Democrat's Want To Kill Your Paycheck, To Kill Their Babies.

in #abortion3 years ago (edited)


"A House subcommittee just advanced a spending bill without the controversial policy in it for the first time in more than 40 years."

Let's start here, the Hyde amendment was never controversial. I am not gonna deny that it may be today, but I don't think most people are on board with making people pay for something they think is an abomination. what about all the people that are pro choice, but not pro abortion? Will those people be willing to stand for their belief and oppose showing support for abortion and resist funding it?

"A subcommittee in the Democrat-controlled chamber voted Monday to move President Joe Biden’s spending bill for the Department of Health and Human Services without the controversial amendment. It marked the first time in more than four decades that a provision banning the use of federal spending on most abortions ― a rule that’s made abortion inaccessible to the millions of women who receive health care through government-sponsored plans like Medicaid ― was excluded from the HHS budget proposal."

The Hyde amendment is not to make abortion more or less affordable, the whole purpose of the Hyde Amendment is to make sure that people who believe abortion is the ending of a human life and who detest the act are not expected to pay for it. This is not about how we personally feel about abortion or whether is should be legal or illegal, this is simply to say if you are against abortion you will not be expected to pay. I think most reasonable people would understand that and sympathize with those who do not want to fund abortion, America should respect their neighbors and respect their views and say no to forcing them to fund is act.

"The Hyde Amendment has disproportionately affected women of color, particularly Black and Latinx women, who are more likely to be on Medicaid, a joint federal and state program for low-income individuals that 2 in 10 women of reproductive age rely on for coverage. The majority of people seeking abortions are also low-income, Black, Latinx or in their teens and 20s, according to a study of 2014 data by the Guttmacher Institute, a pro-choice research group."

2 and 10 women of reproductive age rely on Medicaid coverage, read this part very carefully, its not that 2 and 10 women rely on Medicaid for abortions so the number is probably lower than what this paragraph is implying. I also wonder what they are trying to say? Do we want less black and Hispanic people? I think this article is pointing out a problem and instead of fixing the problem are just putting a band aid over it. Lets Focus on why these demographics are poor and how we can remove barriers that will allow them to lift themselves out of poverty, but I guess why do that when we can just make sure its easier for them to abort their children.

"“I know that this is an issue on which many of us disagree. But regardless of the original intent of Hyde, it has disproportionately impacted women of color, and it has ultimately led to more unintended pregnancies and later, riskier, and more costly abortions,” she said in a statement."

The way they say this is so crazy to be honest with you, they said this leads to more "unintended pregnancies" oh you means child births it led to babies being born, how horrible. Having easier access to abortion does not lead to unintended pregnancies' that would be a lack of access to condoms or birth control which the government also makes birth control harder to obtain. So what having less access to abortion means is unwanted births, so this would mean the women is essentially forced to give birth or how some people say forced to not abort/kill her child.

"“Quite frankly, allowing the Hyde Amendment to remain on the books is a disservice not only to our constituents but also to the values that we espouse as a nation,” she continued."

I think the forcing constituents to pay for abortions does a disservice to them, how are you gonna tell someone who believes abortion is murder that they now have to pay for it? Which values are they talking about? First and foremost we don't have any national values, certain states may have certain values and even then there are states that have split values. I don't think if we have any national values at all if we did they would be to live and let live, I don't care what you do and in return don't mind what I do. Now if someone believes do what you want and for you that is smoking weed then thats great, but now it would be an entirely different thing if you said "oh ill smoke weed and your gonna buy my ounce".

"Between the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973 and the Hyde Amendment’s enforcement in 1980, Medicaid covered the cost of about 300,000 abortions every year. Today, both critics and supporters of the amendment agree it has substantially lessened abortion access among Medicaid patients. The Guttmacher Institute found in 2009 that about one-quarter of women who would have Medicaid-funded abortions instead give birth when they can’t access the funding. The Charlotte Lozier Institute, an anti-abortion organization, found in 2016 that there has been a 13% increase in births among Medicaid recipients since the Hyde Amendment’s enactment."

I really can't tell if they are trying to say this is a bad thing? I'm just gonna let everyone else decide for themselves what they are trying to get at with this, of course they probably want to say "see this forces poor people to have kids" I don't know seems like not a huge deal, but maybe that is just me.

"Today, there’s much less debate among Democrats over the problems with the Hyde Amendment, but the party’s razor-thin majority in the Senate makes passing this version of the HHS spending pill a pipe dream. Sen. Joe Manchin, a Democrat from West Virginia, said last month that he will go against his colleagues and support the Hyde Amendment in “every way possible.” Even if he were to reverse course on the matter, current filibuster rules would allow Republicans to hold up a vote on the legislation and kill the spending bill. Reforming those rules is another issue Manchin won’t move on."

This is exactly the point we need to make, its not about whether abortion should be legal or illegal, its about whether we have to support it or not. Believe it or not you can believe abortion should be legal, but also not support abortion and think nobody should ever do it. This democrat is probably someone who might feel that way, that you can do what you want and you should be allowed to, but just don't ask/force me to support it. People need to stand up and email their legislators and make sure they do not support this bill, its just the democrats trying to kill your paycheck so they can kill their babies.



Do you think they might be Paid Protesters...???

There's probably Big Money in Abortions...

Do you wonder who Profits the most...???

August 1, 2021... 15.4 Hollywood Time...

Good point, I think the trump movement showed there is so much money in politics you can’t even trust the people are getting paid to protest

I walked away from the Motion Picture Industry about Five Years Ago... We can't trust anything we see these days... Trust me...
August 2, 2021... 6.0 Hollywood Time...