HELP ME STOP ABUSE in Steemit and EARN SBD $$$ - Name and Shame InitiativesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #abuse7 years ago (edited)

Hello my friends,

This picture is here just to get your attention ;)

Now that I got your attention :) this post will address a serious problem in Steemit. I really didn't want to write this post but unfortunately, since I joined this platform almost two weeks ago I found so much abuse of power and some really nasty users that I can't keep silent anymore. My original intention when I joined steemit was to share my travel stories and investment knowledge. However, It has come to a point where If I do not speak now I would probably end up leaving this platform for good.


The problem I found is that several users, to be more accurate users with large amounts of Steem Power are abusing that power. Some are abusing their power to get more rewards and others are using their power to bring new upcoming users down. I do not know whether they do this out of jealousy, insecurity or they may get some twisted satisfaction red flagging new users.

Unfortunately, as we all know Steemit is a pay to win platform with a broken reward system and with a broken system based on power. The main problem lays on the fact that users with power can censor and silence your voice. This is comparable to dictatorships where if you go against the government they will throw you in jail. For example, you can have hundreds of upvotes but if a single user with steempower flags your post you will lose reputation and most of your rewards. The anecdotical part of all this is that those abusers come from western countries where liberty of speech is a constitutional right. Therefore, it is hard for me to understand why are they trying to convert Steemit in a dictatorship.


How can a platform where a single user has more power than hundreds of users thrive and survive in the long term? The answer is simple, it won't. Yes, I'm telling you now, this platform will fail as new users will leave sooner rather than later because who wants to live in a dictatorship right. The fact is those who can afford to purchase steem power will rule over all the other people who only want to have a space free of censorship.

The main reason why I joined Steemit is that I saw here a place where I can freely express my opinion and share whatever I want. However, I soon found out this place is worse than Facebook. Why? Because there are no rules and any user with steem power can impose his/her rules and morals onto other people. I could buy Steem power and face them but I do not believe in this platform anymore. Thus, buying steem power would be a stupid investment for me.

The only way I can see this platform succeeding is if all the community comes together to fight injustice. I got tired of seeing power users red flagging new users for stupid reasons. The problem with red flagging is that they do not let the community decide what's good or not. They impose their views onto others because flagging will hide your comments or posts and also if you get flagged several times your reputation will drop.


Can someone explain me how can Steemit be a healthy space when debate is not encouraged and instead power users can simply red flag and hide your comments if they do not agree with them?

We are at risk of losing our liberty of expression and be at mercy of people with little king complex. I do not care about power but I do care about having a space where we are all free to speak our minds. I want a space where if people do not agree with your views then debate can occur. Instead of that, we have a place where people who abuse their power can simply hide your comments under the rug.


The reason why I'm writing this post is because I want to Name and Shame a bully. This time the bully is user @naturicia

I caught that user giving red flags to new users for no other reason than he disagreed with the fact they were promoting their blogs. Tired of seeing abuse on this platform, I stood up for them @communicasound @awais55
@mistersteem @raihanmalik @mywell @furkanzaii AND MANY MORE. You want proof, just check his comments' history you will notice how that guy is HARASSING new users for no valid reason. He literaly goes out with the intention of damaging new users.

I confronted the abuser and also called him names. You may be asking why? Why not, this should be a free space and everyone should be able to say what they want without fear of repercussions.

That bully went to take revenge by maliciously red flagging all my posts, despite the fact hundreds of people upvoted them and they offer value to this community


What I'm asking of all you is your help to stop these bullies from getting away with their abuse. Every time we keep quiet we are encouraging them to keep behaving in the same malicious way. If you agree with me please go to his post and red flag them so he will know we are no afraid of him and his steem power.

I can't do anything by myself but with your help, we can stop most abuse in Steemit. If you have been a victim of abuse in Steemit, leave the abuser username in the comments below and I will investigate and organize a name and shame to expose their wrong doings.

All those who flag @naturicia and resteem this post will have a chance to win 10 SBD. I will randomly select a winner from all those who were not afraid to stand up for what's right.


@naturicia flags where quite lite and they did warn them. There are others in the community that would have just flagged them to a low reputation and never said anything to help them. It does happen and I've helped some get their reputation back.

You have been reported yourself for comment spam several times in the last few days. As you were doing a give away, you're comments marginally fall into "service comments". Those posting such comments are expected to accept flags without flagging back. I do encourage the community to flag responsibly with just enough weight to hide the comment and give feedback to the person or bot commenting.

Putting what amounts to a bounty out to flag another member of the community who is just trying to discourage spam will just get you flagged.

Comment & Post spam is a problem that needs addressed by the community and I am thankful for those like @naturicia that do it in a way that lets the members of the community know their comments are being seen as spam without flagging them to a 0 reputation immediately.

The whole Internet is a big spam. You think you can eliminate or control spam, you are delusional. Second, I can assure you your dear steemit will end up with less than 500,000 users by the end of this year because people like you who go out of his way to harass other users. If they want to post spam so what. The internet should be free and people like you should find something better to do than to try to control spam. pfff delusional

In the same way you control spam then have a look at @welcoming that crap falls exactly on what you call service comments

If they want to post spam so what.

I do not care about power but I do care about having a space where we are all free to speak our minds. I want a space where if people do not agree with your views then debate can occur.

The internet should be free

Many witnesses have already upgraded their servers to 64GB RAM. Those running RPC nodes are contemplating the leap from 256GB to 512GB of memory. RAM & SSD drives are not cheap.

Whether your talking about the cost or ideology.. I suggest you create and run your own site or fork your own version of STEEM/ You'll have about as much luck convincing the majority of the community that are stakeholders that should be a place where 'anything goes' and that all content should get rewarded as you would convincing Twitter, Facebook, or other social media sites. If it was going to happen I think the ability to flag would have been removed from the block chain already.

Well as a witness they already get their 10% of the split you want me to build them a temple since they buy ssds for the common good with no interest whatsoever in further filling their pockets. You really are an angel, the angel of Steemit.

All seriously they are already being rewarded more than generously. Also SSDS are becoming cheaper and cheaper, not the opposite.

You seem like a smart guy, you should know better your steemcleaners are a futile intent to stop the unstopable. Without spam, 60% of all steemit traffic will simply vanish. If you really want to stop spam why dont you go after the spam accounts aka bots?

Perhaps because your only intention is not to stop spam but to bring more revenue to yourself. You know that spam is what keeps steemit alive. Anyway, sick of this platform after two weeks, only liers, and cheaters, no good content at all. Anything here can be found anywhere else.

Anyone with a little of common sense would realize what's going on. Here we have a culture that encourages and rewards cheating. Yes, bots are cheating and anyone with the time to open several accounts can build a bot army with basic coding knowledge. Add a few thousand dollars of steem power and we have a whale in no time. Depending on your time and financial situation may be worth it. Not for me, thank god I have better things in life

Would be surprised if it grows more as it seems from now on is downfall. Good luck since it seems you are really invested in this. This was a good experiment but it's going nowhere not because deep flaws in the system but because of the people at the top who made what could have been a great platform a scamit. I assure you if more people knew what really goes on here, this platform would crash and burn very quickly

Again: why don't you leave steemit then? There seems to be no reason for staying. At least for you. You can be happy that you didn't fall for it and leave us alone burning our investments into steem.

In your place it seems to work pretty good since your spam is hidden after downvotes. And some might have said fighting against the segregation in the United States is delusional. But did it work in the end? More or less. It's getting better all the time but it's not delusional.

For everyone who is not interested in this propaganda and wants to know the truth here are the reason why I flagged @awais55 and @communicasound:

They were both spamming.

Bildschirmfoto 2018-02-18 um 00.31.44.png
Bildschirmfoto 2018-02-18 um 11.53.41.png

I don't think that spam should be accepted on this platform. So I flagged it.

@stevekelly had a problem with flagging steem, so he insulted me.
He named me Bitch, faggot, loser, dictator, scum and wanker.

Don't you think I wouldn't flag this ? I warned him several times that he is on thin ice. He insulted me even more...

The only one who should receive a flag is @stevekelly. Flagging me will have no effect...

And I want to add. My dear friend @stevekelly is also a spammer:
Bildschirmfoto 2018-02-18 um 12.02.43.png

Yes I called him all that I still think he is that and more. Some users already left because of this little whiny BITCH giving red flags to new users who are just trying to promote their posts.

If the owners of the posts are fine with those guys promoting their blogs who the fuck is naturicia to flag them?

Naturicia has not life and lives in his mom's basement. LOL

Tell me who left because of me.

And if the owner is fine...
Don't you understand the problem ? You do exactly the same. Going somewhere where you haven't been included and then insulting people.

The problem on Steemit are people like you. Spamming, Insulting and paying for help with flagging.

OK you want to discuss, then tell everyone why you keep flagging new users. Who asked you to do it? Are you afraid of the competition? Or are you jealous they have more followers than you despite the fact didn't paid to win like you did.

The reason why I intervene is because as you can read on this post I'M AGAINST PEOPLE LIKE YOU.

The funny part is you live in a western country where liberty of expression is in the constitution. I could call any politician in Germany a Bitch without having to fear for my liberty.

They should send you to live to North Korea so can see the damage people like you cause by silencing new users who only want to promote their content because they can't probably afford to buy thousands of dollars of steem power like you did.

You are the problem and you are so dumb you cannot realize that

then tell everyone why you keep flagging new users

First of all I can't understand this point. Because I don't flag new users, I flag spammer and abuser. Like you.

despite the fact didn't paid to win like you did

What should I have invested ? Look in my wallet. I paid for nothing.

The funny part is you live in a western country where liberty of expression is in the constitution.

And I let you write your comments. I can't forbid it. And censor is it not because your posts is in the blockchain as every other post. Just the frontend doesn't like to see people like you commenting.

You are the problem and you are so dumb you cannot realize that

We will see that when you receive the flags and not me.

Answer little BITCH why you flag, stupid cunt. You invested so you have way more to lose than me. I don't care about this account at all. You can only keep flagging. What frontend dumb cunt, STEEMIT is free for people to post whaever they want and you are nothing. You are just a jealous no life wanker with too much time and no activity in life other than look for people to hurt. Hope you get what you deserve. Karma will get you

If you don't care why you keep on steeming ?
Then just leave us here, me flagging spam, you not spamming and insulting anymore.

Win-Win Situation

I care to defend people who don't have the power to face little dictators like you. I will not rest until you stop flagging new users. If you agree to stop damaging people I will stop

I actually looked him up and I can't see anything he did wrong.

If you can't see anything wrong with flagging new users for no reason then you are part of the problem

There is a difference between spamming and promoting. Copy and pasting isn't promoting. If people would like the "promotion" and would upvote it, it would be way harder to hide the comment. Also nobody would just flag posts without a reason because flagging uses steempower and you could also use the steempower to upvote posts where you could get curation rewards.

Flagging is a form of abuse if you don't like what the other person is posting you could tell them, mute them or simply ignore. Instead of going out of your way flagging. Naturicia went with malicious intent to flag new users. I didn't see him warning or telling them to stop. Thus, I assume he is a bad person who deserves to be hated. Why should he care about spam also, no one gave him any authority to become the spam police

Flagging and upvoting are rights which steemit gave us to create a feedback loop that encourages good content and punishes bad content and bad behavior. I never flagged someone but I'm happy that there is a possibility to flag wrong behavior.

I told them to stop spamming and flagged just a few comments. This means that it has just a minimal impact on the reputation and they lost none of their earnings.

And flagging has its place on Steemit. You see it as abuse but why should there be this option ? It is exactly for spammers and abuser. So you deserve flags, @awais55 deserves flags and @communicasound deserves flags. Aswell as @raihanmalik, @mistersteem, etc.

Ok, look I apologize for calling you names but you have to admit you were acting in a very abusive way with those users. I think we all want to see Steemit grow and become the new Facebook one day but if we are not tolerant with new users and instead of guiding them we go and flag them they will get frustrated and leave.

I know insulting people is not the way but flagging and harassing people for small mistakes is not the right way either.

A small mistake wasn't it from all of them. They were spamming a lot. If there is someone who just started to spam, I do not flag.
If there is someone who has hundreds of spam comments I flag.

And in the case of @furkanzai, @furkanzaii, @zayfurkhan and @raihanmalik, they are all accounts from one person. This person has made several introductions of himself with sometimes women, sometimes men. Also he copied lots of other posts. It is fair to flag something like this, especially if he stole your post.

I know we want Steemit to grow, but growing does not happen with spam. If I go to a platform and just see spammer in the comments, I don't want to post there.
So I help to keep Steemit clean, enjoyable also for new users.

I apologize for calling you names but you have to admit you were acting in a very abusive way with those users

I thank you for apologizing, but I can't see an abusive behavior as I flag only abuser and spammer.

It's all about the spamming they did. On Steem the majority of the people don't think it's very nice if you post comments under they posts they wrote and don't interact with them but want to lure users to your own posts to make money they don't deserve.
That's what the flagging option is for so why shouldn't we use it.

I flagged spam. You spam also. So you are part of the problem not me.
Don't think I am done with you...

Fuck you little cunt, I'm not scared of you. I will provide examples of your countless abuses towards new users. You are jealous because you have no life

Then give examples and not just weep.
I flag you because of insulting and spamming. You have never given a proof for my abuse. Because I flag just spam and abuse you can't find anything wrong.

All proof is in your comments. Dumb cunt, I insult you and I will keep doing it because I don't respect shit people like you

Send a screenshot please so I can look at the proof. Just writing there is one but there is any...

Great post and I can clearly see why we should flag @naturicia , but I also believe that two wrongs don't make a right. Instead of repeating what he is doing to others, may be we can find a better way to deal with this. I don't know the right way yet, but I feel flagging is not the best as we just become the same monster as he might be.

I am not a monster, I flagged spam...
Please inform yourself about the situation before flagging.
And I just see why you should clearly flag @stevekelly. For insulting and spam.

You are a BITCH, who is flagging new users. Tell me if all new users leave because of people like you how is steemit going to keep growing. You are so dumb and closed minded that cannot see the extent of your little crusade against spam.

EVERYONE please notice that naturicia is a little BITCH who wants to destroy steemit and please also notice how this guy cannot even say anything rational other than flag. Dumb cunt

I don't flag new users. You have no proof and there is none. It is just telling anything wrong but distract from his own mistakes like insulting and spamming.

Just check your comments all the proof is there. What are you talking there is no proof loser. You are jealous I have way more followers than you will ever have

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Ok. What should i Flag?

I would say @stevekelly for spamming and insulting people.
I just flagged spam, see proof in my comment...

Insulting so what. You are a BITCH how else can I call someone who goes out of his way to DAMAGE and HARASS new users

Still waiting for the proof. Do you think anyone believes your propaganda without a proof ?

You ask for proof. Ok anyone who wants to see proof just go check naturicia comments and you will see he is giving flags to new users left and right. He is harassing them. Most of the users he is also flagging come from poor countries. Maybe then need that dollar to eat.

On the other hand we have a litte BITCH naturicia living a privileged life and now thinks he is the batman of spam because one day someone copy one of his post.

Just so you know several people copy and pasted my posts and I didn't go out like you to damage them. I actually feel if they copy from me is they really like my content. You are out there to cause damage and have not vision of the world besides your little bubble of selfishness and greed.

You re what's wrong with this world.

I want to open the eyes and debate so can people can see for themselves and decide whether what you do is good for the community in the long run

You know that they can't see what I flagged when going to my comments ? :D
They will see a lot of qualified answers to your insults.

And if spammers are from poor countries, I don't care. If they want to make money they can but not with my posts.

Just so you know several people copy and pasted my posts and I didn't go out like you to damage them.

Maybe this is because you are not able to do that ? Or because they didn't earn anything with this posts ? May be a reason that the posts are not good enough. Think about it.

Let's face it all my posts are better than yours and I have way more followers than you despite the fact I joined less than two weeks ago. I'm already sick of people like you ruining this platform. Also you should know by now that the flag police will get you. For abusing the use of flags, dumb cunt

bueno soy nuevo en steemit y me alegra que allan personas como tu que defiendan el derecho de las personas que no sabemos de esto mucho y bueno y que mal que allan persona que se aprovechen de ese poder para dañar a los demas :)

We all have to police ourselves so spam, excessive swearing, insults etc. are bound to be flagged. Don't spam. Instead be a genuine person, if that is too hard Steemit isn't for you.