Gratitude challenge 2 : Family makes it all worth it

in #7daypositivechallenge6 years ago (edited)

On Friday I was called by my son Joey to ask if we could meet me in the city Sunday for a visit. Now this is a rare occurrence unfortunately because My son lives on the island and it costs an arm and a leg for ferry fare. This makes our visits far and in between. Months will go by that we don't get to see each other. The last time I saw him was in November over six months ago. It also kills this mama's heart to be able to only talk to him on the phone or face time which he does not like to do. When you have children you always dream of keeping them close to you for the rest of your lives. But life gets in the way of that. Jobs, marriages, finances often moves kids and parents away from each other. In my instance I have two beautiful boys and their families on the island. I so want to move there but the cost of living is as high as Vancouver and it would not be smart for us to go into farther debt and give up our way of living to do so. So for now this mama's heart is torn. My grandma used to tell me how her heart was never settled. She had family in BC she wanted to be with and family in Manitoba she also wanted to be with. I could never understand her hearts turmoil until now. Atleast we don't have provinces separating us we only have an island.

So now that I have explained how my heart hurts you can imagine the happiness I felt to have a visit with my son even if it was only for a few hours. For a short while I could see him smile, hear him laugh and hug him constantly. I am so proud of this boy who has done a full circle with his life. As a teenager and a young man he got himself into a lot of trouble with substance abuse, ended up in jail for a short stint, has a record that you never want to imagine. Everyone gave up on him including me for awhile. When he was going through all this he was extremely mean and abusive to me because I was his safe zone. That was why I had to take a break which he had a hard time getting over.

We went for dinner and back to their hotel for a swim. It was so much fun to just hang and talk and of course hug. Before I left i told him to hold still and I kissed him on the cheek. Our family are huggers not kissers but I just could not resist. It was a sweet moment that I will treasure in my heart until the next time we are together again. That is why I feel extremely blessed.
Please accept this gratitude challenge
Thanks to@buckaroo for the nomination


Saludos, diste en el clavo con esta publicación. gracias por compartirla... que seria de nosotros si no lo tuviéramos ya que son el combustible que nos impulsa. la familia es lo mejor.

Isn’t it great to reunite with family members that you love so much? So glad you had a chance to get together for a visit. Time and family are very precious. 🐓🐓

Thanks and yes they are