Spiritual Lesbian - The Wrecking Ball Of Abandonment

in #abandonment2 years ago


'Thinking about the many ways we feel abandoned may have its origins in our existence on a lonely planet in a vast universe with no apparent life'

Our lost-in-space mentality holds a deeper meaning when we realize how easily we abandon ourselves when as a species we have no galactic neighbors to commune with. Our only interplay is with each other and the array of wild animals made companions by us on a planet of unlimited elation. Mother Earth is also a space of divine learning and the insignia is contrast an opposing force of nature and trifling events pre-intended before human birth. The moment we enter the 3-D realm we say goodbye for a time to all we know leaving us adrift at sea on a sailing ship of insane happenings. This is the art of reincarnation a cosmic masterpiece etched in the stars for souls to come and go as humans. The deeper meaning is a message of euphoric growth and amplification while gaining expansive prowess. From the moment we close our eyes in readiness for our journey to earth, we lose all knowledge of our soulful past. This puts us in no man's land as a baby born to pre-ordained parents of choice. Who they are will have a massive bearing on our thoughts and perception of this place we now call home for the duration of our natural life. The issue of abandonment has already begun and our desire for connection is ignited as we are a long way from our original source. Some of us had early memories that sifted through causing us to seek confirmation of our inner story of past lives, To think we could have lived for hundreds of incarnations is a mind-blowing awareness that rocks the boat of life as we know it.

'The cosmic stage is set for a play of erratic interactions'

A tango of eclectic adventures hand-written by us for scholarly soul achievement. Some will learn to touch the light of God while others will dwell in the pleasures of antiquity. It's always a choice that commands a warning for all travelers to be aware earth is the analogy of attachments. Self-made bonds of illusion and delusion, the mainstay of this planetary pipe dream a matrix of reckless truth. You see since time began it appears mankind has conquered the right to emulate God on earth and this has led to the neglect of the 'most high' unless it is cooperative in various religions. The distortion of our creator's divine status is visible in the workings of masculine abuse shown to the divine feminine or daughters of the divine. The emotional and physical scars of our women on planet earth highlight the need for a revamp in the masculine's conditioned thinking. That the feminine is to be controlled and feel powerless instead of supremely empowered. In saying this I can reveal my own showdown with abuse as a lesbian harassed by a man who disrespected my sexuality and showed no mercy in their constant pursuit. I am now in gratitude for my innate strength and belief that no woman should endure such heartless treatment. I am also aware this demeaning behavior is prevalent within the walls of our gay communities. In fact, my official stand for any kind of physical or psychological abuse whether the people are gay or straight is one of 'zero tolerance.' Archaic ideas about women being a possession or chattel have leaked into the modern age through men that support flawed patterns. In fact, these guys are blindsided by ancestral beliefs that the divine feminine is somehow weak and easily manipulated. The truth is so different as this spark of divine light is beautifully compassionate, nurturing, intelligent, and intuitive.

'She can be gentle or wildly fierce like a lioness defending her cubs while taking on the role of healer, sensual lover, and mother to her children'

She is indeed an exquisite jewel and a counterpart to her masculine unless she is a lesbian then her life partner will be female. And as the closet door opens we see past lives in the present day when lesbians and bisexuals meet soulmates who have reincarnated in the feminine flesh. A magical point of difference in a world densely infected with hypocrisy and bias. The divine feminine is potentially the most persecuted of all souls on earth, since her fall from grace in the Garden of Eden. It's been a rocky road for this worldly goddess who sows the seeds of human life but is often shortchanged on the amount of respect she deserves. Mother Earth is the signature feminine as she lovingly caretakes the abundance of her natural resources offering lavish land and seascapes as far as the eye can see. Her ancient heart of giving is abandoned by the species that take her love for granted and give little in return. Her animals feel the rejection of this human archetype as their boundary lines are vanquished by an expansive populace. These mortals of the matrix have no appreciation of this global mother who forgives her careless citizens for their sins of wastefulness. And as her silent tears replenish the land our ancient forests are desecrated and habitats are heartlessly torn down. Our earthly goddess is a healer forced to lay hands on her impoverished turf as the residents violate her inner sanctum. The bequeathing of this temporal star to all life on earth is an unconditional, phenomenon shared with the ultimate boss of creation.


'An eternal shapeshifter who crashed through the ceiling of conscious thought and brought forth a universe that radiated unconditional love'

The divine character in this fable was a magician of merit but completely alone, Indeed abandoned in a sparkling stadium of galaxies, planets, and space. The next phase was to birth a symphony of souls, a family of light bodies that mirrored their eternal maker. The destination was Planet Earth or Gaia the Grecian mother to the Gods and creation. This queen of terra firma has a heartbeat named the 'Schumann Resonance' an alluring low frequency and proof she lives breathes, and dances under the sun and silvery moon. Some would say she is the original feminine as science believes this timeless dame is around fifty million years in the making. Her lonely interstellar stance inspires a sense of abandonment as she rocks n rolls on her axis in the haunting dynamic of deep space. The stomping ground of the divine and cause for fascination as science and the curious seek to understand and solve the secrets of this ancient abyss. As astronomers search the stars for other life we abandon the message of compassion while trespassing on each other for the color, culture, and sexuality we simply are. The dissection of our species is a common standpoint on this rock of division as we turn our backs on anything we perceive as a threat or just plain different. Through the ages, women may have been worshipped as goddesses but still enslaved under the masculine rule. Her subservient role as wife and mother sparked a feminist revolution but did not address the issue of how masculine and feminine could co-exist in a world based on their gender strengths and variances. The same could be said for bisexual and lesbian femmes who were depicted as men haters which could not be further from the truth as I embrace all people for who they are and not their gender identity.

'I am a divine feminine who authentically knows her worth even when religions armed with biblical text defame my desire for same-sex love'

It's a constant program at play for lesbians and bisexual women to champion their sexuality in a world of religious rebuff, especially when they are jilted by their own need to belong. I decided to shine my lesbian light for all to see as my comfort in being this way feels natural like breathing air. I know, it is not always this way for other lesbians who struggle with their identity and how they are perceived by others. including family and perhaps their church. I walk the line of acceptance with a powerful strength of purpose that flows from my soul reflecting the human I am. My lesbian sexuality is laced with divinity and devout honesty we are the spark of unconditional love no matter what shape or form we enter this earthly realm as. For I am a messenger of source that being different is not a prerequisite for a Judas to betray and turn a world against. The intellect of mankind is being tested for it is here we reason the voice of those who teach racism and dishonor our brothers and sisters on a planet sliding into a chasm of ignorance and illiteracy. The withdrawal of understanding is evident when a daughter shares her lesbian soul with parents of religion or blatant bias. The abandonment that ensues is the product of deep conditioning. And dutifully preached through eons of gospel teachings unwilling to align with love between the same sexes. A love that transcends boundary lines written into law as distrust for those who refuse to comply. This is how our set-in-stone ethics bring wars to individuals brave enough to stand in their power as uncommon.

'The spatial split between residents of this 3-D orb holds court for those who become dictatorial experts in the art of prejudice'

A widespread disease of the intolerant heart and why the barbed wire fences are erected in response. It's a growing concern as our species abandons the difference in another for fear of losing favor within peer groups. Like lambs to the slaughter, we follow the strongest or seemingly most powerful regardless of personal belief. Then over the cliff, we go in a mindless leap of faith sacrificing our inner truth for the apparent greater good. Now is the time for every person on earth to stop abandoning our ability to empathize with anyone different in look, culture, religion, or sexuality. It is only when we can cross the river of rapidly evolving segregation we avoid the complete annihilation of closeness and a New Earth of comradery. Make no mistake, we will achieve our own demise if we cannot find cohesion with all people, animals, and the divine Mother Earth. The eternal clock is ticking as conflict is the preferred resolution to problems being peacefully resolved. As a collective, we are in absolute denial of our inner truth so abandon this soulful sincerity in preference to quick-fix thinking that allows us to self-medicate. And bypass the call of our origins which is unconditional love. The beating heart of a creator who fashioned a universe and our planet furnished with willowy trees, grassy fields, and forests with exotic plants and animals. This picturesque canvas was the work of an artist who must feel the pain of human carelessness as the painting now exhibits the payoff of human decadence. Our continual thanks for the 'Garden of Eden' so beautiful in its beginning as the tears of God created rain to rebirth the land in cycles of seasons. The idea of souls as comfort and company was the divine's desire and need for connection. Every soul would appear as a female or male human and some would stretch the script by being lesbian, bisexual, or gay. If you can imagine that a soul loves a degree of difficulty you can see the probable cause for this. Coming into a world of extreme programs was never going to be easy especially if you asked for the journey as a divine feminine lesbian who would navigate a path of titanic resistance.


'What more could a soul ask for in terms of galactic growth than a journey that tests the core of their truest belief?'

And now at the tail end of a soul storyline, I see the gains from my willingness to take on the lashings from those with the deepest wounds. We live in a world of arctic abandonment causing souls to inherit the scars of childhood neglect and relationship heartache. The fallout is a wildly erratic approach to choices in partners based on what we think we know until discerning and healthier ways are learned. Sadly the ingrained patterns embraced by earlier guardians stick in our psyche leading to shattered illusions of romantic love. Some then choose to opt out after a string of unions that either end in divorce or breakups with bad feelings attached. The truth is we are working with a limited consciousness about how we interrelate. It's the scourge of repetition where generations take on the role of honoring ancestral-style marriage with the 'till death do us part' motif. And that is even if the love died due to major rifts in the rapport between partners. This keeps people locked in a game of mutual survival while living with a stranger they once viewed with love. As humans, we are a precarious breed that suffers in silence rather than admitting a relationship has run its course. A lot of this has to do with how we are perceived in terms of failure or success. This is a cut-and-dry mantra that's always at play in a society of self-betrayal. It seems that keeping up appearances is the preference to save face with neighbors, friends, and the larger collective. This means we abandon the truth for what looks good on the outside.

'We have been trained to think this way to avoid judgment and why so many gays and lesbians pretend they are straight'

For them, It seems easier than being rejected by those with a biased mindset. This abandoning of a woman's true sexuality is going to strike in adverse ways as she suppresses the reality of her lesbian or bisexual self. Feeling the pressure of nonconformity she chooses to dim her own unique light and settle for a life of inauthenticity. The pain of her own personal betrayal will either drive her to succumb to what others hold to be true or set herself free of all societal chains and conditioned beliefs. There is no place for shame or to make yourself small when your actual self is here on Planet Earth to shine a beacon of difference on the shadow of chauvinistic bigotry. This is my quest and as a devout lesbian, I am in the service of the divine as a vehicle of self-love and the idealism of liberty. That is to be who we are meant to be without guilt, fear, or embarrassment. This is also the undeniable truth of a New Earth where lovers of the same sex can walk freely among those who encompass the traditional heterosexual line without any sense of punishment or retribution. In this playground of evolved humanity, the connection to unity thrives under an umbrella of peaceful interaction. This playful walk through the ethers of Planet Earth can bring us closer to the magnetism of Nirvana or entrap us in perpetual cycles of self-desertion. Here we are stuck in loops created by others with a self-sabotaging agenda. Meanwhile, the spark of awareness is seeping in as we rise to our highest essence knowing we can no longer abandon our divinity, each other, or our real selves. After eons of discord, the bright star of change kickstarts awakenings that bring new and intuitive thinking to how we live and treat our neighbors in this world. It's a shift in direction and much needed in this sphere of separatism. What's the permanent solution? Addressing the origins of our abandonment issues is the way forward and the key to personal and ancestral healing. The only way to cleanse the wounds of this planet's burden of abandonment.

'When we abandon our own humanity we whisper the dark light of division'

Author ~ Linda E Cole (The Divine Feminine)