Amazing Adjustments That Has Happened To My Life since I discovered steemit – Here to Win!

in #untalented-adjustments7 years ago (edited)

I would like to start out by using this opportunity to say a big THANK YOU to @surpassinggoogle for the love and selflessness he exhibits here on Steemit. He's given several opportunities to so many people on steemit to express themselves just the way they are. More blessings come your way in 2018.

I got to know about steemit through @samstickkz, and i and joined 19days ago. Obviously, that's less than a month. However, within such a short time, Steemit has greatly influenced my life in diverse ways, and molded me into a better person than I used to be.

It's a bit hard to describe. – what I feel inside.

However, with this write-up as an entry into @surpassinggoogle 's #untalented-adjustments contest I would try to state some of these areas to the best of my abilities. By the way, if you haven't seen/read about this contest (no losers), you can go ahead and click on the link above. right after you finish reading and upvoting this of course 🤓

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It's amazing how one piece of the puzzle shed clues on how to go about placing the rest of them. This platform has been one of my most interesting discoveries I've made this year. it holds a lot of things together, – You name it– Knowledge, cool friends, money, etc... Steemit takes your regular blogging to a whole new level.

Here are some of the amazing ways steemit has contributed to/adjusted my life:

  • Time Management:

As a Fresh graduate currently working in a nursery/primary school in Uyo City, The days could get really long and tiring. (of course i enjoy what i do though), but with all the screaming and talking during the day, it tends to be a bit hard getting to arrange your life so it doesn't revolve around work, and then sleep at night. Therefore, time management was required if i wished to keep at my "A" game. I got introduced to steemit when the school was still in session, so you can imagine how stressful it had started out for me. However, I wasn't going anywhere. 🤣 I knew i belonged here, and I realized that i would only thrive by learning to adapt. So I put in extra work, Setup plans for each day that gives the freedom to make quality posts and also get around some of my favorite blogs, without affecting my performance at work. Believe me, this is turning out to be wonderful. and it's not just on steemit, I'm definitely going to apply this to other areas of my life as well.

C360_2017-11-23-07-37-06-627.jpg I and this princess named Ability; A pupil in the school I teach.

  • Improved social, reading and writing skills:

There's been improvement in these areas of myself as far as I'm aware of. I bet some of the people i relate with will on here would not believe I used to be a very shy person. well, I used to be. and it was hell. sometimes, you feel that tickle urging you to try the *'out-of-boxness' –As @surpassinggoogle would call it–, but you just cannot get yourself to actually do it.
A lot of that has changed now, thanks to steemit. I joined various groups on whatsapp and discord and I have learnt to interact with people without feeling shy or intimidated. I have learnt to tolerate others, to accept flaws as a part of humanity, to make jokes and care for people I have not met physically. 1up!!

I never really liked reading lenghty write-ups on social media. It just hasn't been something I enjoy doing. More often than not, I'd lose concentration about halfway into such posts. However, Somehow, with so much knowledge and wit lying around on a lot of blogs on here, I've gradually found it a tad bit easier to go through some lengthy posts of some of my favourite bloggers (eg: @pangoli,) on steemit, (One of the many effects of reading something engaging or interesting) without skipping a line. Just so I wouldn't miss some of the salient points embedded in them. I feel it's not limited about the knowledge I'm getting here. It also goes a long way in helping me work on concentration as an admirable trait.

For my writing skills; I used to write but not as often as I do now on steemit. Steemit has made me take-on alot of researches so I can make good posts that others can benefit from.

  • In learning, I can boast of having a few ideas on cryptocurrency and the blockchain, Health related issues, online marketing and many other things that I didn't know 19 days ago. It's funny that sometimes, to make reasonable comments, one has to make a quick research on the topic so as to aid conversation and make friends. – speaks volumes of how exciting this all is. And what's even more beautiful is that I get to learn through those researches too.

  • Lessons on community, communication and consistency.

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Steemit has got this really unique way of teaching a lot of us some really important lessons about life and human connectedness. afterall;

No one is sufficient to himself

Everything in life has got it's process. And it starts small; Whether it's planting a few more trees, or growing a successful blog on the blockchain. 🤣

I told a few of my friends (non-steemians at the time) about steemit the day I registered. I was so excited that I'd finally start earning "huge" amounts of money "instantly". However, and after my first posts earned very little, I felt disappointed and my friends tried to discourage me.

Just then, community came through, and I'm glad I listened to @sussan who narrated her first experiences to me, and encouraged me to stick-to-it rather than listen to the voice in my head screaming "QUIT". Without her timely counsel, I probably wouldn't be here writing this.

Steemit empowers one to give and support others.

To be successful on steemit, you have to be good at giving. –@ejemai
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Some of the most successful people I've discovered on steemit are the people who open their hearts to accommodate, and their hands to give. This isn't surprising why people like @ejemai, @surpassinggoogle, etc... have such a huge influence on a lot of people.

By carefully observing some of these guys within my short spell here, I've found out that giving comes easily now. I do not have to start making calculations or documenting things before giving to others. The beautiful smiles on their faces warms my heart and encourages me to give more.


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By God's grace we will end 2018 stronger and better than we entered it. HAPPY NEW YEAR'S EVE. Hope to see ya in the new year.



Let's get to read about some of the interesting adjustments steemit has brought to your life... here's the link to that post again by @surpassinggoogle :


I'm so glad I met you. You're one person I'd continue citing as an example to newbies. I love you

I love you moreeeeeeee

Steemit has taught a lot of things... Great
Happy new year @annieben

Thanks deary. I wish You the same

You are hardworking ...stay cool ☺☺

Happy new year Annie! Love ya.

Happy new year to you too swthrt

Steemit came and dug our innermost dormant potentials. Other social media platforms made most of us just average. Steemit is the future some of us were waiting for, now we have it today.
Steemit is the brand we yearned long for, now she is selling our different brands to the world.

Well done dear, I'm particularly impressed about your consistency and hardwork.

Thank you dear. I am impressed at how much you've learnt in a short time too. Plus this comment is so true. Other social media platform just made some of us average thinkers. I am glad I found steemit

It's good to see how Steemit has affected your life!

Thank you Sir. Happy New Year

Amazing stuff, come and teach me o write please

I am learning too oooo

Nice one. Dear

You haven't seen anything yet. The best is yet to come it's a nice place to be. Keep grinding

The best is yet to come... Thanks

Steemit has done a lot for us

Yes dear. See you in 2018

Your story is touching