thi-js (60)in #landscapephotography • 7 years agoHarmonic. Horizons. | 🌅 |"Some Dutch sea (in)sights"|Harmonic. Horizons. Water. Our little country is for bordered by water 40%. The Dutch have an interesting…thi-js (60)in #architecturalphotography • 7 years agoBoundless. Bars. | 🔗 | "Watch how nature breaks loose! " |Boundless. Bars. Standing in the middle of nowhere in the Netherlands, way up north, I found myself…thi-js (60)in #animalphotography • 7 years agoAnalizing. Apes. |🐒 | "Who is observing who?" I asked myself.. |Analyzing. Apes. It's a curious question right? We have known for ages that apes do experience human-like…thi-js (60)in #portraitphotography • 7 years agoMystical. Madam. | 📷 | "Be drawn into the eyes of this marvelous model" |Mystical. Madame. When she arrived she wore my favorite color and her energy while standing in front of my…thi-js (60)in #architecturalphotography • 7 years agoDusty. Desert. | 🌵| "There never can be enough cactuses in a greenhouse" he said |Dusty. Desert. When we as humans try to contain the vast diversity of nature into smaller places of which we…thi-js (60)in #landscapephotography • 7 years agoFloating. Flowers. |🌸 | "closing in can yield dreamlike perspectives" |Floating. Flowers. Using a wide aperture lens in combination with close-by focus causes the background to blur…thi-js (60)in #landscapephotography • 7 years agoRoaring. Roads. | 🚧 | " 4 Dutch paths to paradise " | (Editing .GIF included)Roaring. Roads. Every time I walk out my house I have my camera strapped to my back. It's insane how…thi-js (60)in #portraitphotography • 7 years agoFierce. Freckles. |😼| "photographing the most beautiful birthmark" |Fierce. Freckles. I shot with this model during the casting of a Dutch model agency who asked me to take…thi-js (60)in #goldenhourphotography • 7 years agoFluorescent. Flora. |🌸 | "The San-Francisco sunset applied" |Fluorescent. Flora. The subtle pastel colors casted by the setting sun made me sit on my knees to take…thi-js (60)in #portraitphotography • 7 years agoGazing. Glass. | 🔍 | "Utilizing the harsh background and my speed-light"|Gazing. Glass. In the Amsterdam Zoo Artis, you can find a historical greenhouse . I took this beautiful…thi-js (60)in #colourfulphotography • 7 years agoAerial. Aurora. | 🌌| "Try to take a long exposure at 800 km/h... " |Aerial. Aurora. Going 800 km/h I sat there fully covered in blankets trying to capture this 5 seconds…thi-js (60)in #goldenhourphotography • 7 years agoCascading. Colors. | 🌈 | "I included a .GIF to show my edits!" |Cascading. Colors. The bus... That is how every day started for the past 7 weeks. I have to travel away…thi-js (60)in #portraitphotography • 7 years agoLovely. Lois. |🌊 | "The girl what won the genetic hair lottery" |Lovely. Lois. Today I wanted to share with you this photo I took of the beautiful Dutch Lois. What struck me…thi-js (60)in #landscapephotography • 7 years agoCrazy. Condense. | 🌬️| "Clouds can get some crazy shapes in Iceland!" |Crazy. Condense. Try to imagine the following 🌈 : We were stuck in the Icelandic outskirts because our…thi-js (60)in #animalphotography • 7 years agoRuffed. Red. | 💥 | "Shot with an astounding 2500 grams of glass!" |Ruffed. Red. "Red ruffed lemur" is how this rapper animal is actually known. I found this out after…thi-js (60)in #architecturalphotography • 7 years agoCircular. Sights. |🌈| "Using this round tree alley for art's sake" |Circular. Sights. The other day I jumped on my motorcycle in order to blow of some steem. I looked quite…thi-js (60)in #animalphotography • 7 years agoStaring. Stallion. |🐴| " Getting a bit to close to this wild horse..." |Staring. Stallion. Way up north in The Netherlands (just before the wall) , lies the village "Den…thi-js (60)in #portraitphotography • 7 years agoDanger. Drops.💧 |"666 followers as of today! Please answer some questions"|Danger. Drops. Please take a minute to do the following: Breath in through your nose, and out through your…thi-js (60)in #animalphotography • 7 years agoAdorable. Animals. |🐑 |"The cute inhabitants of a nearby petting zoo"|Adorable. Animals. There are only a few things in life that more easily puts a smile on my face than…thi-js (60)in #portraitphotography • 7 years agoBalloon. Boss. |🎈 | "sailing the winds professionally for 40 years!"Baloon. Boss. The is one of those old man who you just wished to be your grandfather . I ran into him…