I am just . . .me!

in #aboutme7 years ago

So, I got pointed in the direction of this fantabulous site by a couple friends of mine. I got curious and decided to check it out. What am I doing here? Well, I'm not really sure just yet. I have a vivid imagination and truly enjoy creating new and exciting places for people to escape into every once in a great while.

When I was younger, I would escape into books for hours at a time. I swam with the great white well and I walked the streets with Holden Caufield. I was scared to death by Fear Street and terrified by IT. I wanted to do that. I wanted to take people on adventures. I wanted to create a misunderstood youth dealing with stuff that seemed bigger than what it was. I wanted to scare the crap out of people, and I wanted to make them fall in love.

I was never really one that wanted to go to college. Sure, at one time I thought about going to LSU but decided against it. So, I graduated high school and worked at a nursing home caring for the elderly--a heartbreaking but heartwarming job. I loved it. During this period, I stopped writing and kind of lost myself.

I lost myself because of a nasty breakup--cheated on two months before our wedding. But, I am a firm believer in everything happens for a reason because that summer, the summer of 2001, I met my now husband. We would date for 7 months before getting engaged and then three months later get married.

Sometime during our first few years of marriage and cheap tv dinners becasue we were broke, I sat down behind a keyboard again. I'm not really sure when it happened but it did. I was a rookie . . . no, I was three levels below a rookie. I just sat down and started writing. Didn't know what I was doing, but I did it anyway.

Fast forward to 15 years to 2 kids, 3 dogs, 1 cat, and 5 fish, I am living my dream. I stay at home and my husband is my best friend. No, I'm not just saying that. He IS LITERALLY my best friend and I love him with every single fiber of my being. I have 7 novels under my belt and more coming. I have co-written one book with my best friend and have 2 more co-written pieces in the works. I freelance write for companies all over the country. I ghost write books for people when I have time.

There have been a lot of hurdles to overcome and some of them we have to deal with daily. Our youngest son was diagnosed with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), but I'll talk about that at a later date. Right now, this is just me and who I am.

I don't sugar coat stuff and I've learned very quickly that there are a lot of people out there that will take advantage of good people. If you want to know me, all you have to do is ask.
I can't promise my posts won't be boring. I can't promise they will be happy or always chipper. However, I do promise that I am transparent. I would love to get to know you more! I would love to talk to you! Feel free to follow me on my other places! <3
Instagram: @christinejames28
Twitter: @christinejames2
Facebook. www.facebook.com/ChristineJameswrites


"We don't follow fate's design. We design our own fate." ~~Nix (Top Secret project I'm currently working on)

P.s. One last thing. My posts will likely have grammar mistakes. I know this. I will be honest and say I suck at grammar and stuff of the sort. It's why I have an amazing editor. I'm not going to have her edit every little thing. So, please, don't feel the need to point out such mistakes! ;)
