WHY THE BEEF?? Just do what HAEJlN does!

in #abuse7 years ago

From my last post I got a good question. I can see how someone may think this. Blockchain is new to most people. Steem is even newer. Many witnesses probably don't even understand every aspect of Steem. So let's look at this statement:

@abel04 (49) · 44 minutes ago "I really don't understand the reason for this fight. The money haejln makes is not an obstacle to what others make. So why the beef? If you want to make what he makes, then do what he does."

Yeah bruh..... Why the BEEF?


Here is my response with very few modifications and a few additions:

I only have a surface understanding of Steem. Can any of the experts please clarify and correct any mistakes I make, I would appreciate it!

Here is how I explained it.

First, Steem production is a limited number. They are not magically created each time a whale drops a massive upvote. There is a rule that says how much is produced everyday. It is: DAILY STEEM ADDED TO THE REWARD POOL: 49,160

Haijln's 10 daily posts take from the Reward Pool over 1,500 Steem. This is 3% of the reward pool. If no one was flagging Haejln, the number would be higher. Maybe 4%. Maybe 5%.

There are now more than 100,000 users on Steemit. !!!! One person (Haejln) is EVERDAY getting 3-4% of the reward pool!!!

If all big whales do the same, only 33 whales can take so much Rewards, AND ALL THE MINNOWS (and dolphins) WOULD GET NOTHING!!!

Well, the rewards would keep going out for a short while. There is a SURPLUS at the moment. This SURPLUS (the reward pool) is NECESSARY FOR THE FUTURE of Steemit. Once ALL the surplus is gone, then the rewards will be limited to 49,000 per day. And rewards WILL GO DOWN for everyone. Minnows will get 1 Steem for a post when the Post says $10. Whales will get only 10 Steem for a Post when the Post says $100.

The Rewards WILL RUN OUT if every big Whale behaves the same as HAEJlN!!!

If every whale does this, it IS an obstacle for YOU and ME.

Then no one will join Steemit. The price of STEEM will drop to $0.00 and everyone will be sad.

I don't want everyone to be sad.

What about the statement of "just do what he does"....

He does Technical Analysis (TA) on Cryptocurrencies....

Ex Given: @marketingmonk also does technical analysis. He also posts news and information. He also checks out new ICOs. He does research. He posts on D-Tube. He Posts on YouTube. He also draws in hundreds to thousands of new Users onto Steemit. And depending on your opinion, his information (greater than simple TA) may be more valuable than Haejln's. He has been on Steemit longer. And SOME of his posts get $200 each like Haejln's. But he doesn't have a whale that has put his autovoter at 100% on him. And he doesn't post 10 posts a day to GAIN EVERYTHING POSSIBLE!

There is no way that Ranch0Relax0 (the whale that created Haejln) looks at each of Haejln's posts and says "WOW, this post is worth $500 US Dollars!!!" NO, either Ranc0Relax0 IS Haejln, or Haejln is best friends with RR, or Haejln PAID RR for the service.

Votes on Haejlns posts, by accounts... Other Than... Haejln and Ranch0Relax0, make up about 5% of the upvotes....usually less.

Votes on @marketingmonk's posts are 90% by unique users. At most, 20% by one or two whales. 5% for Haejln vs 90% for @marketingmonk

SO "No".... just because you post GREAT CONTENT does not mean you WILL get 10 votes a day, EVERYDAY...... for your content.

Haejln is not THAT SPECIAL. He IS NOT 10 to 100 Times more wonderful than EVERY OTHER STEEMIAN ACCOUNT. HE IS NOT!!! NO, he is either very LUCKY... or he has BOUGHT the services of RR, or HE IS RR.

Sorry for all the BOLD and BIG and EMPHATIC text.....

I was trying to make my point clear... but I think i have just made it loud. I need to do a dSound recording of this post... that would be humorous.



After talking to the person that claims to run his website a few weeks ago, rancho and haejin are two different people. However; I still came to the conclusion that haejin and rancho are the same person controlling the same account.

littleboy called rancho "craig" though through a wallet transfer. I am not sure what this means and I am a little intimidated to mention it, but I also assume it's been discussed already.

Regardless, you are 100% right. most, if not all, of the rewards being allocated to haejin are coming from his and ranchos votes alone.

I guess the people that think this is okay will not get it until the rewards pool dries up completely so they can see that no matter how many upvotes they generate, they get zilch, because the big whales are sucking up all the rewards.

Infact, I'd actually like to see this happen, just so that those naysayers can see what it would be like, but I'm afraid bad things would happen if it did, so I hope that it doesn't.

It would be better if the naysayers would just open their eyes and understand this, so we don't go down that dark path and destroy the platform.

"waiting" is not the best option. Action is required badly

It does feel like I am waiting, but I don't want to. It just feels like I'd be stepping into a rocket launcher fight with a knife unless I am guaranteed some kind of safety, which almost defeats the purpose. It's a tough choice for a minnow but I do want to take action. Actions speak louder than words, this is the conundrum.

Exactly! Taking so much from the reward pool on a day after day basis does harm everyone and the Steemit platform.

It must stop!


You'd love @donkeypoke, they're putting out some great art for the Quest :)

More people deserve steem reward pool
Not only haejin.
Haejin $300 per a post.
Steem community must need to fix it.
Otherwise all minnows & dolphins will leave steemit soon.
Haejin downvoted me without any reason.
I hope we will see any action from steem community soon.

spammer...that guy writes shit posts....by that guy I meant you...as you have obviously set up your own voting circle with at 3 accounts and are upvoting your own posts and even this comment with this and your other accounts...fucking hypocrite..you're worse than Haejinn, at least he's open about what he does unlike you and your fake advertising comments....anyways, you're reported and outed bye bye..lets hope the next flag campaign is against you :-)

@salahuddin2004 also does TAs and for free. He does not care if he only gets less than $1 for every post.

another of the multiple accounts...

What do you mean?

I agree, something must be done. This will be interesting to watch. @ironshield

TOo many people with greedy incentives are holding too much Steem.

You know what, you brought up a good point. I didn't know enough about how steem tokens are generated. I thought upvoting created new coins, but to my surprise, it just allocates created coins. As a result, there is a limit to how much people can have. If this guy is raping the reward pool, that means less for everyone else.

It is hard to trust whales to do all the balancing because many of them might not even care.

I'm actually curious to see how all of this will turn out.

Whales receive 99% of rewards, including @haejin. Were @haejin completely cut off, that wouldn't change, and minnows, all tens of thousands of us, would still share 1% of rewards, while the whales would see a 5% increase in their ROI.

That's the real issue here.

If you wanna see a better distribution of Steem, then DO follow @haejin's lead, and challenge the 'old money' hegemony that could easily improve distribution of Steem by either following @fulltimegeek's delegation model (which was quite successful, and which I continue to endorse enthusiastically), or just by throwing votes to minnows.

This they rarely do. The vast majority of whale votes are cast for whales, and when they do throw a bone to minnows, it's at negligible power. They concentrate rewards in their accounts, and now they have you and an enraged rabble rioting against a challenger to their hegemonic financial power with pitchforks and torches.

@haejin's rewards could be maximally 5% of the pool. Since minnows get 1% of rewards, @haejin losing all his rewards would deliver to you .2% better rewards.

That's quite literally the price you are being offered to tackle the enemy of your enemies, the profiteers that suck the rewards pool dry, leaving the rest of us but their crumbs. @haejin is only following the model those whales established, with their votebots, selfvotes, and delegation rentals. Even if @ranchorelaxo is no more than selling his votes, why is it wrong that he sells them only to one person, rather than many?

Either way, why do you rail against the only example of organic growth and competition to the oligarchy that has been, and continues to, take virtually the entire rewards pool, and leave the minnows but a pittance?

Propaganda has truly shown it's power in this drafting of minnows to do whales' dirty work.

I think friction has a lot to do with the power imbalance, as well as the objectives of people who buy into steem with fresh money. New big money wants to make money on that money, I can't think of many cases where people will say to themselves, "Gee, I made a lot of money in crypto, I better toss it into a firepit by investing in this social media website where at best I get hated on for wanting ROI, or I can try to vote on users who didn't invest as much money as me and hope some of them have some loyalty to both the platform and myself and we eventually help each other out," because that sounds straight retarded when I even type it out as a hypothetical.

The friction of course being the fact that many here are in precarious financial situations so they're likely to cash their SBD out so voting on a bunch of minnows isn't a guarantee that you'll grow your power like voting for yourself or other already wealthy individuals who don't have to do so much cashing out and powering down are.


"the only example of organic growth" seriously? You really make me laugh!

the ONLLY????? example of organic growth??

How do you figure that?

He is not that only 'semi famous person' that has come over to steemit. and his 25K of followers is only because he is hitting trending everyday with paid Rewards, and sadly, most new minnows think they will earn curation rewards if they upvote a post that hits $100+. THey don't. For every 0.005 that they contribute, they will at most get exactly 0.0006 SP in curation rewards. That isn't 0.001. So that equals a big fat 0. But they think curation rewards are coming. So yeah, he has 10K gullible newbie followers all giving their 0.005 hoping to get back 0.10 or 0.50 that will never come. Because their curation rewards are negligable and Haejin doesn't upvote his followers.


As far as I know @haejin came here as a newb, and grew his account from zero, without investing piles of cash. The growth of his account is thus organic, derived from his activities on Steemit alone.

While my account and many, many others, are also organic, @haejin is the only account to achieve substantial rewards that are on a par with whales. What I said was:

"...only example of organic growth and competition to the oligarchy..."

So, not just organic, but competitive with the whales for rewards. To be completely and demonstrably correct, I should add 'to my knowledge', because others may have achieved this feat that I am unaware of.

If you wish to actually prove a point, misconstruing my statements won't achieve that. Rather the reverse. If you continue to put words in my mouth, or take my remarks out of context, it will become apparent that you have no means of countering the content of my remarks except ad hominem attacks, which proves you wrong.

Don't prove yourself wrong.

"...his 25K of followers is only because he is hitting trending everyday ..."

Well, from what I've read of their remarks regarding the matter, they follow @haejin because they believe he is giving them good advice about crypto trading. I've never heard one of them say they followed him because he was trending, or they thought they'd get curation rewards.

When did they tell you that?

Are you perhaps putting words in their mouths as well? It seems that you may be experiencing some cognitive dissonance regarding your stance on @haejin. Cognitive dissonance is an indication that one is refusing to acknowledge facts in order to maintain a belief that is inconsistent with those facts.

It might be beneficial to you to take break and examine what you actually believe, and why my statements are causing you cognitive dissonance.

Also, you're working yourself up into an all caps lather. Better you just mute me than have a stroke, bro.

Haejin has 74K followers on Twitter and 45K followers on Youtube. He joined both in 2012.

I know he was posting videos onto youtube prior to 5 months ago, but they have all been deleted, so I cannot see how many views he was getting there compared to now back in June of 2017 when he joined Steem.

It is my understanding, most of his early Steemit followers (10K plus) came over from Youtube. (and or Twitter)

To me, that is not a self-made steemian as much as a self made TWiTer or YouTuber that came over to Steemit. In that case, no different than JerryBainfield or DollarVigilante.

Also, all of his early posts were earning $5-$25, with an occasional $50 until RanchoRelax started upvoting him 100% x 10 per day.

There are 100's (if not thousands) of Steemians that consistently get $5-$25 per post, day in and day out. Where are their whales? If they had them, they would all be Steemit success stories too.

Haejin is not "nothing" but he is not 1000 times better than these other 100 or 500 or 1000 Steemians.

A 100% upvote arrangement that is utilized daily at the full 10 X upvote potential is "lucky" at best. Unusual to be sure. Suspect.. maybe. But in no way makes him someone that is "bucking the system" He is part of the system. He would have "bucked the system" if he was getting post rewards of $300 X 10 DAILY all from votes of Steemians with 25,000 SP and less. That would be something special.

Why do you think that so few whales are participating in the flag initiative?? If they were truly threatened or wanted that extra 5% then half or all would have joined in. It is because they are not feeling the hurt. Many of them also scam the system and so they aren't going to be the ones calling the kettle black. etc.

The 2 to 3 whales that ARE flagging.... are the good guys. They are those that DO upvote minnows REGULARLY. One can be a dick. THat is sure. But he is also one that has created more (tiny) dolphins (possibly) than few or any other whales. (i'm not talking about his 25 account bot army. Bernie has given out more big and small upvotes to regular minnow steemians than almost any other whale. He was doing it from the beginning. But don't force me to sing his praises, because I honestly don't like his vulgarity etc. But you want facts, there is one for you. Fact check it if you so desire.

No stroke here.

"It is my understanding, most of his early Steemit followers (10K plus) came over from Youtube. (and or Twitter)..."

I was not aware of that, and I was wrong about his account growth being purely organic. I appreciate being apprised of the facts that change that particular aspect of the matter.

So, the model @haejin provides is less applicable, as most of us don't have dedicated followings we can drag onto Steemit from other platforms.

Nonetheless, the math regarding the rewards remains just as valid.

I reckon also that by providing this particular fact, you demonstrate that you have no data to back your statement that minnows are getting more than 1% of the rewards. If you did, you'd post that too. Instead of just admitting that, you continue to try to deflect the issue.

I've no further comments to make here.

Enjoy your day.

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ti is also funny post,

thank you sir for your post.