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RE: The 31 Sentence Contest

Hi Tristancarax,
This is so tempting, but I've got several complicated blogs on my plate, family obligations, and I'm trying to refresh my memory of geometry (if you can believe that). So I can't join in, but I am resteeming.
Good luck with this... a very interesting, challenging, contest.


Thanks, @agmoore2. No worries. Join when time permits. I'm happy for the support. Geometry was always difficult for me. Algebra I was fine with.

I do hope it catches traction. Last week, probably because of the holiday, was a dud. We shall see what this week brings. Better rewards so hopefully that will help.

I can't wait to read one of your entries again, but, until then, do what you do. 8-)

Heh @tristancarax: it seems you drew topnotch writers out of winter retreat. This exercise is unique. That's something. I'm off to read more of the entries. So far I've read and supported a few. Happy to see creativity blossom :)

It's blowing me away who is coming out. I love this.

You underestimate yourself, @agmoore2, but family complications, I get - our grandson at age 3 just underwent eye surgery Friday morning. We had his little sister Thu-Sun, her first time ever away from him and from home for so long. She was a trooper! But I digress. Looking forward to your writing whatever format or challenge you respond to, agmoore! and THANK YOU @owasco for the nudge and @Tristancarax for your amazing challenges and ways you support others at Steemit. Do you ever find time to sleep and eat??

Me skippy eat and sleep is akin to saying I did't go to the bathroom all day. Doesn't happen very often. 8-)

You are extraordinarily productive in your waking hours, then!

Just read your nimble piece @carolkean. Loved evidence of the struggle :))
Believe me, I don't underestimate myself. There's more obstinacy than anything else in my effort. Every now and then inspiration strikes, and that is beautiful. But I don't have your skill. Take my word for that.
As for your grandchild. So sorry about the surgery. My granddaughter was born with thumbs that didn't work. Had undergo surgery before she was two to fix it for life. Bad time. So I understand the stress. Thumbs work great now. Hope the eye surgery was as successful.

Opposable thumbs that oppose the body they're on.... poor little granddaughter and thank heaven for modern medicine! Not that long ago, mothers and witches were blamed for "birth defects." Genetic anomaly sounds nicer... thank you for the kind words! BTW, the more we write, the more inspiration strikes. It's like if you never exert yourself by opening the window, you'll never let the sun in. Or something like that. I love your writing!