lemi resteemedlighteye (71)memberin Deep Dives • 2 years agoTHE WAR: Belt & Road Geopolitics [eng/срп] РАТ: Геополитика Појаса и путаSilk road / Пут свиле . Source / Извор: Wikipedia There is a relatively simple way to predict conflict…lemi resteemedlighteye (71)memberin Deep Dives • 2 years agoCoronavirus Hoax: The Next Level [eng/срп] Коронапревара: Следећи нивоSource / Извор: Info Team Let’s not kid ourselves, nothing has passed. The criminal plan has succeeded…lemi resteemedlighteye (71)memberin Deep Dives • 2 years agoSERBIA: Jasenovac yesterday, today, tomorrow… [eng/срп] СРБИЈА: Јасеновац јуче, данас, сутра…Urosh B. / Урош Б. Source / Извор: МУП / Вечерње новости / Sputnik Events are unfolding at a high speed:…lemi resteemedlighteye (71)memberin Deep Dives • 2 years agoSERBIA: Destruction of UN and High Treason [eng/срп] СРБИЈА: Разарање УН и велеиздајаSource / Izvor: Victory Font Everything started in Kosovo and Metohija, everything will end in Kosovo and…lemi (58)in #rodos • 2 years agoРодосlemi resteemedlighteye (71)memberin Deep Dives • 2 years agoPrecedent Assange: Pallbearers [eng/срп] Преседан Асанж: Носачи ковчегаCollateral Murder (2010). Source / Извор: RT Documentary Yesterday was marked by an unexpected open…lemi resteemedlighteye (71)memberin Deep Dives • 2 years agoСРБИЈА: ОкидачАутор: Душан Петричић „Људски мозак јединствени је и чудесни механизам који ради непрестано, 24 часа сваког дана…lemi resteemedlighteye (71)in PHOTOGRAPHY [DAC] • 2 years agoSwan Portrait (With a very old lens) [eng/срп] Портрет лабудова (веома старим објективом)Vivitar Series 1 70-210mm f3.5 Macro lens adapted on Fujifilm X-T20 Most pleasurable weather this autumn in…lemi resteemedlighteye (71)memberin Deep Dives • 2 years agoTHE WAR: False Flagging into World War III [eng/срп] РАТ: Преварама у Трећи СветскиSource / Извор: Counter Intelligence Global The news of November 15 was the fall of two missiles on the…lemi resteemedlighteye (71)memberin Deep Dives • 2 years agoTHE WAR: Coup Masters [eng/срп] РАТ: Пуч-мајсториSource / Извор: RT News “For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall…lemi resteemedlighteye (71)memberin Deep Dives • 2 years agoToxic Island gets new Clown [eng/срп] Отровно острво добија новог кловна“If two fish are fighting in a river an Englishman must have passed by”— Anonymous The degree of degradation of the…lemi resteemedlighteye (71)memberin Deep Dives • 3 years agoThe Thinking Stuff, 18th Dose – Transhumanism [eng/срп] Ствари за размишљање, 18. доза – ТрансхуманизамШта ако је читав ваш свет заснован на лажима? It is not at all difficult to make a world based on lies. It is…lemi resteemedlighteye (71)in PHOTOGRAPHY [DAC] • 3 years agoThree-pointer from the Block 2022 (Finals) [eng/срп] Тројка из блока 2022. (Финале)There were over a hundred participants in the qualification part, and there were also those who applied several times.…lemi resteemedlighteye (71)in PHOTOGRAPHY [DAC] • 3 years agoThree-pointer from the Block 2022 (Qualifications) [eng/срп] Тројка из блока 2022. (Квалификације)Source / Извор: trojkaizbloka.org Every spring, the season of humanitarian actions with sports spectacles…lemi resteemedlighteye (71)memberin Deep Dives • 3 years agoThe Pfizer documents [eng/срп] Фајзерови документиSource / Извор: thelightpaper.co.uk The just published third package of Pfizer’s documentation on the…lemi resteemedlighteye (71)memberin Deep Dives • 3 years ago77th Victory Day – May 9th 2022 [eng/срп] 77. Дан Победе – Девети мај 2022Victory flag over Reichstag. Source / Извор: RedFish On this day in 1945, at 00.43 Moscow time, the Act on…lemi resteemedlighteye (71)memberin Deep Dives • 3 years agoРАТ против ЧовекаИзвор: Спутњик Србија У свом развоју америчка ‘демократија’ стигла је до фазе суперхероја – слободу говора више…lemi resteemedlighteye (71)memberin Deep Dives • 3 years agoThe Biggest Banking Scam of All Time [eng/срп] Највећа банкарска превара у историји„Допустите ми да контролишем новац нације, и неће ми бити важно ко пише законе“— Мајер Амшел Ротшилд This…lemi resteemedlighteye (71)memberin Deep Dives • 3 years agoThe Thinking Stuff – Gun Logic & a Mole in the White HouseI really don’t know who compiled following lists, but I have to thank my friend Patriot__1775 from the free…lemi resteemedlighteye (71)memberin Deep Dives • 3 years agoTHE WAR: Nuclear War? [eng/срп] РАТ: Нуклеарни рат?Source / Извор: Berita Satu A text signed by Walter E. Block recently appeared on the Ron Paul Institute…