Zionists destroying the West from the inside to empower Israel and create a NWO.

in #zionism7 years ago (edited)

The impression we are being given of the duality of powers between Russia and their allies and the West and their allies, never sat right with me. The same people funded both sides of the Bolshevik revolution and the second world war (look up Antony Sutton's work), and since then the world has become considerably more centrally controlled. For generations there has been close collaboration between Russia and the West in many different ways. 


Antony Sutton's book Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution


Lord Victor Rothschild

Victor Rothschild, active member of the Rothschild banking family, the MI5, Royal Dutch Shell and an advisor to prime ministers Ted Heath and Margaret Thatcher, was also a member of the Cambridge Apostles secret society which formed the Cambridge Spy Ring, which was revealed to have been passing information to Stalin's Soviet Union throughout the second world war and into the 50s. Like with any mafia family, the family comes first. Rothschilds only really work for the Rothschilds. They have no allegiances with countries, corporations, etc., which means that this must have been beneficial to Rothschild interests. 

Obviously the Rothschild family was very important in the creation of Israel, as stated by Jacob Rothschild himself, and the declaration of the 1917 Balfour agreement was a letter written to Lord Walter Rothschild who represented the Zionist federation. 

Lord Rothschild Discusses How His Family Created Israel - Full Interview

Fast forward to today, and let's look at the global situation. An alliance of The United States, Israel, the UK, the EU, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, Qatar and probably others have been conspiring to arm, fund and train terrorist insurgent groups to reek havoc throughout Syria and neighbouring countries in the Middle East, and this has been going on a long time. Not only that, but, for example, Israel's IDF has been conducting many bombings within Syria to give air assistance to the terrorist groups like Al Qaeda which they have been not-so-secretly supporting. (http://www.jpost.com/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Syrian-UNHRC-envoy-Israel-aiding-al-Qaida-linked-terrorists-484676) Bashar Al-Assad requested Vladimir Putin's and Russia's assistance supposedly for the straightforward purpose of defeating these terrorist factions running riot throughout the country. In Syria, Russia have been building permanent naval bases (https://www.rbth.com/international/2017/01/23/russia-to-build-full-fledged-naval-base-in-syria_686651) and airbases (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/06/27/bashar-al-assad-visits-russian-air-base-syria-us-warning). 

This should put Russia and Israel practically at war with one another in Syria, but that's not exactly how it's playing out. Israel's relationship with Russia at the highest levels is said to be "warmer than ever". (http://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/Despite-Syria-Israel-Russia-relations-are-the-warmest-in-history-485062)

Benjamin Netanyahu and Vladimir Putin are particularly chummy, and increasingly so. Israel have been selling all sorts of high tech weaponry to Russia (Israel are the world's largest producer of hi tech drones, for example) (http://www.jpost.com/Magazine/Books-Israel-and-the-saleof-advanced-drones-to-Russia-480326), and they, in turn, have been buying more oil from Russia than from any other country.

Sputnik: Russian Companies Welcome to Explore Israel Economic Waters Once Opened (https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201602251035309745-russian-companies-welcome-explore-israel-waters/).

Russia's arms industry is now the second in the world to the US, and they have recently been selling weapons to, among others, Iran. Iran have also been buying arms from China (http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/732346/Iran-China-Moscow-US-military-deal-President-Donald-Trump-Obama-8billion-terrorism), and did a massive gas deal with French comany Total. (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-40472858) So while the United States has continued pouring money into Israel (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/09/14/united-states-military-aid-israel/90358564/), Israel have been doing all sorts of deals with Russia, and their relationship is described as being as warm as it ever has been. (http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2016/11/russia-center-gravity-israel-palestine-mideast.html). How can Israel be so close with Russia while Russia are arming their most hated enemy? How can Russia be on such good terms with Israel, considering Israel are behind the terrorist groups they are fighting against? Maybe that Israeli Iranian "enemy" status is a little inaccurate? Militaries always need enemies to justify their industries, and Iran has been very useful to the West and Israel to be forever used as justification for increasing military budgets.

Another element of this is the Talpiot program, which has been used by the IDF to infiltrate and steal technology from the United States, for example, which has then been sold to Russia. 


Uranium One gives us another insight into the real relationship between the Zionist elite and Russia, with John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign manager, and his brother Tony Podesta lobbying on behalf of the company in the US through the Podesta Group. The uranium-mining company, headquartered in Canada, has since January 2013 been owned by Rosatom, a Russian State-owned enterprise, through its subsidiary ARMZ Uranium Holding, purchasing the company for $1.3 billion.


The Clintons have a close connection with the Rothschild family, with Lynn Forester De Rothschild even hosting a fundraising dinner for Hillary's campaign.

I'll tell you what i think is going on, and it is all connected to the fast-approaching (but who knows when?) economic collapse which has been manufactured and planned for decades. 

Zionists, headed by the Rothschild family and connected families, who believe in the Greater Israel Project have taken over all Western countries over the course of many generations, largely through their control of the money supply through the central and commercial banks. They also control Russia, China, Syria, Iran and pretty much everyone else. They have used the United States and their allies to do their bidding militarily for generations, and deliberately created a Goliath that the majority of the world's population sees as a menace, a cancer, an obstacle to peace. (http://www.globalresearch.ca/greater-israel-the-zionist-plan-for-the-middle-east/5324815)

What we are building up to now is a massive shift. Western mainstream media has become a joke. The Western military objectives have become more and more transparently fraudulent. The Western financial system is a blind child running towards the edge of a huge cliff. The Western economy is struggling, unemployment is rising and prosperity for Western people has been declining for a long time. Productivity in the West is basically non-existent. Western politics has become so overtly and scandalously entwined with corporate and financial interests, and increasingly so. Every aspect of US and Western society is reaching some kind of breaking point, and all these things have been orchestrated deliberately, because the United States was built up to fail, and their European allies too. 

The shift is going to be from West to East, and it will leave the West destitute. We are being intentionally destroyed in order to bring about a New World Order, and we will be left as third world citizens. This might answer some questions like "why was the 9/11 false flag and other false flags done in such an obvious way?". Maybe it's because a twisted version of the truth might come about through the shifting of power to the East, like the Reichstag fire which was widely revealed to be Hitler's false flag. 9/11 will likely be blamed on the US neocons, but they will be careful to not blame Israel and the Zionists who actually have their fingerprints all over 9/11.

When the paper economies collapse as planned, and the United States child, being at the top of the highest cliff, falls hardest, this may be a time for the Rothschild Zionists to switch power bases to Israel and to Russia and China. The United States will likely be left to rot, its reputation destroyed (like Germany's was), its people left to fight each other and starve, and its military and infrastructure to be swallowed up by the new Zionist-controlled world government. The Western countries are being run by Rothschild-affiliated traitors who have been working towards the destruction of the West because of their vision for the Grand Chessboard, which is a totalitarian world government controlled in Israel by rabid Zionists. A strong West does not fit into that plan. Please look into the brave, revealing work of Brendon O'Connell and support him in his legal battle against Zionist Israelis and their control over the Australian legal system. 

Brendon O'Connell (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFRV23uUZAf7l3tyq1CAoMA/videos)

Thanks for reading. Peace.


Sounds like a plan straight out of the Book of Revelations. A one world government centered in Israel so the Antichrist can rule the world. The Bible is real and Jesus is really coming back!