wandiyang (25)in #cryptocurreny • 6 years ago【09-28】What are the Chinese crypto KOLs talking about today? (Weibo - 3)A little bit about this blog series and myself. Hi there, This is Wendy - a crypto lover, an editor and ultimately…wandiyang (25)in #cryptocurreny • 6 years agotest= = i mean wtf?wandiyang (25)in #cn • 6 years ago爆笑!! 世界人民被现实生活疯狂捶打的瞬间——但是我为什么这么想笑。。。全世界人民被生活按在地上暴打的瞬间 每一张都看的我心碎。。。lol😂 生活 真的太艰难了。。。 ____________________END ___________________…wandiyang (25)in #cryptocurrency • 6 years agoWhat are the Chinese crypto KOL talking about today? (Weibo - 2)A little bit about this blog series and myself. Hi there, This is Wendy - a crypto lover, an editor and ultimately…wandiyang (25)in #health • 6 years ago#Tuesday Weight- loss Inspiration! How they look now and then !Good morning steemians! Today is weight - loss special edition. note: if you love your body and you are healthy…wandiyang (25)in #cryptocurrency • 6 years agoWhat are the Chinese crypto KOL talking about today? (Weibo - 1)A little bit about this blog series and myself. Hi there, This is Wendy - a crypto lover, an editor and ultimately…wandiyang (25)in #relationship • 6 years agoGUESS WE ARE HERE NOW !! FOLKS!Well hello steemians!wandiyang (25)in #australia • 7 years ago可怕!! 澳洲高校已沦为性侵温床?? 名校教授们黑历史被起底! 比好莱坞性侵更令人害怕...最近的好莱坞乌烟瘴气的 性侵丑闻的持续发酵 一桩接一桩的性侵案的曝光令人瞠目结舌 事实上 在很多人都以为是纯洁象牙塔的高校 类似的丑闻一点也不比演艺圈少 今天 我为你整理了一个关于澳洲和美国的校园性侵案长帖…wandiyang (25)in #food • 7 years ago翻滚吧翻滚吧 红烧肉