【通证经济/Token Economics】The game changer for real estate? 下一个改变房地产行业格局的商业模式?

in #aassio6 years ago (edited)

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资本密集 和门槛⾼高


第⼀步: aassioX - 交易易中⼼
第⼆部: aassioHOME - 不动产代币化平台 (RET)
第三部: aassioLIFE - 开放式未来⽣生活⽅方式与不动产行业创新

• 参与不动产通证化的房产所有人会得益于佐佑币(以下简称AAS)的升值

• AAS的持有人得益于佐佑币的升值

• 假定佐佑团队也会得益于佐佑币的升值

• 佐佑团队主要得益于房产升值带来的收益(用于团队激励的部分则主要得益于佐佑币的升值)
佐佑 通证经济图.png

aassio X
aassio HOME

• aassio LIFE是佐佑生态系统的最创新的部分,比如AAS持有人拥有住宅的使用权等权利
• 佐佑生态系统的聪明设计:先发行AAS有助于AAS在交易所中并得到定价和评级,AAS得到定价和评级之后有助于aassio HOME的成功因为房产所有人将愿意使用AAS对房产所有权进行通证化
• 有助于增加加密货币市场的参与人数:佐佑将会有助于提高加密货币买卖的活跃度,因为假定参与佐佑不动产代币化AAS持有人都将会投资把AAS投资到其他加密货币
• 抗风险能力非常强的经营模式:从财务稳健性看,佐佑会有很强的举债能力因为有大量的房地产作为抵押物

佐佑aassio HOME也面临一些竞争,比如以下一些比较出名的项目:
• Propy

• 佐佑模式和炒房型投资人是矛盾的存在?

• 佐佑模式将会对房地产一级市场造成困扰?

• 佐佑是一个很脆弱的生态系统因为佐佑的模式十分依赖加密货币市场的活跃度?

• non-fungible的AAS投资人将会更多的得益于房地产的增值而非AAS的增值
• fungible的AAS将持续收益于佐佑生态的持续发展
• 认为房地产投资收益比加密货币投资收益高的投资人
• 认为加密货币投资收益比房地产投资收益高的投资人


Preface: In my last article, I shared some point of views regarding a new blockchain project FunnyChain, and I would like to discuss a bit about aassio.
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【What is aassio?】
The business model and vision of aassio stated in the white paper are:

aassio is a blockchain-based platform providing effortless access to the real estate market to buy, sell and hold real estate in cryptocurrencies from the convenience of your own home or office. Real estate investment has never been easier or more accessible!

【What problems is aassio going to fix】

Liquidity – bad
Affordability - capital intensive
Transaction efficiency - high costs

That’s why in most countries, affordable investors are those minority engaging in the real estate investment due to the intensive capital requirement.

aassio is going to establish the aassioECO in three phases, and the solutions for the addressed problems would realize in the phase 1 and phase 2:

Phase 1: aassioX - crypto exchange
Phase 2: aassioHOME - real estate tokenization (RET)
Phase 3: aassioLIFE - future-living solutions & open source

It becomes the aassio ecosystem and it seems to have the corollary benefit related to the interest of different participants because:
• Home owners benefit from the price appreciation of aassio token (hereinafter referred to as AAS)
• AAS holders benefit from the price appreciation of AAS
• aassio team benefits from the price appreciation of AAS
• aassio will benefit from the price appreciation of the tokenized house

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【My point of views】
What are the potential challenges being faced?
• aassio X
Currently when it comes to listing, the centralized exchange might come first in terms of the mature technology and operation. It is unknown if centralized exchange should give its way to decentralized exchange due to the better security.
• aassio HOME
Are there policies supporting the ownership transfer from individual to the property management company in the way of tokenization? They vary a lot among different countries. For example, in China, it might not work because property tokenization looks like security token offering but ICO and STO are still forbidden in China.

• aassio LIFE is the most innovative part of aassio ecosystem. Features related to the utility of the property become possible, such as holders of AAS could have the rights to live in the property.
• Smart design of the aassio ecosystem: Issue of the AAS before launching the aassio HOME is crucial because property owners are motivated to tokenize the property in exchange with the AAS if AAS is public listed and graded on the exchanges.
• aassio is committed to driving the crypto investment because the transactions between AAS and other cryptos on aassio X become possible assuming that AAS holders are motivated and active to invest in other crypto.
• aassio will be financially strong because aassio will benefit from its financing capability due to the ownership of a large amount of properties.

aassio will be facing competitions in exchange and property tokenization.
aassio X will be implementing diversity strategy because aassio X is going to mainly focus on but not limited to real estate token projects.
aassio HOME will face some competitions, such as the following big players:
ATLANTA offers property tokenization and rental platform. Known as “the Airbnb killer”, ATLANTA aims at offering lowering the middleman fee and fake reviews for rentals.
LATOKEN is where any real assets or stocks could be tokenized. LATOKEN is so ambitious because its target is to become the Amazon of Tokenized Assets.
• Propy
Propy is to create a convenient cross-border property purchasing platform with the most credible legal automatic authentication. It has the different economic model from aassio because Propy only issue tokens at its first token sale which will be used to pay for the transaction fees and rewarding.

• Does aassio ecosystem represent different interest with those making profit from real estate speculations?
Real estate speculators bet on the rise of the real estate price, but aassio ecosystem will be likely pushing the price down if we assume that the property owners being bullish on crypto outnumber those who are not bullish on crypto.
• Is aassio ecosystem going to impact the primary real estate market?
Price of real estate is expected to decrease, and therefore the transaction would be probably less active. It is because the secondary market transactions would account for a higher proportion as the tokenized property market becomes more and more dominant thanks to the increasing maturity of tokenization economics.
• Will aassio ecosystem be vulnerable because it is highly dependent on the activity of the crypto investment?
aassio for sure will offer a better solution for fixing liquidity problem of property market. Assuming that the return of crypto investment becomes lower than the real estate investment, AAS would be like to be less attractive because investors would be more motivated to invest in real estate or non-fungible tokens being property specific.

I hold the point of view that it is better for the long-term development of aassio ecosystem to issue both the fungible and non-fungible AAS:
• Investors in the non-fungible AAS would mainly benefit from the appreciation of AAS instead of the appreciation of the property
Non-fungible AAS is token representing the property specific equity which enables the investors have part of the ownership of the property.
• Fungible AAS holders will benefit from the sustainable development of aassio ecosystem
Being coexisting, both tokens would together diversify the market risk, which would be committed to the organic development on aassio ecosystem due to the more diversity of the investors. It is therefore attractive to both the investors:
• Investors expecting higher return of property investment than crypto investment
• Investors expecting higher return of crypto investment than property investment

That’s all for today. More sharing about my findings and point of views will be followed very soon. Stay Tuned to my upcoming sharing in my channel.