Results of the third round of recruiting for the translation of open source projects
Greetings from @davinci.witness!

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The DaVinci Witness has been collaborating with @utopian-io for the translation of open source projects. We believe that this initiative will help the whole Steem community because we are exploring the use of the Steem blockchain to provide services to the open source community.
We had to pause the recruiting of new translators for a while because we needed to restructure our rewards system and the resources at our disposal did not allow us to support more teams. The Utopian team has been very proactive in finding solutions and thanks to them we are finally able to activate more teams and consolidate old ones.
We have just closed a recruiting window and you can find the results below.
In the reviewing process, candidates were asked to:
- Publish a Steem post [AP] with their application text in both English and their native language.
- Record a video or an audio track to check their level of proficiency in English.
- Tag the post with, #davinci-application.
For maximum transparency, every application was also posted on the #job-application-room on the DaVinci community Discord.
We consolidated the following teams with new applicants:
Team Arabic Enhanced
Team Chinese Enhanced
- [T] @hannahwu AP, @itchyfeetdonica AP
Team Dutch Enhanced
- [T] @altrosa AP, @dragonsandsnakes AP, @tokentattoo AP, @anouk.nox AP
Team German Enhanced
- [T] @achimmertens AP
Team Italian Enhanced
- [T] @akireuna AP, @jacksartori AP
Team Polish Enhanced
* The user @szymciojazda has been replaced because of inactivity
Team Spanish Enhanced
- [LM] @marugy99 AP
- [T] @kaestorr AP, @cremisi AP, @navx AP, @zlatkamrs AP, @thatmemeguy AP, @dedicatedguy AP
The following new teams were formed:
Team French New
Team Hebrew New
Team Portuguese New
- [LM] @phbr AP
- [T] @leurop AP, @mrprofessor AP, @martusamak AP
Team Serbian New
- [LM] @scienceangel AP
- [T] @nikolanikola AP, @svemiracAP, @alexs1320 AP
*(Click on the link marked AP to see the candidacy posts) - The other unmentioned teams remained unchanged
Please note:
Davinci.Witness team is pleased to have you in our project and wish you all the best!
Welcome to all the teams!
Thank you very much @davinci.witness for giving us the opportunity to join this amazing project!
Thank you for this opportunity. Congrats everyone!
Congrats everyone! I'm really happy to be part of the Dutch team now, and I can't wait until I have my first translation "job" :)
welcome to the Dutch team and DaVinci/utopian @anouk.nox! No worries, I'll put you to work LOL. We'll talk soon!
Thanks! Yes, I'm looking forward to it :)
Awesome! Thanks for selecting me (@altrosa) to the Dutch translation team! :D
Welcome to the Dutch team! We'll talk soon :)
:D Awesome!
Thank you for this opportunity! :)
Good luck with the project
This is a great news on a rainy Sunday @davinci.witness!
I'm honored to become part of the team and glad that I'll be able to engage even more into the blockchain space. I'm sure great achievements are bound to come in the future and it's exciting to be part of it.
Thank you,
Congratulations for all teams. So excited to start.
Good luck
Glad to see so much people interested in this project!
Thanks for choosing me to be part of it too!
To everyone joining the portuguese team, welcome!
Looking foward to work with you!
@leurop, @mrprofessor, @martusamak
Hopefully we Will increase the team soon!
Yeah! Great! Hope to star working with you soon!
Boa! Espectáculo! Espero começar a trabalhar convosco próximamente!
Quando surgirem tarefas, como seremos contactados para participar, phgnomo?
Até amanhã eu vou ver como as coisas estão funcionando agora, com as traduções funcionando através do @davinci.witness, e ai escrevo um post explicando.
Mas a princípio temos que aguardar a ativação nas páginas do @utopian-io para inciar as contribuições (ainda não chequei se já estamos liberados).
Assim que entender direitinho como tudo está funcionando, eu publico um post explicando melhor os detalhes.
De antemão, se ainda não tiver, já crie uma conta no, pois as traduções estão sendo feitas por lá.
E se nada mudou do @utopian-io, cada um escolhe o projeto em que irá trabalhar.
Segue essa conta e a @phbr (a que irei utilizar para os trabalhos no @utopian-io) que vou anunciando as novidades.
Além disso, pode me contactar no Discord como phgnomo.
The Portuguese team with 2 users are from Portugal and 2 from Brazil? Is anyone expecting a proper translation for a team with 2 different language flavors? Portuguese from Brazil and from Portugal are way more different that english from UK and US, they are incompatible specially in the written form. Language system managers from Utopian need to realize that translations are not an easy system to setup and must follow standards when creating language teams, this can't be just popular votes. Else there will be no credibility on any work done!
I've got a point! I see what you mean. But on the other hand we got a team of 4 with half of the members being from Portugal and the other half from Brazil. For now the team is balanced. Hope that in the future the team grows or gets divided in 2: one of portuguese from Portugal and other from Brazil. And lets not forget the other portuguese speeking countries. Let's see it this way: we had no team, and now we have one. I hope this team becomes the begining of something bigger for the portuguese community in the Utopian world!