We all have special talents that we never use!

in #aboutme7 years ago (edited)


I was watching a circus video not too long ago, a gigantic elephant was chained-up, carrying passengers around in a circle over and over again. In my mind, I thought about how easily the strength of the elephant could break lose, out of those chains, and it could literally kill everybody around it, but it didn’t? Why? Ever since it was little, it first tried to break free from the chains, unfortunately it was too young and weak. It tried and tried everyday while being brainwashed and abused by it’s trainer until one day, it finally gave up. Mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted, it accepted a place called home that is located in between rusty shackles connected to chains. Even until now, it’s all grown-up, bigger and stronger, the elephant’s mindset is still the same. "I can never leave, I live here for so long, I am comfortable in hell because it has always been a place where I called home regardless that I am unhappy.“
A lot of talented people in this world are actually capable of achieving greatness but why can’t they see it? They will never find their true potentials because in their minds, they have this invisible chain that says they can not be anymore than who they are. Allowing fear to guide their destiny, while being brainwash by the medias and hanging around abusive-toxic people just like the elephant’s trainer. At some part in your life, you may be young and weak but not forever. The only limits you have within your mind are chained to laziness, insecurity, fear, anxiety, etc. If you don’t start to shift the way you "think” in a different direction, forever you will be locked within these invisible chains and never will you find true happiness. We all have talents, passions, blessed with gifts, and I truly believe that when we use it, we are creating a purpose to live. Have you ever heard of anyone being sad by using their talent? Of course not! You are at your most happiest stage when using your talents. You might be surprise that you have more hidden gifts than you think, after all it’s the same thinking that stops you from discovering those gifts.



They tie a baby elephant with a piece of thin rope & it never tries to escape it remembers the constraint of when it was a baby. In psychology we behave the same way we are forever being told NO from an early age & it hinders our natural ability to change with our environment as we grow. It can be a banana skin on the pavement of progress becase 'The man who can is the man who thinks he can'.
Without belief in oneself we are all doomed to failure & it's a fact. If we think we are beaten then we are. We should all practice the art of being self opinionated & trust our own feelings of what we know & love, Success beckons for anybody that does. I'm not talking about conceit but everybody needs to love themselves & to do this we need to know ourselves. If we have an ambition to do something we need to believe in it & go after it, If we want to be the best in the world at something we have to believe that we are capable of it. I have watched a lot of Boxing in my life & I can usually tell who is going to win by the time they square up in the ring not the favorite not the strongest nor the quickest but the one who has the most determination in his eyes wins everytime.
It's the law of attraction, We attract everything in this life good & bad. When we really want something nothing gets in our way, When we really hate something nothing gets in its way of finding us.

Aww thanks for taking your time to write this :)

Nowadays, it's the time of distraction. Everywhere things are flooding one's perception with mostly useless information. Smartphones notify you of things happening which are constantly keeping your mind busy and distracting you from putting your talents to use.

I have the same issue, sometimes I really want to make some new music but then there are days where all the "information noise" is sucking all your creativity out and I usually end up being frustrated that I couldn't get into "the flow".
To be really successful at anything means going for it 110% no matter what. And those who are, mastered the art of focusing on what they are doing with all their love and passion.

This is very well written thank you for sharing with us.

Ok, that actually made me cry. I can't really tell why.
I have two amazing kids and I am trying to be amazing mom ,but sometimes i lose myself. And please don't get me wrong, I love my life but did I have a talent that I never use?! You made me think about that, thank you so much ;) :* I think you are my new Steemint BFF hahahahahha