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RE: Haejin has gone for downvoting rampage

in #abuse5 years ago

Bro, don't stop. Keep flagging him. You'er a soldier :) I saw that you stepped up, and that's one of the reasons why I also stepped up. The more of us flag him, the more he drains his voting power retaliating. With me he's having to use both his Ranchorelaxo and Haejin accounts at 100%. This means he's missing out on upvoting himeself. He can't sustain it, the more he does it, everyday will cost him 20% and within 5 days he'll be down to near 0% voting power and will have to halt.

I hope he keeps flagging me actually. The more he flags me, the less he's upvoting is automated screenshots.

We will continue to flag him to zero everyday. I am in the process of buying more steem to up my voting power for the sole purpose of flagging him even lower. I wont stop until he's dealt with or he changes his ways. This is #newSteem and things have changed. Enough of the garbage reward pool rape.


Bro, don't stop. Keep flagging him. You'er a soldier :) I saw that you stepped up, and that's one of the reasons why I also stepped up.

Yo, that's so awesome that it was because of me!

Unfortunately, downvoting doesn't drain upvoting, because they are in a separate pools now since the Hard Fork. However, the good thing is that his rewards can be taken to zero and even he cannot downvote everyone to the ground with his limited downvoting power. And with the community having our backs in case of retaliation – he cannot fight all :)

downvoting doesn't drain upvoting, because they are in a separate pools now since the Hard Fork.

The downvote pool is of limited size though (2.5 full power downvotes per day). If someone wants to downvote more than that they have to use their regular upvote power.

Oh, so you can downvote after the (downvote) pool is empty, but from thereon it's taken from upvoting power, got it.

Yes that is how it is supposed to work and as far as I know does work.

When you downvoting a lot, your Downvote Power can go down even to 0. I think that we can't use regular Upvote Power for downvoting.

Once your downvote power goes to zero, it is supposed to start using your regular vote power for downvoting. If you find that it doesn't, that's a bug, please carefully document the conditions and report it.

Thanks for taking this action. If enough of the community take on these abusers they cannot win or retaliate against us all.

That's what I was thinking, too.
I'm not big enough to get involved myself, yet. But I can act as "resupply" and "medic" for all the other troops, from the 2nd line.

There are plenty of abusers with little SP to take on. Even if we just take off a few cents each it adds up. We can let others take on the big fish, but they will appreciate some votes to encourage them.

If you downvote posts that already has larger stakeholders downvoting, nobody will notice you. I think you should use your downvotes.

You can start with this profile: I am downvoting the oldest first (3 days old) After a couple of downvotes on my comments it is just passive now. It is a puppet-account milking the rewardpool.

You can also use this page to go after the trending page. If there already is large profiles downvoting you will be in no danger.

Thanks for the link - got 'im!!

He's got another account which is up to the same garbage: @erik-lopez

Yes, I noticed when it started downvoting me :)

And now @mobilesinfo has joined the fun.

We need to gang up on all the abuse one at a time. I've used my daily downvote quota on bidbots, and my post with the Bidbottophant was killed by Booster last week (humour isn't taken well by people loosing their dodgy business). So I am a little split between using my daily 2,67 downvote on Hajin or bidbot abuse... Haijin has been on a list inside my head for a very long time as the least honourable steemian of them all.

This is cool.
It's like the dolphins have turned on the whales - the abusive ones, anyway.
I'm starting to feel more hopeful about the state of things here. We have a long way to go, but there have been a couple positive changes in the past few days.