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RE: 9-11 The Dimitri Khalezov's Third Truth - WTC1 & WTC2 nuclear demolition revealed by the soviet military intel in a 4 hrs interview in 2010

in #9-117 years ago

Greetings accepted with gratitude.
Profit and money never helped to boost the truth & the fair-play, only to bury them. We all need a 3-points-of-view stand to be able to judge on owr own and not to be lost under the assaulting sweep of the militarized media prop. Here's a response.
****************TRINITY OF THE TRIAL*****************
I BELIEVE everybody knows what the locals (aliens, aborigenes, amerindians, indigenes, commies, iranians, redneck americans, ruskies, scleutz, etc.) think about CIA, I-SIS mercenairies & other MI-numbered UK projects, and the U.S. Government in general and about its pecularities. None of good at the most. No one can be fooled by the scape-goating of Gyorgy Schwartz (clandestine kike George Soros), a colourful figure and the chief export-import rebellion campaignor & crusader, as if he was acting on his own, telling the U.S. Congress what stand they should take in the International issues. Get real, cut the media crap, because it's (the same) media crap everywhere, the unique chance one's got is to catch a rare uncensored glimpse and to compare what they're lying about in every particular country, some particles of the truth are leaking every time they lie. At least, three different sources of information do always bring some light & truth. Like in courts - a judge must hear 3 sources - a culprit, a victim, a stranger (a witness). Upon those THREE points a TRI-al can be build and judged. (Everyone can hear what TRIal comes from - from a number THREE/tri. One-sided information leads/tends to a deception, two-sided information - is a base for manipulation, three-sided information brings an imaginary TRIPOD, some kind of stable understanding and autonomy of a TRIAnguLAR survey (that's how the sattelite phone or the Radiogoniometrie works), a vision from all parts upon a subject or event. As if you were there, but you weren't.