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RE: MySBDS - Steem Blockchain Data Service in MySQL

in #utopian-io7 years ago

Thanks for putting this information together. I've been wanting to get the steem blockchain in mysql for quite a while, and I've got a droplet on digitalocean running your script as I type. I'll be sure to let you know how it goes, but I might not be able to experiment with things again until tomorrow night. I just wanted to quickly say thanks.


Awesome, please follow up and let me know how it goes!

I'm currently on the step "build/run sdbs" and I see the mount is using 437G of space so things seem to be working. I'm having trouble finding out how to access the data in mysql, and I've tried setting up phpmyadmin, but I can only get phpmyadmin working on localhost and I can't seem to get it to working using the network ip. What program are you using the access the mysql data?

Here's a reliable tool you can use to connect:

I'm trying to find a way to connect to it using the same droplet on digitalocean. Maybe the problem is that I installed mysql on the droplet to be able to run phpmyadmin. For example, when I type the following command "mysql -u root -p" I can login with nothing as a password and then at the mysql prompt I can type "show databases;" and the only databases shown are information_schema, mysql, and performance_schema, and there is no reference to the steem mysql database. When I vi to /etc/my.cnf I see that the current data directory is "/var/lib/mysql" but I think the data your script generated is found in "/mnt/volume-tor1-01/volumes". I'll try to play around with it more later tonight. My goal is to be able to connect to the steem mysql data with php because that is the language I am most familiar with.

Yeah, installing mysql locally is fine, but might make it a little confusing since you now have two separate mysql instances running, but this should clarify.

To connect from the droplet itself, we need to look to the docker networking to find the IP the mysql container is running at by running this command:

docker inspect --format "{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}" steem_mysql

For example, I get as the IP. Then, you can connect using the IP returned from that command:

mysql -h -u root -p

If you are connecting from any remote system, you can just use the public IP of this droplet with the normal port 3306.

Thanks for all your help. Since the commands you provided didn't work with my dual-mysql-trying-to-get-phpmyadmin-to-work setup, I destroyed the droplet I had been working on started over (I had to start over more than once because I forgot to increment the volume_name but thanks for your note about incrementing the volume name), and now it seems to be working for me like it is for you. I'm pretty excited because it looks like the hurdles have been removed so I can play around with the steem blockchain in mysql. Note: I tried using a while back but I wasn't able to get that to work with php in linux. Also, with the help of @eonwarped simplifying some Github instructions and pasting some commands for me I was able to get a condenser working which was neat to see, but my main motivation with setting up the condenser was because thought I would enable me to have the steem blockchain in mysql, but I couldn't get mysql working with the condenser, and when I saw the size of the condenser installation I doubted if it had all the blockchain data anyway. In short, I really appreciate there work you did here.

Sorry you had to start over but I'm glad you're up and running again. The learning curve here is a little steep but I've ran into most of the problems you'll see so don't hesitate to follow up if you have any other issues.

I'm running into an issue on my fresh install. The command "mysql -h -u root -p" used to work for me during the download or restore phase, but now that I am in the "build/run sdbs" phase, that same mysql command produces the error, "ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (113)". I also tried connecting to the database remotely using the droplet IP (instead of, and I got a similar error except it mentioned (111) instead of (113). Do I just need to wait for the install script to finish or is there something else I need to do?