promudy (40)in #tokoin • 6 years agoAMA is coming!!!!!!!!!!GOOD NEWS! We’re proud to announce that we’re having another long-awaited AMA, this time with one of our advisors…promudy (40)in #tokoin • 6 years agoA COMPARISON BETWEEN TOKOIN AND OTHER RECENTLY CONCLUDED IEOsIntroduction Initial exchange offerings (IEOs) is the new catch in cryptocurrency market and these IEOs are proofs…promudy (40)in #tokoin • 6 years agoTOKOIN: A SUMMARY OF THE IEOIntroduction Cryptocurrency has been in existence for over a decade and it has made tremendous impact in all spheres…promudy (40)in #msme • 6 years agoTOKOIN: NURTURING MICRO SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE BUSINESSES THROUGH THE BLOCKCHAININTRODUCTION The ореnіng and grооmіng оf a buѕіnеѕѕ еntеrрrіѕе іѕ a vеrу tеdіоuѕ and rоugh jоurnеу with lоtѕ оf uрѕ…promudy (40)in #smartfund • 6 years ago$MARTFUND: YOUR FIRST STOP TO SECURED INVESTMENTCryptocurrency has long been in existence since the last decade. However, its adoption into the financial market has…promudy (40)in #blockchain • 6 years agoVOLUM: A PLATFORM FOR B2B ENTERPRISESTrade, a medium of exchange of goods and services which started long before the existence of digitalization and has…promudy (40)in #blockchain • 6 years agoVOLUM: REACHING THE WORLD OF B2B BUSINESSESpromudy (40)in #batmine • 6 years agoBATMINE: A Mining SolutionThe advent of blockchain technology and its adoption has brought to limelight a number of challenges that has plagued…promudy (40)in #blockchain • 6 years agoJAVVY: BUILDING A WORLD WITH A DIFFERENCELittle wonder why the world is transcending from the era of centralisation practiced by our antecedents? This is as a…promudy (40)in #cryptocurrencies • 6 years agoHUBRISONE: A SWOT ANALYSISHello readers, this is a second review on Hubrisone. The last review I explicitly explained the aim and advantages of…promudy (40)in #cryotocurrency • 6 years agoHUBRISONE WELCOMES YOU TO A WORLD OF SWIFT TRANSACTIONSHave you ever thought about the difficulty of banking transactions? Have you sought for a loan to no avail? Have you…promudy (40)in #cryptocurrency • 6 years agoCollective: A Safe TechThe Collective is a technological organization located in Guernsey, called the Fintech company, having varieties of…promudy (40)in #blockchain • 6 years agoChimpion: A Blockchain that Empowers MerchantBitcoin (BTC) has stirred a new phase and method in business since its introduction in 2009. There has been a…promudy (40)in #blockchain • 6 years agoIOVO: THE DECENTRALISED FUTURE WE SEEKIntroduction Today, in modern digital world, at every given point in time, huge quantity of data is being…promudy (40)in #logisticsx • 6 years agoLOGISTICSX: AN OVERVIEWIntroduction Transportation has been one of the factor that drives physical businesses. Transportation uses many…promudy (40)in #aergo • 6 years agoAERGO: A SWOT ANALYSISIntroduction Blockchain technology has come to stay and its use has spread to different sector of the economy. It…promudy (40)in #blockchain • 6 years agoAERGO: THE GAME CHANGER FOR BLOCKCHAIN ENTERPRISESINTRODUCTION In about a decade since the creation of blockchain, an innovative technological breakthrough, its…promudy (40)in #aergo • 6 years agoAERGO: THE FOUNDATION FOR BLOCKCHAIN ENTERPRISESINTRODUCTION Thе blockchain which іѕ thе bedrock оf rесеnt dіgіtаl tесhnоlоgісаl іnnоvаtіоn hаvе made thе glоbе a…promudy (40)in #blockchain • 6 years agoPost DeletedPost deletedpromudy (40)in #blockchain • 6 years agoDeletedDeleted post