love-dream (40)in #life • 7 years ago[fantasy original] magic box seventh chapter: the first meeting of the PavilionThe dusk drives away the crimson clouds, and gradually daubs a curtain on which the stars leap, telling the world of…love-dream (40)in #cn • 7 years ago(月旦评)【玄幻原创】魔盒圣主第七章——初逢碧月潭黄昏赶走了绯红色的彩云,渐渐涂抹上一张幕布,幕布上跳跃的星光,向尘世间诉说着夜晚的来临。繁星璀璨,美不胜收,色彩斑斓的流星雨划过群星璀璨的夜空引得窗外人阵阵惊呼,苏琴坐在瓦房砌的屋顶静静地凝视着夜空。…love-dream (40)in #life • 7 years agoThe seventh chapter of the magic box -- the picturesque green PavilionIn the blue sky, the breeze swept through the warm sun, leaving no trace. Only the flying kite's ink plume slowly…love-dream (40)in #cn • 7 years ago魔盒圣主第七章——碧月阁风景如画湛蓝的天空中清风掠过暖阳留不下一丝痕迹,只有飞鹞的墨羽从千米高空缓缓飘落,翩跹半晌,不知落网谁家农舍......…love-dream (40)in #cn • 7 years ago【玄幻原创】魔盒圣主第六章——被带往碧月阁深渊万丈,苏琴伫立在千尺崖旁,清风一过,一袭褴褛的灰衣猎猎作响。相传这千尺崖距青峰依然还有五百里,苏琴望着遥远的天边,一阵叹气,路漫漫其修远兮......…love-dream resteemedhtliao (76)in #cn-curation • 7 years ago「飛鴿傳書 cn-curation #008」推薦cn區博客 - 美麗花紋的毛蟲 + 《魔盒聖主》連載小說Source 「飛鴿傳書」由我 @htliao 發起,新手村 @team-cn 策劃的一個「好文好博客推薦活動」。 在 Steemit 的模式下,有心的新手的博客容易被忽略,連帶著博文亦會被低估價值 (平均每帖少於…love-dream (40)in #life • 7 years agoAugust fireflies, fly back againThere was thunder and lightning outside the window, and a violent storm opened up the night. In the heat of the…love-dream (40)in #life • 7 years ago【月旦评|八月流萤,飞来又去】窗外电闪雷鸣,一场狂风暴雨拉开了夜幕。夏天就在人们的炎热之中随流年轻淌而去... 夏天夏天悄悄过去留下小秘密......一曲粉红色的回忆带着我的思绪穿梭了整个夏天。 …love-dream (40)in #life • 7 years ago【Serial fantasy novel】Lord of the magic box chapter 5 - forest distressThe moonlight is like water, pouring thousands of miles; ancient rocks lie down, running water gurgling; blue box…love-dream (40)in #cn • 7 years ago【月旦评|《魔盒圣主》第五章——罕见的飞蜈兽】月色如水,一泻千里;古岩盘卧,流水汩汩;青盒范光,晶莹剔透;夜风拂林,沙沙作响...... 苏琴收了盒子,静观长空漫漫,思索斗转星移,辨清方向后,跃上枝头,开始今夜梦眠。…love-dream (40)in #life • 7 years agoThe secret of faster and faster time, do you know?The middle of August has quietly arrived. I don't know why time is getting faster and faster. I think you all have…love-dream (40)in #cn • 7 years ago【月旦评|描绘于区块链,需行漫漫征途】【现时与未来的感觉偏差】 夏日清晨的露水,晶莹剔透,你若视以朦胧的睡眼,恍若能发现隔夜的星光,那里附着了梦的痕迹,随着暖阳初露,露水滴落,你昨日的梦也一同流向了脑海的深处,化为你对这万千世界印象的积淀。…love-dream (40)in #life • 7 years agoThe fourth chapter of the magic box - the woman in green dress.Thick crowns of trees propped up a green sky, birds standing, green snakes lingering, emerald green Brooks flowing in…love-dream (40)in #life • 7 years agoFirefly flies in AugustThere was thunder and lightning outside the window, and a violent storm opened up the night. In the heat of the…love-dream (40)in #cn • 7 years ago八月流萤,飞去又来窗外电闪雷鸣,一场狂风暴雨拉开了夜幕。夏天就在人们的炎热之中随流年轻淌而去... 夏天夏天悄悄过去留下小秘密......一曲粉红色的回忆带着我的思绪穿梭了整个夏天。…love-dream (40)in #cn • 7 years ago(月旦评)魔盒圣主第四章——收了青衣女浓密的树冠撑起一方碧绿色的天空,飞鸟伫立,青蛇缠绵,翠绿色的林间小溪潺潺流淌,小鹿扑朔着灵动的眼睛望着笔直如剑的高峰......美景如画,苏琴却顾不及欣赏,朝着一个不知东南西北的方向在林里飞快穿梭。…love-dream (40)in #life • 7 years ago时间越来越快的秘密,你是否已经知晓八月的第二天过的很快。不知为何觉得时间过得越来越快,我想诸位都有这种感受吧……小时候觉得时光漫长,越长大觉得时间越来越快……这是一种细思极恐的感受…… 时间越来越快的秘密,你是否已经知晓?…love-dream resteemedteam-cn (66)in #steempress • 7 years ago新手村成立4个月回顾 + 村民们对新手村的感受(image source: pixabay) 新手村@team-cn已经不知不觉4个月了。这4个月来发生了很多变化。从当初很单纯的想访谈新人,让大家认识这些新人的活动,已经慢慢的转变成一套可以帮助新人成长的系统。…love-dream (40)in #life • 7 years agoMagic box, the third chapter of the Lord, the battle of Wan LinThe dawn of the morning is reflected by the flying dust in the forest. Although there is a dawn wind, there is still…love-dream (40)in #cn • 7 years ago【月旦评|(玄幻)魔盒圣主第三章——万丈林之战】清晨的曙光被林里翩跹的飞尘折射的五彩斑斓,虽有晓风拂面,但林里依然寂静一片,早起的飞鸟都已四散奔逃,只有幸存下来的虫子蠕动着渺小的身躯拖着巨大的鸟羽似乎在庆祝自己的重生......…