30 days to taming your tongue: Day 2

in #untalented7 years ago (edited)


Day 2: The Flattering Tongue
These people...flatter others to get favor in return.

This is based on a book I started reading. :)
Book title: 30 days to taming your tongue
Author: Deborah Smith Pegues

Flattery is a lie covered in a bed of flowery words. People who engage in this kind of dishonest act only wants to gain favor, favor in terms of tangible or material things but also intangible benefit , such as acceptance. The flatterer may think that others will like him if he compliments them or may be he have low self-worth.

My reflection

-I myself has engaged in this kind of act sometimes. I unconsciously learned flattery because of a family member. I thought that doing such was fine but it's not. I think complimenting is okay for as long as it is sincere compliment. You only lie to yourself and to the person whom you complimented if you're complimenting insincerely.

Over-complimenting a person, the flower of your words will soon wilt and lose all impact and if you are a flatterer, you should understand that. When we feel overlooked, unappreciated, unattractive or other negative emotions, we find ourselves vulnerable to flattery.

Some people use flattery as a survival tactic. When a bullied person flatters the bully by telling and making him believe insincere compliments, he will eventually stop but the fact that you are making false compliments, that's considered as a flattering tongue. Emotionally healthy people only appreciate sincere praise they earn for a specific distinction. Scripture is very clear on God's plans for the flatterer. "The Lord shall cut off all flattering lips..." (Psalm 12:3 KJV).

Today's Affirmation

"I will show partiality to no one, nor will I flatter any man; for I were skilled in flattery, my Maker would soon take me away"
Job 32:21-22

30 days to taming your tongue: Day 1

Have a nice day and God bless!
