Twelve Suicidal Teens [Japanese Movie] : What is it about and My Thoughts about it

in #aaa5 years ago

Hello everyone!
Shei/Harumi here. It's been a while since I reviewed some movie or anime, so I am excited to write this post. Well, there's a long lineup of anime for me to review in the days to come, so I have to use my time wisely. lol

For this post, allow me to tell you about a Japanese film called "Twelve Suicidal Teens" and my thoughts about it. Let's go!

What is the Story All About?


From the title itself, we can somehow figure out that it's about 12 teens who have suicidal ideation. One of them started a closed-group for people who wanted to end their lives together. There were twelve of them in that group. The leader gave them instructions on where, when and how they're doing it.


The venue was an abandoned hospital the facility of which can somehow still be used. These teens have various reasons as to why they want to end their lives. One of them has an incurable disease which made him think he's a burden to his family, another has a family problem, some were bullied, others were guilty bullies, etc.

When they all arrived in the venue, they realized that there's an extra person who's already lying on one of the beds where they were supposed to die.

When they realized their plans were leaked, they somehow panicked and wanted to solve the mystery about the 13th person. Who is this 13th person? Will their plan on committing suicide together become successful? Feel free to watch the movie to find out!

What do I think about it?

I watched this movie because my teenage cousin wanted to watch it together. Well, I used to watch a lot of Japanese drama and movies in the past, so I decided to go along with her request.

Aside from that, the concept of the movie itself is interesting. In a world where "suicide" is a becoming a common social/mental problem... I thought this movie would somehow allow me to understand it more. And guess what? It did!

Based on the stories of the characters, there are really a lot of situations which can make someone feel depressed and later on commit this act. However, the movie will also make people realize how important our life is. Of course, I do have my personal/family problems to deal with... but the movie made me realize that other people might be experiencing a more serious problem.

Despite it being a movie, the situations they're in were very realistic. It taps various groups in society... even the entertainment industry from which suicide is unfortunately increasing.

I do know some of my friends or family who have the tendency to commit this act, so I always try my best to be with them. There was a time in the past when one of them contacted me that he wanted to end his life. I panicked and immediately asked my mom to call his family just to be sure. I called him as well and talked to him and asked him to meet and talk. Thankfully, everything went well and now he's enjoying his life with people around him supporting him.

Suicide and depression aren't a joke, so let's do our best to become of support to others. Even listening to their real feelings would help a lot. <3 I'll end this post here. See you!


I would surely watch it when my internet connection gets back! Although I've watched its trailer, it is just really very intriguing. Thanks for such a write-up.

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That's great to know.. :) You're welcome... Please tell me what you think after doing so... ^^ -Harumi