I Should Be Writing About Gaining 1000 Followers - Instead I Have To Address A Bigger Issue

in #abuse7 years ago

Firstly I would like to take a minute to thank all of my followers, I truly appreciate it more than you know and I can't believe I have passed 1000 followers!

So thank you very much, this only happened a few days after my first birthday on steemit post and I have been meaning to write up a post thanking everyone for their amazing support over the past year - it just means so much to me.


But before I could get around to the post life got carried away, my kids got sick (it's winter) and over two weeks had passed since my last active post.

For those of you who know me, you will know I don't tend to get into flagging wars or flag people in general - in fact most times my account has flagged someone has been because I vote follow other trusted curators, and those posts are usually being flagged for abuse or spam.

I have tried to stay away from the negativity and have in the past remained silent, when people have been rude or abusive to me or my partner @ausbitbank - this is not why I am here and I try to stay away from things of this nature.

I can be pretty chilled on here and it generally takes a fair bit to get me upset or enraged, this is the internet and one comes to expect you'll find the odd douchebag in your travels - there's no need to make this your only focus or to dwell on things too much, let alone take up space on the blockchain with spam and hatred.

I move on with little thought of small people and their small minds, however when out of nowhere I get a comment on my last post saying -


Now to clarify for people noganoo is a steemian who is well known for spamming the network, doxing users, spreading hate speech, lies and personal attacks on the platform.

At the same time he is a massive emotional manipulator, getting sympathy votes from new users who don't know the full story and his general toxic nature.

As far as I'm aware I have never even spoken to this person before, he has had several run ins with my partner @ausbitbank who tried and failed on multiple attempts to bring him back from the brink of steemicide and help him out generally.

This is not the first time noganoo has reached out to me, but this is the first threat he has ever made me and as I said I don't know the guy and haven't interacted with him at all - so why the sudden and extreme hate?

Within moments he appeared again with this little gem -


Now still at this stage like usual I was preparing to stay quiet, why give small people the attention they so clearly desire - he means so little in my life why waste time addressing his pathetic nature?

I shook my head I felt sorry for this tiny person, surly living a life so void of purpose, honesty or virtue is punishment enough for this pathetic excuse for a human.

But then being the good christian he claims to be, then decided to steal a picture of my partner and our two beautiful children and write a post stating that my partner was a satanist and that is the reason why my amazing children were born "sickly" - referring to my two pure, innocent, incomparably brilliant non verbal autistic children, they have autism because I guess we're satanists.

How can he call himself a christian, when he outright claims this bs about two disabled children on the other side of the world?

So by this stage @ausbitbank and I are understandably pissed off, so @ausbitbank wrote to him saying "How fucking dare you" and then this happened -

Then the fucking pathetic excuse for a human, let alone christian said "I hope your kids die" - what the actual fuck is wrong with some people, who could ever say such disturbing and horrible things.

This happened hours ago and I am still shaking with rage, I have never wanted to cause so much physical pain to a person in all my life - he is lucky we are not on the same continent.

I have tried so hard to maintain a calm and respectful presence on steemit, I have put in some insane hours here (@ausbitbank even moreso) and I feel this whole situation puts all of that at risk.

So please understand why it is both @ausbitbank and I are losing our shit right now, we are not trying to put all we have built here into jeopardy over nothing - but we will not sit by and do nothing when people are saying shit about our kids.

@ausbitbank has flagged a large number of noganoo's posts and comments, (including the two posts he wrote specifically about @ausbitbank after the original one about our children) and now so have I - for the first time since joining I have personally flagged someone (multiple times).

Unfortunately dealing with this pathetic person has drilled @ausbitbank's voting power, so because of one dodgy user hundreds are going to miss out on his crucial support on their posts.

Noganoo has hundreds if not thousands of sock puppet accounts, that is where is threats of mass flagging my posts is coming from - he is a constant and blatant abuser of the platform.

He has mass spammed the network on multiple occasions in the past and just today, reconfirmed his intentions to do this again after both @pfunk and @liberosist asked him to refrain from spamming.

Is this the kind of person we want on steemit? Someone who wishes the death of two disabled children because he thinks he deserves votes and support in spite of constantly abusing the platform?

As parents we can't sit by and do nothing while hatred and lies are being spread about our family, my kids have and will always come first - I never imagined by writing my story online I have someone tell me they wish for their death.

I can't describe what I'm feeling but it's kindred to intense hate, loathing, repulsed, disgusted, enraged fury, a clear and present desire to cause physical pain which I haven't really experienced before in my life.

I have had to fight to keep my kids alive, they have both had additional medical issues which threatened their lives and to have someone so carelessly wish their existence away is beyond unacceptable.

For the past few hours @ausbitbank has not only created an account called @nogbot, but also tracking down all of the farmed accounts he has control over (1223 accounts so far).

He has also sent it 500sp to give it some power (this is also to restore his own voting power, so he can get back to supporting the users who deserve it - rather than nogs spam), it is now going to be dedicated to flagging everything the toxic user noganoo ever posts.


Whilst I don't encourage other users to go and flag him personally, he has stated anyone who does flag him will suffer the wrath of his bot army - it is not worth users (especially newer users) to take this on, it's just not worth the risk to your accounts.

This post isn't about us wanting others to take action, it is merely an explanation for what is happening now and in the future.

I never want to speak to this garbage person, he is the epitome of a pathetic internet troll - he has no life, no real life friends and is an all around sad and sorry excuse for a person.

I once felt pity for him and his small insignificant existence, but now the pity is gone - I believe in karma and if this is all he can summon to put out in the world, just imagine what he gets back.

He doesn't deserve the attention from this post that is why I haven't linked his name or account, I'm sure in a few days he'll come back saying he's sorry again - but this time he went too far.

I will never forgive his words and his cruel unchristian nature, he actions and words here are unforgivable - he deserves everything he gets because of it.

I am sorry to have such a negative post after so long away, as I mentioned the kids have been sick and now all this crap has happened - it's just not what I wanted to do or have on my account, but I hope you can all understand where we are coming from.

This is the last type of content I wanted on my page, I wanted this to be a professional space for my story and writing in general - not consumed with the petty drama we see so often on social media sites.

But as a writer and a believer in steemit, I felt the need to address this issue personally - I will never stay silent when people go after my kids, I have always and will always stand up for them.

@ausbitbank and I have been the only voice for our children for the past eight years, we speak for them because they can't yet and to have someone attack them for their disability and blame it on us - just couldn't go without response.

Both of our children have low functioning nonverbal autism, and it was not given to them because @ausbitbank and I are satanists (we're not religious at all) - this just shows the height of his ignorance on multiple fronts.

Also we do not hate Jewish people, it's insulting to have slander floating around so just to put an end to that - stop pigeonholing us with your ignorance.

On a final note I would also like to address the comment he made about us being "muslim sympathisers", um yeah we support the rights of muslims and have muslims we consider close friends - stop being a xenophobic douchebag you're not helping yourself.

Ok so that's it I'm done, I hope you can all appreciate where I am coming from and forgive the language - I'm Australian and I'm pissed ( plus I already toned it down lol).

Like what you've read so far?
Check out my story

or follow me on twitter @krystlehaines


I really dislike bullies. @noganoo is a bully and a coward. This sorry excuse for a person behaves like this because he is apparently a sociopath and also because he clearly believes there are no consequences (that matter to him) for his actions. I can literally feel the pain he has caused you for attacking your family so brutally. It is little comfort but do bear in mind that such a coward would never utter such things to your face. He feels safe, cloaked in anonymity, deep in his putrid, little hole.

I would gladly join a concerted effort to rid Steemit of his foul stench. His behaviour towards you and your family should be an affront to every Steemian. Let's take as much action as the system permits to shun this despicable, tedious, waste of time.

Thank you so much for your support, we appreciate it so much - I just don't want people to fall for his lies again, he's out there playing the victim when he bought it all down on himself.

Why do you flag the opposition in a debate? Bill Nye & Ken Ham are opposites but they did not flag each other. Trump & Hillary Clinton did not flag themselves during the debate. A lot of people flag even as there can be more debate.

Yeah I don't think you read the post, this is not a debate - he said he wished my kids were dead, he deserves no voice on this platform.

@krystle, I know that. I read that. I am writing. What I write and wrote does not mean it is an automatic debate. What I wrote is not automatically a bad thing. Maybe it is a bad thing. Maybe I am a bad person. But I was exercising my freedom of religion. You said you are tolerant to people of different religions and faiths and cults and beliefs and everything.
In my religion, I believe in talking. It is that simple. I just wanted to compare our lives to the lives of some famous or infamous people. I think it is better to have perspective. I believe in analogies. I believe in the freedom of speech. There is a debate about whether free speech includes hate speech. If hate speech is not included, then who determines what is hate and what is not hate?

You are not making any sense here ^^^^^^^^^ It's like a bad Dr. Suess book

lmao a bad Dr. Suess book

Are you the brother of CNN Jim Acosta of Lady Liberty?
My name is Stephen Miller.

please have you ever been wronged? and if yes how did you know that you were wrong?. I don't know of a religion that allows wrongdoing simply because we are not supposed to judge. There is no religion that does not talk about pointing out once mistakes and helping them become better people. but logic also tells us that until one accepts his or her wrong, there is no way to correct such a person.

I think you do not understand the context.

I understand the context. I am reading the context. It could not be worse than the bad things Hillary did. I made comparisons to help add perspective through contrast and comparison. I might mute people. I know people do bad things. We steal and we murder. Also, people traffick too.

No mate you don't this has nothing to do with debates, what Hillary did or didn't do - your comment is irrelevant and a bit annoying given the circumstances.

@krystle, I disagree. I have an opinion. You have an opinion. My opinion is that you are annoying. Your opinion is that I am annoying. What I said is connected. But you do not care about the connection. You are not listening. You do not care. You are being mean to me. But you say you are right and I am wrong. So, I am the bad man here because you said so. Forget about DRUDGE. Forget about CERNOVICH. You do not care about analogy.

Listen mate I think there is a language barrier here and the last thing you say is your autistic, so maybe that isn't helping things here.

But first and foremost I have not attacked you, I said your comment it annoying not you - there is a big difference, for example you said you thought I was annoying now that is a personal attack.

Perhaps in the future use your words to further explain your view rather than just straight out attack people, you have insulted me on my own thread - you have assumed everything you have said, I have reread your messages several times they don't make sense in regards to this situation.

Then you try and tell my partner I don't like critical thinking, you have so many comments spread out over my post it's hard to keep track.

Please stop, or here's another option try explaining your point of view so others can understand it - this is not an attack but multiple people have said they think you're confused.

Yet I'm a horrible person because I think irrelevant comments are annoying, make your comments relevant - don't lash out and claim to have been attacked.

As with the mute thing below, I thought I was answering a simple question - as I responded to a comment asking if you can unmute, that is all I was referring to and you blast me for that too.

Seriously I am not in the mood for this shit after what has already been happening, if you have no value to add from here on out please go away.

If you want to try and reread my words see that I didn't attack you and explain your position without just listing names and make a full comprehensible point then maybe we can move past this.

If not enjoy your life on steemit.

Ignore this guy. He commented the same shit on my blog after I had been targeted.

My comments are not irrelevant. I disagree with what you said. You should read what I said. You are hiding behind political correctness. You are dancing with words. You are making up excuses to why my comments were annoying.
I am adding value. You said that if I am not adding value then I should go away. Who determines value? You said there is a language barrier. My first language is English. Your first language is probably English as well. There might be a communication barrier but not a language barrier. I was born in Oregon. I speak American English. There should be no language barrier but you said there is or might be a language barrier. I am an English teacher in Vietnam since 2012. I have been teaching at schools and camps since 2004. I have the experience. Lots of people love me and know me. I have videos on YouTube.
What I wrote was good. What I wrote was not annoying. It was helpful. I gave reference. You seem to indicate that I cannot compare your situation with anybody anywhere. I tried to compare. You said my comments were annoying. It is too bad that my contrast and comparisons are viewed as not valuable. You said that if I do not have anything of value to add then I should go away. I believe that what I say has value. I believe that my comments are of value.
You might be saying that my comments are without value or without enough value and that seems to be what you were implying and that is too bad. You said you want to be tolerant of Muslims perhaps or of some religions and you can be tolerant of my beliefs and my opinions of what I think is or is not of value as well. However, it seems you are not interested in giving tolerance and forgiveness to some people like me maybe.
The mute question was a long question that I was asking that other man about and then I found a specific answer about the mute list and that is what I wanted and that is what I want you know. I want you to be better organized. Facebook has a block list and Steemit has a mute list. The mute list is convenient because it helps you get to the list of people you mute. If you do not have a mute list and if you mute a lot of people, then it becomes too difficult to find everybody or anybody you may want to unmute someday.
I am writing good things. I am helping people. You should think about what I am trying to say.

Great reply @krystle

There is a big difference in flagging opposition and having idiots spam attack accounts.

I am appalled by this behavior but not surprised, while Steemit can bring out some amazing elements of humanity it also attracts the other extremes, greed(demonstrated by the begging and the occasional IP theft), and hate. It is a sad reality of social media that is even more pronounced and perpetuated here by the financial rewards steemit offers.


Hello Steemians! Could steem crush down Facebook? If only more people would know more about it. That they could earn while they post, while they share their experiences and their ideas on something.
Oh, people! Hear me now and here it is. Let's spread the Good News of STEEM!
Let's unite then...Upvote and resteem.Follow and let's follow one another!

Some friendly advice: If you would like to achieve success on Steemit you should drop the follow me, follow you or upvote me/upvote you thing. You need to state WHY you think it's a good post and if the person reading the comment likes what you have to say they might follow you. Also a large number of followers don't determine your success on Steemit if they don't actually vote for your stuff and engage in conversation. Some users are also offended by these kind of comments and may flag you, lowering your reputation.

Even if it's personal drama or whatever it is, that's just between the parties involved. When you cross a line wishing death upon other people's children, that won't be an acceptable response no matter how you stack it. I hope you guys can resolve your issues without it getting nasty or for you having to form a malicious army to go against the community when it doesn't side with your problems.

I'm sure none of us know the full story, and ultimately it's none of our business. But when we see people being attacked with verbiage on this level it becomes a community issue. I know you want to bring together others that have some sort of hatred for certain people in this community. I know you're looking for more support, but this objective will get us no where in the end. It will cause a lot of confusion, pain, anger and many other useless emotions for no purpose at all but your own satisfaction that you're winning your fight. Even if you win, do you really win though?

I truly hope you come to terms or some sort of peace with yourself about the situation. I know how shitty it can feel to be wronged. For that I am truly sorry @noganoo, sorry you feel that something you supported betrayed you. I wish this upon no person. I wish this to never happen to me. I know we can never understand how you feel, but the best way to do that is express it in a way we can relate to.

Sadly, @noganoo only has empathy for himself. Your words do you credit but they are wasted on him. Our resources are better spent supporting those who are clearly, demonstrably worth every second.

Most of the time when people are to these extremes there is no talking with them. Nothing can change their stance. We just have to at least give them a chance. Even if they disregard it, hopefully it keeps a subconscious tally of moments of unconditional support. Eventually it may be enough for them to reflect on their actions with some empathy for others. I think if we don't try, we have failed him and helped him fail himself.

@noganoo has failed himself and to allow his failure to continue to harm other innocents would be our failure. All I care about at this point is peacefully showing @ausbitbank and @krystle in no uncertain terms that they are not dealing with this alone and that they are cherished and valued and they they can rely on this community when the chips are down. They've earned it. Who they are and what they represent is abundantly clear. I hope @noganoo stops, develops some empathy and a new approach, goes away or is shunned to complete ineffectiveness. Right now, shunning seems the only effective means we have and it requires a community response.

Thank you so much, I just don't understand why he went after me and the kids we have nothing to do with him - I really have tried to steer clear of these types of posts and behaviour in general.

But hearing you say this -

All I care about at this point is peacefully showing @ausbitbank and @krystle in no uncertain terms that they are not dealing with this alone and that they are cherished and valued and they they can rely on this community when the chips are down. They've earned it. Who they are and what they represent is abundantly clear.

Made me a little teary, his threats and attacks have provoked us to respond in this manner and now we look like the bad ones flagging him - I just don't know what else to do, I can't sit by and let him post images of my children with lies about them.

It was so cruel and the thing is he meant to do this, he searched and stole the image then took the time to write the post - then drop by my posts and threaten me and so many others.

I have no idea what the solution is when people behave like this, but surely free speech shouldn't mean your words have no consequence - say what you want, but you can't control how people will react to them.

Thanks for your support, it really means a lot.

You certainly have not responded in kind! Don't give your reaction to him a moment's thought. What he's done to you is an outrage. Your reactions were perfectly understandable. You had no choice whatsoever but to expose his malice. The only community on this platform worth being a part of is the one that can see and act and is prepared, however regretfully, to get their hands dirty, for you, to protect you. Perhaps @noganoo is being sincere with his apology this time, I don't really care. I'm glad he's given you both the unequivocal recognition you deserve. I'm glad, for now, that he may improve his behaviour, but I will not trust him. Anyone prepared to say those things just to get a rise, to damage people so horrendously just to satisfy their own sickness, no way, that is a scorpion. I don't wish scorpions any harm, but I don't invite them into my house, I don't make friends with them. So chin up my friend! ;) Put it all behind you. Now he's given you the opportunity, shut the door and mute. You've got much more valuable things to be thinking about and doing ;) Give those beautiful and fantastic kids of yours a bear hug from me!

I completely agree with you. The only thing is if we make the lines completely drawn it's just going to exacerbate this whole thing. The community will come together and right now he's on a rally to recruit people to go against all of this. I'm saying this will divide us, when it should unite us to resolve something that has become vulgar.

The community should respond, but not with hostility.

@benjojo ^^^ read @naganoo 's edited comment.

I hope he's being sincere this time.

I just don't understand what I ever did to him, besides ignore him when he started attacking @ausbitbank - I have always stayed silent and then to have this happen, I just can't justify the bs.

@krystle, I feel furious! I read your whole post and then all the comments right down till the end. And believe me, my blood is boiling. I'm with you. It doesn't matter if my child is an autistic genius, is 'normal', or is mentally challenged. As a Mom, I have a natural duty to protect my children, and I would on principle look down upon anybody, and burn to the ground, anybody who fights his battle by throwing rocks at my children to hurt me or my husband.

I'm relatively new at Steemit. And I remember voting for @ausbitbank's witness just last week because I was impressed with his selflessness and generosity towards others at Steemit. I'm sad to see this happening now. And it is a shame that the occasion of your reaching a 1000 followers is marred by this degenerate's actions.

What facilities do we have for repairing this? I see we have no police system and no mechanism to reveal the face of the depraved person hiding shamelessly under the cloak of anonymity. Or do we? I'm also wondering if disabling that person's movements altogether can be another option? Akin to putting him under house arrest. Can somebody disable all the fields on his blog which might ever enable him to raise his voice or to command his bots again? If he's left without any ammunition, he can no longer disturb the peace. Why let him spam and then flag him? Why not cut off his steam before he starts inflating again?

Enjoyed the response. I believe and back freedom of speech 100% but some people lack the moral fiber and couth to actually have a say. Yep, he crossed a line. Good thing he's an armchair blabbermouth behind a CPU screen cause where I'm from if it had been in person he'd have had his teeth put through the back of his head.

First off congratulations on your 1000! This is a wonderful achievement us minnows can only dream of one day. This was a very eye opening article since my pals in #yunk have run across people like this also. I didn't know how malicios some people could be on this platform until my steemit buddy @krazykrista said in the #yunk channel that there was someone really being truly terrible. Since being new and apparently naive to steemit I just imagined him saying a few terrible things or just trolling a bit.

When I saw @krazykrista 's post Bilalhaider is on a mission to ruin steemit chat. I was so appalled by how his actions were so spiteful and their words were so advisedly. He was attacking everyone in the chat room for trying to help him. He was complaining that he had good followers, but his post lack attention or reward. They were simply trying to tell him to improve his content after reviewing his page. The whole thing switched over like he was a ticking time bomb lying in wait for someone to poke him with a "you need to actually do work" stick.

Reading this sickens me @krystle. I'm sorry that you and @austibank have to deal with this sort of human garbage on here. @austibank has been so supportive to me since the beginning. Heck he was my first real witness vote and it was out of the blue. I think he just saw that I had potential to help the community. I'm so sorry about the things that they're saying about your kids, people should never make it that personal even if they would don't mean it in the first place. Anyone that goes to that level should be reviewed regardless of their intent.

The whole mission of our #yunk is to provide a better place on the internet and internet platforms. What if this is the first belief system just for the internet? IRL people have their manners and their etiquette, but when it comes to their online window, more things tend to be permissible. What if this gave you a sense of best practices for your fellow digital man? What if we needed something to let us know that community can become stronger than a troll? What if yunk becomes such a belief of existence on the internet that it connects people organically from just hearing the term yunk alone?

I'm baffled to what people hope to gain for being this cruel on here. They won't have a long shelf life on this platform and they won't have much in the form of support from the like minded. We're here to grow a community and help each other. People that go directly the opposite of that belong on 4chan.

Congratulations again on your achievement and forget what those rotten cancer people have to say.

Thanks so much for your kind words, and I absolutely agree people need a moral compass to help them with empathy online.

Steemit has been an amazing place, I'm one year in and so far I have had maybe three bad experiences - obviously this is the worst by far, but steemit itself has been an overwhelmingly supportive in general.

I try to stay away from negativity and that is why the post is more of an explanation, to our followers about our actions and not encourage them to act on the info - especially if the flagging continues.

I've been here a year and he will have difficulty hurting me, but if others with more power join his cause - it could damage my account permanently.

Steemit is the perfect place for us to all get along, I hope to soon enjoy being a happy helpful member of this community again.


Unfortunately there are many people like that at Steemit. Instead of looking to produce think about destroy who is winning.

Usually these people are loosers that try to support themselves in other people.

I wish success @krystle :)

Yeah he is a jealous petty man, only interested in making money and when no one voted on his poor quality posts he lashes out and plays the victim - thanks for your support.

This post received a 2.1% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @rtdcs! For more information, click here!

This is very sad and upsetting. With all the positive effects of decentralization, there's also the negative effect that such a horrible troll can carry on hurling abuse on other users..I saw that this guy attacked @uwelang as well, but not as deeply personally as to you..

I am very sorry that your children and family had to suffer such an uncalled for attack. It's only natural that you're like a mother tigress coming out to defend her cubs!

I'm glad you're ranting here though..hopefully it is one avenue for you to let out all that anger and rage..those will only injure you if you hold it in..

I'm so glad that this is being stated to the community. It's important for us to be aware of abusers like this on here. We are only as fast as our slowest person with it comes to growth. This sort of user will ultimately invite more cruel verbal attacks if don't call them out on it.

Yep and with this particular user, he tends to act out attack a bunch of people and then play the victim and get a new wave of support from those who don't know any better.

Such manipulative and superficial behaviour..urghh..

Yes, this totally goes against the ideology of Yunk..if I got it right :)

Did you know my life has been threatened by Ausbitbank far before this happened and nobody said a word?

Lol I like your wording with -

It's only natural that you're like a mother tigress coming out to defend her cubs!

Yeah I agree I came out swinging, he triggered me (probably the only way to trigger me honestly) - my goal is to vent and move on with my life.

But steemit needs to find a way to deal with this sort of user in the future, as we grow it will only become harder and things like this need to have consequences that actually impact the person.

haha that's the image that was invoked in my mind while reading through your text.. :))

Your goal is a good one..it will help that your husband is actively rallying through and trying to come up with a solution..yes, I really hope that he will not go scot-free and face some sort of penalty for his atrocious behaviour..

You are right that as we grow, it will get harder and harder to nip these kind of abuse in the bud..sighs..

Oh, that is horrific!!! I'm a mom of 3 and I feel your rage. I have also noticed the Christian posts. Christian users should be up in arms at having their faith represented by that %$#@! Happy Steemit birthday, mine is on Saturday. Much love to your precious children.

Indeed horrifying, I agree with you @onetree and putting on the "cloak of christianity". Real christians don't talk like that.

It's horrific. Unfortunately I have met so many people who use that


to hide behind while committing atrocious acts. I agree real Christians would never talk like that.

I don't know you, but @ausbitbank is one of the best people on Steemit. Whatever I can do to help, just say the word! And you have another follower!

First of all, I am so sorry @krystle ma'm to hear all this bad experience. I have a great deal of respect for you and @ausbitbank sir. You two are actively doing a lot of things for this community from the very beginning. How dare somone like @noganoo come and curse your children like this. It is totally inhuman. Is he really a human because no man is ever dare to curse the children of others. Even enemies dont do that, so how dare he did something like that? I am actually shocked to hear this.
Because someone who have a great deal of respect on steemit and who people loves, had to suffer this depress situation. @ausbitbank sir has always been so helpful to me and you're also doing great ma'm. I would definitely do the best in my power to flag @noganoo because he has to be taught some lesson for his disrespectful behavior.
A person can bear anything but when it comes to his/her children, then e won't bear anything. And all this just for thie sake of some upvotes. How shameful is this for @noganoo. I am with you @krystle ma'm. If you or @ausbitbank sir ever need anything, I am just a click away.

Her husband is a backstabbing satanist. You have no idea the story behind this.

We all have some drawbacks and may be you two have some differences but cursing his children is not the way to deal with it. No one gave you any rights to do so. Even enemies dont do that. At least you should have kept this in mind.

Fork him and his bot-net off the blockchain. That's my recommendation. I think we could reach a pretty strong consensus for that.

Whilst I like the idea and never want to see or hear from him again and I think steemit would be all around a better place without him, I'm not sure this is the way to do it - it's a slippery slope once we start kicking people of the network.

Generally though I hope he is flagged into oblivion, moves on with his life and maybe gets himself the help he so clearly requires to become a functioning member of society.

I vote yes to this ^^^^^^^^ "GET @noganoo OFF THE BLOCKCHAIN" oh and his 1223 other accounts as well.

I'm so sorry to read that this has happened. This is truly unacceptable and way beyond normal internet trolling. Too far is too far. I hope you'll never have to hear from him again.

I delegated most of my remaining SP to the bot ausbit created, hope that helps.

Thanks so much man, we really appreciate the support it means a lot at times like these.

You can see noganoos confirmed accounts so far here :

There is more - I found 1269 so far.

Then you can do a lot of good things instead of bad ones.