pubmed resteemedgohsookjin530 (59)in wormhole3 • 2 years ago#饮食 #Food #饮食 #Food 《禮記·禮運》:飲食男女,人之大欲存焉 You are what you eat. #Foodie #Rice #noodles #pasta #pizzahut #Sushi #chips #soup…pubmed resteemedgohsookjin530 (59)in wormhole3 • 2 years ago#话外之音 #BeyondWords#话外之音 #BeyondWords #Memes #MovieReviews #Style #Fashion #drawings #paintings #Festivals #humor #Trending #design…pubmed resteemedgohsookjin530 (59)in wormhole3 • 2 years ago#信海拾金 #AI #Food #coffee #tea #信海拾金 #AI #Food #coffee #tea #quote #ChatGPT #tbt #lol #fun #happy #joke #giveaway #tech #travel #art #fashion #me…pubmed resteemedbsfmalaysia (63)in wormhole3 • 2 years ago#文字欲 #Words#文字欲 #Words #Literature #Translation #BookTwitter #Poetry #Amreading #GoodReads #IndieAuthor #BooksWorthReading…pubmed resteemedbsfmalaysia (63)in #gohsookjin • 2 years agoPayback is faster when Preventive Saving of FRIGAID is taken into consideration and Preventive Saving grow linearly with time as the average annual 2% deterioration of Chiller COP due to Oil Fouling is EliminatedPayback is faster when Preventive Saving of FRIGAID is taken into consideration and Preventive Saving grow linearly…pubmed resteemedbsfmalaysia (63)in wormhole3 • 2 years agoAfter full @Frigaid treatmentAfter full @Frigaid treatment, Measured (Restorative) Saving (improvement in COP) in Chillers is constant while…pubmed resteemedbsfmalaysia (63)in NutBox • 2 years agoWhy did Proto-Malayic *laut means "sea" and "north" (direction)? Was the Urheimat of Proto-Malayic situated at a place where its northern side is a great ocean?So basically it seems like the Urheimat (homeland) of Proto-Malayic people was situated at a land where its northern…pubmed resteemedgohsookjin530 (59)in wormhole3 • 2 years ago為甚麼泰語的 2(song 雙)、3(sam 三)、4(si為甚麼泰語的 2(song 雙)、3(sam 三)、4(si 四)、7(chet 七)、8(pet 八)、9(kao 九)、10(sip 十)、-1(et 一)、20(yi sip…pubmed resteemedbsfmalaysia (63)in NutBox • 2 years ago上古漢语猜想:余(*la)你(*ne)他(*tha) 是一组;我(*ngal)君(*kun)其(*gi)是一组𓃾 𓉭 𓂬 ⑂ 𓆓 𓈈 𓊽 𓋾 𓊀 𓁶 𓂋 𓂏 𓂀 ☸︎ 𓃻 𓏷 ⚯ 𓃱¸ 𑀯 ⌂ገ ሠ r ⌸ Rꕀ д ₁ 𐌙ꕀ ⌸…pubmed resteemedbsfmalaysia (63)in NutBox • 2 years agoZeta Power Improves Both Cooling Tower & Chillers EfficiencyCooling Tower: Efficiency ↑ Chilled Water Supply Temperature (TCDWS) ↓ Fan Speed ↓ Blowdown Frequency…pubmed resteemedbsfmalaysia (63)in NutBox • 2 years agoPrajñāpāramitāhṛdaya 佛説摩訶般若波羅蜜多心經 【ENG-CN 中英對照】 || Assorted by 整理:Sook Jin GOH佛 説 摩訶 般若 波羅蜜多 心經 Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya 観自在 菩薩 ārya avalokiteśvaro bodhisattvo 行深 般若 波羅蜜多 時 gaṃbhīrāyāṃ…pubmed resteemedbsfmalaysia (63)in NutBox • 2 years ago"藏傳大悲咒"/聖十一面觀自在菩薩根本咒/十一面觀音心咒 Eleven-Faced Avalokitesvara Heart Dharani / [梵]Avalokiteśvara ekadaśamukha dhāraṇī / [藏]Spyan-ras-gzigs-dbang-phyug-shal bcu-gcig-pa [Sook Jin GOH]Namo ratna-trayāya 敬禮 三寶 Homage to The Three Gems nama ārya jñāna sāgara, vairocana, vyūha rājāya 敬禮 聖 智 海 遍照 莊嚴…pubmed resteemedbsfmalaysia (63)in NutBox • 2 years ago大数据正盯着你 (2018年3月26日首刊登於《光華日報》)-- 文:華沙論贱 (Sook Jin GOH)原址 2018年3月26日 文:華沙論贱(Sook Jin Goh) 不久前英国媒体揭露大数据分析公司Cambridge…pubmed resteemedfrigaid (44)in wormhole3 • 2 years ago#Frigaid restores & lock ##Frigaid restores & lock #chiller heat transfer efficiency (COP, kw/RT) by displacing stagnant oil deposits on tube…pubmed resteemedbsfmalaysia (63)in NutBox • 2 years agoZeta Power Reduces Scaling & Peels Off Biofilms on Condenser, Lowers Tₗₒᵥᵥ & P꜀ₒₙ, Increases Power Generation Efficiency and Reduces Waste Heat & Fuel Consumption (kg/kWh)#Fouling #WaterTreatment #ZetaPotential #PowerPlant #EnergySaving #Condenser #Scaling #Biofilm #RankineCycle…pubmed resteemedbsfmalaysia (63)in NutBox • 2 years agoModified Reverse Rankine Cycle (Refrigeration) -- Sook Jin GohAssuming Isentropic Compression, Isobaric Cooling, Isobaric Condensation, Isobaric Subcooling, Adiabatic Expansion &…