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RE: Hello Mental Masturbator

in #steemit7 years ago

Brilliant! That's part of the reason I haven't recommend Steemit to anyone. Creating content is real work. People either love creating content, believe in creating content, or both to do it consistently.

If you've been blogging for a long time somewhere else. Great! Steemit is for you.

If you've been thinking to start creating content but find it financially impractical to pursue for the long run. Great! Steemit could be a great platform to kickstart your creative career.

If you're a professional content creator. Awesome! Steemit can become another great income stream for what you have been doing.

But if you want to get rich by working for 20 minutes at home using just your laptop. Sorry. Steemit won't work. (I think it does for some, but not for the majority.)

PS: Nice image bait! @maverickfoo :P


20 minutes? To most, it will be either:

  1. What to write ah?
  2. MS Word, Textpad, Note Pad, Google Docs, Evernote, or Typora ah?
  3. What font ah?
  4. Wonder what new trailer in on Youtube. Let me watch one. 3 hours later, aiya, late already, better sleep. Steemit tomorrow lar.
  5. Rinse and repeat.