Have Scientists Found A Way To Reverse Type 2 Diabetes?steemCreated with Sketch.

Type 2 diabetes is a serious and chronic medical condition. It develops mostly in adults, but is becoming more common in children as obesity rates rise across all age groups. There are several factors which contribute to Type 2 diabetes; one of the major factors is being overweight or obese. Type 2 diabetes can be life threatening. But if treated carefully it can be managed or even reversed.

Statistics from the American Diabetes Association shows 1.4 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes every year, while in 2012, 86 million Americans age 20 and older had pre-diabetes a condition in which blood glucose levels are higher than normal but are not high enough for a diagnosis of diabetes. People with pre-diabetes are at increased risk for developing Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke. This is up from 79 million in 2010. Complications from pre-diabetes and diabetes can lead to unnecessary hospitalizations and premature mortality. However, diabetes is largely preventable and manageable, and evidence shows that lifestyle intervention strategies can be effective in preventing diabetes. The World Health Organization estimates that more than one-third of a billion people worldwide have diabetes. The most common form of the disease, type 2 diabetes, is on the rise. It's usually the result of excess weight and lack of physical exercise.

N.Y.S. Health has supported a range of activities to curb the diabetes epidemic, including working to replicate, scale up, and promote lifestyle interventions; increasing the capacity of faith-based organizations to deliver diabetes prevention and management services; and introducing point-of-care screenings into primary care and dental offices.

What Is Remission?

It is possible to not only reverse Type 2 diabetes, but to stay free of the condition long-term, according to a new study from Newcastle University in the United Kingdom. Research done by Professor Roy Taylor, MD, F.R.C.P, indicated that following a roughly 800-calorie a day diet could reverse Type 2 diabetes. Dr. Taylor and his team worked with 30 people who had Type 2 diabetes for six months to 23 years and who were overweight or obese. During the first eight weeks of the study, the volunteers consumed three diet shakes per day, along with about 240 grams of non-starchy vegetables, for a total of about 600 to 700 calories daily. After eight weeks, solid food was gradually reintroduced at weight-maintaining levels of roughly 1,600 to 2,000 calories per day, or roughly one-third less than the participants had been eating before the study. Of those people who don't need diabetes medicine, some find that their diabetes does "reverse" with weight control, diabetes-healthy eating, and exercise. Their bodies are still able to make and use insulin, and their blood sugar levels go back to normal. Their diabetes is in remission.

On average, the participants lost about 31 pounds, and did not regain any weight during the six-month study period. And although they remained overweight or obese despite the weight loss, 12 of the participants who had been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes within the last 10 years reversed their condition and remained diabetes-free six months later. And after six months, another subject reversed his diabetes. These participants, the researchers say, had lost enough weight to take the fat out of their pancreases and restore normal insulin function.
The trial showed that it is possible to reverse your diabetes, even if you have had the condition for a long time. There are several other studies that have shown several other ways that are very effective when combined with weight loss that those suffering with Type 2 diabetes are able to reverse their diabetes permanently.

Will Pharmaceutical Companies Allow A Cure For Diabetes?

Type 2 diabetic sufferers have been searching and hoping for a cure for decades. Many have felt like a prisoner to this disease with no hope from pharmaceutical companies. For as long as there has been research to cure diabetes, there have been people who believe that a cure will never happen because treating this disease is simply far too profitable. People have been led to believe that type 2 diabetes is incurable, although many people have found ways to reverse this horrible disease. People must learn to take control of their lives and do their own research. We must understand that the pharmaceutical companies are not looking out for you, but for themselves. They are not interested in keeping the population healthy, since a healthy population will mean a loss of profit for these mega companies. We all know that diabetes is a multi-billion dollar industry. Type 2 Diabetes is increasing exponentially, which means more and more consumers. Pharmaceutical companies have a vested interest in keeping diabetes around as long as possible as well as leading people to believe that this disease is incurable because peddling their treatments is far bigger business than a cure could ever be.

Diabetes Drug Invokana: The Treatment Might Be Worse than the Disease

CDC: The U.S Diabetes Epidemic