How to push yourself to work for your dream

in #work7 years ago

Your dream is in the waiting room. You don´t even have to ask for it because your dream sits there bravely. You are in your house sitting in the room of the present. Until you get your ass up in the dreams room and take YOUR DREAM to the present room nothing will change…

How do you decide? Is it worth taking the risk? You got to figure that out yourself, looking into the room brings you far, going inside brings you further.

Is your dream REAL? …. YES because you already have it in the house of your soul. It can be comfortable here in your house. So you decide to do nothing about it and “Just Relax“. Thats cool too i mean you dont have to chase a dream. Just do what you love and if its sitting on the coach all day then thats fine. Just make sure that when you do it you don´t blame others for it.

You probably came this far in your life that you say no to killing dreams. I will now give you my tips to push yourself to work even when you dont feel like it.

What do you have to loose by working?
There will be a day when you are so sick of pain that you don´t live for it anymore. Do you want to let the lack of drive just happen to you? Or are you going to stand back up to Roarr so loud that the world becomes your echo?

1 year thinking of doing it is like 1 year you throw into the trashcan. You also have an trash in the house of your soul. If you dont clean your house you will become very drawn down and restrained. So clean your house by using your time for your very important goals. Also meditate when you wake up so you can work on your dreams but also have an clear mind. Read: How to get into meditating.

You feel relief when your done with work. Remind yourself everyday that what you are doing has VALUE. There is no one out there that can create what you created in the style your doing it. Thinking about doing it creates a cloud of sarrow and guilt. You can´t fool yourself into thinking its not worth it, your heart knows you should. Because the passion you have for your dream requires courage and drive.

You are not so different to a lion, you think its funny but its true. The only differnce between a lion and you is that the lion doesn´t stop chasing his pray until he catches it. Because you are a human you can do it even more peacefully. If your goal is to "have" inner peace then you have to work on your inside. You work so much on yourself until you realise that you didn´t even have to do that because everything in this universe including you is one perfect organismus of an (from the worlds view) even bigger organismus.

In yourself is a smaller organismus but still its not smaller it just seems like it. The smaller creates the bigger and the bigger creates the smaller. Thats why there is no difference between human and the universe. No difference between GOD and you. If your mind can´t take it, then its probably too huge. Thats why there is no space for LOVE in the Mind

When your goal is to only make money then set your goal again! You don´t just want to make money I promise you. When you get older and become more thinkful about your life the priorities change.

Your dream can change the world.
They can take your dream car but they cannot take your vision of the world. ALWAYS include other people in your dreams. The intention to make millions of lives better gives you the energy to fight when its hard. The hardest fights happen within us, to win any fight you have to accept the fight. Means:

Accept that you fear working for your dream, Accept that you fear failure but don´t let that two small relative things stop you from claiming your reality from yourself. Because only you can change your reality, everything in this universe is ONE being that experiences itself from different perspectives.

Be thankful for hard work
Imagine you achieved it and someonee just walks by and gets it without hard work. Sucks right? Know that everything has its own price tag but also an different currency. The most powerful one is Unconditional LOVE because it exists beyond measure.

When you go to the gym you will push yourself into pain to grow muscles and get into shape. The pain seems very big but in reality it is very small compared to your life-span.

The pain goes after time and what stays is a proud happy face. Do you want that proud happy face? Then work for whatever you desire.

Work comes in many forms, Sometimes its harder work to focus on yourself when there are many reasons to speak negative about people. Also the reward comes in many forms, i think its much more lasting to live inner peace than to make some money. We live in a world of duality and we should stop blaming the other side. Life is not all about meditating and making OMM, but still it is.

When yang focuses on himself that he realises ying and yang are the same. When you stop judging you BECOME the inner peace. Also When we go to the extreme with meditating we forget the exiting and wild site of life. Lets just find our own truth within us and then live that in our own special way without judging. So making money isn´t bad when you look at it like that. Thanks for your attention, see you in my next post.

Nothing comes without work, no creation on this planet could exist without action. Dreaming won´t take you far if you never act out of your dream. Your dream is ment to be real thats why you have it. Working is hard and thats the blessing because when you do whats hard, you become stronger. If you do the work your self trust will improve and what you speak becomes real.

People will more likely take serious what you say because they´ll see that you walk what you talk. It is YOUR DREAM only YOU can make it happen so accept the pain and use it as a tool to improve. You don´t have to change everything within one day, just make the first step and things will come your way if you keep going. What is your dream? Comment below.

-Benjamin Azikezac-durant-302752-unsplash.jpg