American Standard Bible(NASB) of Romans 12:9-13
"Let love be without hypocrite. Abhor what is evil, cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor; not lagging behind in diligence, fervent in Spirit, serving the Lord, rejoicing in hope, persevering tribulation, develop to prayer, contributing to the needs of the saint, practicing hospitality."

The Effects hypocrisy in the Church:
The church as an entity of Spiritual growth should be seen with much of love, liberty and freedom for people. More especially showing such good morals to who are suffering. But, because of hypocritical attitudes among some church members, the love, liberty and freedom are done in selective way, even those who do not deserve them are given the opportunity to have them, and those people who need them urgently are being denied of having them. Because of this, most churches stand still, they do not grow as in numbers as expected. What should this be happened? The Church which is seen as a body that preach salvation is now seen as political arena that preach hypocrisy- discriminating who should be served and who shouldn't be served. In effect, most people too are feel reluctant to associate themselves with such community which have lost its values and customs, hence, the retard in growth of most churches.

Another effect seen in the church pertaining to the issue of hypocrisy is lack of love among individual church members. Hypocrisy is seen as opposite of love, since if you love me, you do not refute my good policies and ideas which help the development of the church. Most Christians are themselves enemies; they are like "tsetsefly", as it bites at the same time it blows on to the place so that you don't experience the pain." But, in effect it is causing more harm done good. When church members meet as congregation, they laugh and do all sort of things, but within them them they are like poisonous cobra or chameleon that bite and inject poison so that you will feel the pain.


Let us be careful of the attitudes we put up in our churches and in our community, so as we do not invite curses for our selves, since every thing we do we will be rewarded for it. According to Matthew 6:1 "Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven."

The hypocrites always want fame from people, but we should remember Brethren, that we are not worshipping man, but we are worshipping Our Almighty God so that we will we will one day be called for accountability of what we used our body for whether good or bad. We should therefore reflect and assess ourselves if we have some lapses within us which is contrary to what Christ Jesus taught us. We are Parishioners and therefore Christian fellowship who preach on Steem of block, therefore we should employ sanity in all our dealings so that we do not fall short in the love of God Christ gave us when living. We should let the love be strengthen in this community so that we can grow from grace upon grace. Thank you all for the love you have for our Parish- Steemchurch.



Well said @sc-g, to pretend as if we are Holy but in reality we are not do not aid the growth of love and unity among us. We should desist from our Christians fellowship as Jesus warned the Pharisees who were caught in such acts. Thank you @sc-g for this great message!

That is for stopping by.