Ulogs Development Update: The Use Of Micro-task (Per Github Issues) And Insight Into Our RoadMap.
I have lost bounties to developers but i wouldn't attribute fault to them. I simply bear the fault and use that to create awesomeness. In my recent times spent in the hospital, i started something that excites me. It got drastic amazing reaction and i will explain. I started a method of open-source development that involved micro-tasks (issues) instead of large or complex issues and this has been applied recently in the ongoing development of https://ulogs.org with great results and i will be applying these methods as well as soon as possible to the continued development and completion of steemgigs.org
I am going hard.
You can read more about the new approach
This the ULOGS Github Repo:
In the past few days, i wrote 13 micro-tasks (issues) on to the Ulogs Github, each of which i will gradually enlist below, to show you how less complex micro-tasks can look and also to give you insight into the roadmap and model for https://ulogs.org
Here is how the micro-tasks (issues) went:
1. Help Us Add Some Default Hashtags To The Top Of The List Of Popular Tags On Ulogs.org
Keeping all tasks pinpoint and simple.
For this task, we simply want to change the suggested "Trending Topics" (hashtags) on the left side of https://ulogs.org homepage (before login and upon login) to show "teardrops", "untalented", "steemgigs" as the first 3 tags, on the list, while everything remains the same.
We also want to change the words "Trending topics" to "Trending hashtags" on the right side of homepage (both before login and upon login).
Current Behavior
You will notice that "Trending topics" on the homepage(s) of ulogs.org as seen in the screenshots below, appear to display a random list of popular tags as determined by the steem blockchain or steemit.
Expected Behavior
We simply want to add a few default hashtags to the top of this list, with other random (popular tags) and "view more" remaining the same.
Note that the three hashtags mentioned though aren't popular tags yet on the steem blockchain. We also want to change the words "Trending topics" to "Trending hashtags".
Current Result:
2. Kindly Help Us Make Some Text Edits To Some Of The Wordings Associated With The ulogs.org Main Editor.
In this task, we simply want to edit some text.
Looking at the screenshot above, you will notice the word "Topics" over a box, where you are to enter-in a list of tags. We will simple want you to change the word "Topics" to "Hashtags". Then, you will notice these words too (written in purple color):
If your post is not a ULOG, you can always do a steemit post right here too. Simply remove the default "ULOG:" from Title above and kindly remove the default "#ulog" from among the tags in the Topics box. Please help us as we try to reserve #ulog, only for ULOGS. If you are doing a ULOG, it is best done once a day. Try too, to use your location as one of your tags.
We simple want edit the text above. So it should now be this:
If your post is not a ULOG, you can always create and publish a steemit post right here too! Simply remove the default "ULOG:" from Title above and kindly remove the default "#ulog" from among the tags in the Hashtags box. Please help us as we try to reserve #ulog, only for ULOGS. If you are doing a ULOG, it is best done once a day. Try too, to use your location as one of your hashtags.
- If your post falls under #teardrops, simply delete "ULOG:" from Title and replace that with "TEARDROPS:". Then, make #teardrops your first hashtag.
- If your post falls under #untalented, simply delete "ULOG:" from Title and replace that with "UN(dis)TALENTED:". Then, make #untalented your first hashtag.
For any post in the categories ULOG, TEARDROPS, UN(dis)TALENTED, you have every reason to "mine the human" some more and no reason to be un-YOU.
On ulogs.org we seek to reward "proof of human".
Current Result:
3. Please Help Us Adjust The Font Size Of Some Text On Ulogs.org
This task is a simple font edit.
Look at the screenshot above! Look at where the cursor is and you will see it pointing to a comment made from ulogs.org. Underneath this comment, you will also see the following words (that show by default on steemit for every comment made from ulogs.org):
This comment was made from https://ulogs.org
Kindly reduce the font size of this text, so that that is slightly smaller than the base comment. Not too tiny, just a notch smaller.
Current Result:
4. Please Help Us Tweak The "Interesting people" Segment On The Right Side Of ULOGS.ORG Homepage.
For this task, start by look at the screenshot below:
Note that on the right side of https://ulogs.org (homepage upon sign-in), there is a segment that displays "Interesting People", (suggesting a list of people to follow).
We will like you to make some tweaks to this segment!
- Simply change the words "Interesting people" to "Interesting ULOGGERS"
- Tweak the default algorithm for "Interesting people" to shape it up perfectly for "Interesting ULOGGERS.
https://ulogs.org currently appears to take into cognizance "reputation" and perhaps "steem account age", in determining what constitutes the list of "Interesting people", we want to stick to that base algorithm, while adding one more simple rule to the existing algorithm (Interesting people)
That is, we want to add one more determinant, for what will now constitute "Interesting ULOGGERS".
To accomplish this, simply add one more rule to the existing algorithm; the rule that says; "Interesting ULOGGERS" list, should display users who meet every rule of the existing algorithm but who must also be verified and certified ULOGGERS (i.e steemit accounts that have been followed by the @uloggers' steemit account.
The "Interesting ULOGGERS" segment on the right side of https://ulogs.org homepage (upon sign-in), should now promote/populate only verified & certified ULOGGERS (i.e steemit accounts that have been followed by the @uloggers' steemit account), who also meet all the existing rules, guiding what is displayed currently on "Interesting people".
Current Result:
5. Please Make Each Image In The Slide On ulogs.org Homepage (Upon Sign-in) Clickable, Leading To A URL.
Please insert clickable links into each image that forms part of the slides on https://ulogs.org homepage upon sign up, so that when each image is clicked, it leads to a URL.
Also kindly add one more image to the slides in the center of the slide arrangement. There are currently 4 images in the slides. I would like to add one more to make it 5 images but put this particular image in position 3 of the slides. This is the image to put:
Below i will simple put a listing of now all 5 images with corresponding URL(s):
Current Result
Visit https://ulogs.org; you will find out that the above micro-task (issue) has been done and dusted.
6. Simply Change To URL Associated With The "Sign Up" Tab On The Landing Page Of https://ulogs.org
Look at this screenshot:
Simply change the "Sign Up" URL from "https://signup.steemit.com/?ref=busy / https://signup.steemit.com/?ref=busy" to "https://signup.steemit.com/?ref=ulogs / https://signup.steemit.com/?ref=ulogs"
Current Result:
7. Please Change The Default Wordings In The "Quick Post Editor" And Change The Default Tag On This Editor To #ulog
Simply change the wording in the this image below:
to this: Save the day!!! Tell us what you see; what is on your mind; what's going on around you (currently).............
See below:
Note: Everything remains the same i.e is only the words change but keep the new words graded out too! Next, go ahead to change the default hashtag on that "quick post" editor from #busy to #ulog
Currently, this is what shows as default tag when you post from that editor:
Current Status:
Micro-task completed!!!
8. Please A New Box/Tab To The Homepage Of ULOGS upon sign-in
Please add a (minimalistic design) that looks like this:
to this the right side of the homepage (upon sign-in) of https://ulogs.org as seen below (wordings to use included):
Current Status:
9. Simply change the title of all links across ulogs.org to show ulogs
Some pages or many pages on ulogs.org still show busy instead of ulogs. you will notice this if you did a search in google using the search query "link:ulogs.org"
In this task, kindly tend to all such cases across ulogs.org, so that all pages across the website are titled ulogs instead of busy
Note: ulogs.org is a fork of busy
Current Status:
10. Make All Steemit Posts Render Perfectly On Ulogs.org
Look at this two URL(s) below prior to starting this task...
- https://ulogs.org/@ulogs/new-to-ulogs-or-welcoming-new-celebrities-june-25-2018
- https://ulogs.org/@teardrops/teardrops-token-proof-of-tears-the-curation-a-tear-now-has-value-72
Now compare them to their busy or steemit counterpart-links below: i.e
- https://busy.org/@ulogs/new-to-ulogs-or-welcoming-new-celebrities-june-25-2018
- https://busy.org/@teardrops/teardrops-token-proof-of-tears-the-curation-a-tear-now-has-value-72
Being that ulogs is a fork of busy, you will expect rendering of steemit posts to be alike and to come out perfect. However, this didn't turn out the case with some steemit posts viewed from ulogs.org e.g see a screenshots below comparing the same post as view from busy and ulogs respectively:
Some posts render perfectly though when view from ulogs but especially with steemit posts carry more complex formatting (markdown), then display or the render of the post when viewed from ulogs.org comes out skewed.
This isn't suppose to be the case as busy.org renders this same steemit post perfectly and ulogs.org is a fork of busy.
Please fix, so that all steemit url (posts) render perfectly when viewed from ulogs.org
Current Status:
Worked on but needing revision and is currently re-opened and available for developers who are interested in fixing it for a bounty in steem or SBD.
11. Please Help Us Change The Icon Of The Browser Tab (favicon) For Ulogs.org! You can request the ico file for the correct icon to your email address.
This task simply involve changing the favicon to an ico file that i was going to provide via email
Current Status:
Favicon changed but needing some revision
12. Please Help Us Add A Gif To The Landing Of Ulogs.org
Let's try out this GIF below on the landing page of https://ulogs.org prior to login.
Simply place it under the the box/tab on the right side that says, "new to ulogs; sign up".
Current Status:
13. Random Resets during first few auto saves contributed by @ankarlie
Expected behavior
When the condenser auto saves it should save the current content and data that was inputted in the Title, tag and content field should be retained so that the writer can continue work.
Actual behavior
When the condenser auto saves for the first couple of times it clears all the fields. The writter loses the initial work he/she has done. This usually happens for the first 1-3 times auto saves.
How to reproduce
Try using a computer and chrome or firefox browser. Write the title, tag and some content. Wait for a couple of secs without doing anything it should auto save. When it auto save it clears all the inputted data. When you try to recover from the saved draft nothing is there
- Browser: Chrome and firefox
- Operating system: Windows 10
Current Status:
Was worked on but currently disabled for revision and open to contributions. Thus, if you are programmer and want to take up this task for a bounty paid in steem or SBD, please contact us on discord (look for @surpassinggoogle) or leave a comment below.
Quick Conclusion
You will notice how less-complex or simple, micro-tasks (per Github issue) can be as opposed to large tasks.
This removes "all barriers to entry" as was the case indeed. After a day of posting these 13 micro-tasks, around 13 developers showed interest. In the end one developer did all 13 micro-tasks.
It no longer matter much if developers were experts, veterans, or enthusiasts or mattered if they had "time-on-hand or not" as they could each afford to pick up some tasks.
Notice, that some micro-tasks (issues) were kept as simple as "text edits", font edits, inserting URL etc tasks which non-expert developers will feel confident about taking up.
The experience overall turned out special.
It also became easier to discuss payments, make payments where needed and developers could afford to be proactive about offering their contributions for free. It so reduced on possible relationship-mishaps as as many who desire can participate per task and be satisfied, till another micro-task pops up.
I had to pause on writing more of these micro-tasks as i am in the hospital and have been for days and i have become drained but i have resumed today again and already have two micro-tasks (issues) in the pipeline as seen here:
After this post, i will write more etc
Once, ulogs.org enters a level of stability, i will resume to "applying this same developmental method" to complete https://steemgigs.org which is a way harder website to pull off.
In a separate post, upon the full-blown announcement of https://ulogs.org, i will explain all the algorithm changes, the reasons for these changes and we will enter into the real world with full-blown promotion for steem.
We will promote steem as also "a social platform where you can meet with "true celebrities", be "true celebrities" or "true fans" etc and earn a variety of rewards and steem as you engage in a fun art that "mines the human" called #ulogging".
Well, many people have starting #ulogging before the invention of the word "ULOGGING".
Note: From the entire experience or approach that applied the use of micro-programming-tasks, a new enterprise also happened as a result and this is a blessing. I am still shaping up the model.
Altogether, the model involves an entire curriculum, that will apply the world of programmers into coding for steem with swag.
Even fashion is involved!
Your Boy Terry
Visit this link
or leave a comment to indicate interest. You can also leave a comment directly on an issue onhttps://github.com/ulogs/ulogs/issues
Let's Grow Steemit/Steem Inside-Out With One Other Hack!!!
Click On The Link To Subscribe To My Youtube Channel:
I will be waking the YouTube channel up and storming it with steem/steemit related videos. My videos will contain rare Intel, "no books" involved (in assimilateable bits).
Quick Update:
19,916 Steemit Posts Across
, Since Its Birth A Month Ago! Ulogs.org Is In Test Phase! We Can Now Simply Tell Friends To Join Steem To Try
Join in and become a ULOGGER today.
- Start by getting your personalized ULOGGER GIF footer/header HERE!!!
- Then, please digest this post and this post and this post and like me, join in and become a Ulogger today.
You can use these graphics as comment responses while curation #ulogs as "true fans":
graphics was created by @iwrite and picked from a post of @purpledaisy57
You can get minimalist-design ULOGGER footers like this (below) from
I do need strength
Dedicating My Entire Steem/Steemit Journey To My Mum
If you want to support an extra witness and you support mine "steemgigs", it will be really helpful.
To vote my witness, simply visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type in "steemgigs" into the first search box for witnesses or simply click Here to do it on one click!
If you want me to make witness voting decisions on your behalf, simply visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type in "surpassinggoogle" in the second box for proxy.
Join the Steemgigs Community on discord: https://discord.gg/CGuPyyT
"Everyone has something to offer!" Why not?
Your Boy Terry
@surpassinggoogle, greetings to you.
It's been a while, I learnt your dad had been sick, so sorry for that. My too isn't feeling okay too. Even me, am to visit the health centre tomorrow.
I got worried when I couldn't see you at the show, am sure you are okay.
Please do your best to try to reach us so we would know if you really okay.
With lots of love, thanks for the corrections.
Thank you for the love. As for okay, i am not sure but i still function. I should be in the next talk somehow. We missed one another in DM
This comment was made from https://ulogs.org
I have lost bounties to developers but I wouldn't attribute fault to them. I simply bear the fault and use that to create awesomeness.
I just love the way you divided the task in smalls chunks, What will happen?
Oh sorry, I forgot to ask about your father, how is he now? did you take him back home with you?
You know what you weren't able to join last show, we missssss youuuuuuuu aloooooooot <3 and i'm saying it from the bottom of my heart <3
In the end Our prayers are with you and your Dad <3 He will be alright soon <3 I want to see you happy and smiling :)
God bless you :)
Well just Dont worry its all right some time it happens all you neet just stay focus
Hoping for ur comeback on your Steemgig program Sir @surpassinggoogle. Prioritize ur father first. I am hoping for your swift recovery and prayed for u that you'll overcome this testing.
Can we use the ulog.org already? I tried one time to use it but it said storage limited. Godbless you Sir.
I didnt know i could get the missed. Thank you. I think we will go home. Not like my dad is fine but he is tired. So likely today or tomorrow after i settle all bills
This comment was made from https://ulogs.org
I wish I could be there with you :( I don't know why but I just wanted to be there with you in this hard time :( want to hug you once. Don't get it wrong please :/
Thank you very much sir@surpassinggoogle.
Most welcome to sir@surpassinggogle
Keep that head up as straight as you do with the brims of the nice hats you have! It looks like all the sacrifice and hard work is watering the seeds you planted long ago. May you have continued success and positive movements forward with your goals!
This comment was made from https://ulogs.org
Happy to have come across this and to see so many changes happening right now in ulog. This is just amazing! In fact I was on the way to post a ulog for the day
@surpassinggoogle First of all i want to appreciate your work because you have created ULOG and now it's became on of the important tag and everyone is sharing their content under it and in my opinion that's the power of thought means, you thought about this, implemented it and everyone followed it because everyone believe that you are doing an kind work all the way on this platform.
Secondly, i want to appreciate because you always help people out of the box and sometimes you also surprise people with your upvotes. So, for sure you have the art of giving and that's an great attribute of human being and always continue your kind work. Yes, mother is real strength for us because they will stand with us and when we breakdown in life then they stand like pillar for us.
And good to see that you are putting efforts to improve the Ulog Website and that's something inspiring to watch because, sometimes we give born to Idea but some lack in improving the idea and in my opinion you are striving to develop this idea and you are pushing it to heights.
So, good luck with your projects and want to wish you great heights in life. Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂
Very nice comment @chireerocks! 😁👍
Thank you so much. 🙂
soooo much info... i think imma bookmark this and read it when i get home
Excelente como nos muestras nuevas formas de mejorar cada vez más dentro de la comunidad de Steemit @surpassinggoogle
yes sir, we will do those things
I can see that ulogs.org gets better each day😊
This comment was made from https://ulogs.org
So much information here!
Coz he is genius humble amazing person.
Excelente post muy interesante y bien especificado, me encantaron las imagenes,saludos.