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RE: Non-GumpyCompliant vote sellers are now to be used exclusively to profit from the reward pool!

in #abuse7 years ago

Sounds fair enough @grumpycat. Easy to fall into the greed of buying votes at the last moment though.
And thanks for the steembottracker info. Hadn't come across it yet and was using minnowbooster only so far. Now I know of more bots I can use.


I get that they are trying to curb last miniute post promotion but if the system wasnt designed for that but was designed to allow such promotion then what is the problem? Why do people need to be Grumpy compliant certainly not just because a whale says so. this is like creating centralization within steemit. Next whales will be making other Rule bots that punish people for whatever they want. Also what is the appeal process for mistakes when thy are made(or are we sol if that happens)? Just curious that this isue wasnt brought to the attention of all steemians and voted on(at least by the witnesses). Seriously this may not be a super big deal but the underlying issue of people being able to create and enforce laws that the community hasn't agreed upon is a HUGE issue. Correct me if i am wrong or misguided on any of my suppositions. @grumpycat im just trying to figure out what gave you the power/right to enact what equates to a law with this bot?

You should really see how these people abuse bot votes at the eleventh hour:

Interestingly, their timezone is in South Asia around 3-7 am US time zone where, bidding competition for bots are lower. They used big bot votes such as @upme, @buildawhale @appreatiator with total $6-$10 or more SBD. They also reinvest earned SBD and withdraw some regularly. Easiest spamming business based on ROI in the world.

Please go through these users post including this

Reason behind 3.5 days compliance rule is that when they used low level contents (e.g. mostly copy and paste Youtube videos) for bot voting, they will be prone to SBD fluctuation and flagging for plagiarism. This will reduce the abuse of rewardpool. Witnesseses and STINC are slow to react, therefore, some whales have to take action. Their actions are self-servicing. If they don't work for good purposes of STEEM, their investment will go down and they have the largest stake.

Yeah and you're giving yourself 200 dollars for a bullshit sentence?

hahha dude

Not wasting my votes on such crap :-)

@grumpycat I wrote you a question on another post but dint get an answer. I really dont understand you. If you want to help you are supossed to be a rolemodel. Now another comment with more value than every posts I wrote together.Would be happy to get an answer for the community.

"@grumpycat I dont get it. I agree with your rules. But shouldnt you be a kind of a rolemodel. You are upvoting simple comments with big upvotes and taking much of the reward pool.That affect the reward pool. Even with one comment you got you over 185 dollar. I wrote much posts with much effort but I think all together are less worth than your comment I hope you will act like you teach people.

I have some ideas how you could help the steemit community. Check out post that dont earn much and support underrated posts. Steem rises and falls with the users."

Good luck getting an answer to this.

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I also do not understand: why can not I get 140 usd for a photo, and you can get 190 usd for a usual comment? Not fair...

@grumpycat, I think I'm starting to see the light. Sorry for questioning you in an earlier post. Things are starting to make sense now. Go grumpycat go!

Are you fucking joking?

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It’s nice when that “aha” moment happens and you realize that grumpy knows what’s up! Kudos to you.

Are you fucking joking?

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Kind of makes one feel a little silly for complaining before they see the light, lol

I guess my 8% downvote for a brand new postnatal using one of these bots was just a warning ... it could have Brennan 100% downvote very easily

true.. somebody posting a stupid photo or wishing a happy new year gets 100z or 1000z of $$ its so stupid.. now i know why whales and their friends make somuch... Thank you for your support..

its batter not to flag someone you should build relationships on this platform so instead of giving flag just ignore the post you don't like
@grumpycat 👌👍

Your a piece of shit scammer g-cat, and you know it. Flag yourself!

Wow After taking a look at some of that information you provided it clarified much of the issue for me. I mostly didn't understand The value of such policing but it makes sense when you look at it as they are spamming. I don't use bots personally, but my hope is that if someone malevolent creates a similar apparatus and it IS unfair then the whales will do something about it (downvote to oblivion). Thanks for your feedback its a good premise but still not a fan of the Grumpy Cat Shit. Just look at your quality comment compared to its pure shit comment and how much rewards they are earning for it. They could at least help those who are being helpful. anyways thanks for your input

The thing is, the system is really designed for much of anything. The bid bots are a creation of users of Steemit. There are basically no laws, so it's up to the users to decide what is bad or good for the long term of the platform. No one can really make laws, but the powerful can flex their muscles. Grumpycat sees this as being bad for the platform, so he's enforcing it with his muscle.

Everyone seems to conveniently overlook that the Terms of Service forbid bots:

17.1.3. Use any robot, spider, crawler, scraper or other automated means or interface not provided by us to access our Services or to extract data;

When you are using a upvote bot, you are effectively : Hiring ( Using ) a bot ( robot ), to upvote your post ( Accessing our Services ).

I think @grumpycat is taking a step in the right direction, and I hope more whales can step up to discourage the use of bots, outright. This is supposed to be a 'proof-of-brains' platform, exactly how does paying a fee to a robot fit into the equation? I see bots as the main obstacle that could ruin steem, many newcomers here see the botting on their first day, wonder why so many people abandon their accounts? Do you think steemit will become a household name like this?

Oh there is this great platform called steemit, all you have to do is write a great blog everyday, then pay a service 500 dollars to promote it for you - it's the future of Social Media!
Get Real.

Do you forget that most of the bots are provided by Steem witnesses? Is a huge business, for a vote people pay a lot of money, so from one side they get their full vote in SBD or Steem, and then since their vote is so heavy it will bring an extra 25% as curator.
Thing is people is so greedy that they will wait until last minute to bid, making their money worthless and at the same time of those who play by the rules.

Hola, estoy de acyerdo contigo. Pienso que estan creando un nuevo problema...
¿Asumen si hago que un post de calidad, no deberia comprar votos?
Es importante reglarlo, pero dichos bots podrain mantenerse bajo otro esquema de voto

Hi, I'm with you. I think you are creating a new problem ...
Do they assume if I make a quality post, I should not buy votes?
It is important to regulate it, but these bots could be maintained under another voting scheme

Ideally, you should not need to buy votes. A quality post should gain votes because it is a good quality post.

This is failing to happen specifically because of voting bots. If they were not in the equation, good quality posts would get upvoted naturally.

Youre right menn.
Give the Upvote... Steem for life

I am new to @steem and I had no idea about this. I just poored a lot of money into voting bots for the first time (evar) this week. I probably won't do it again because I lost my shirt thanks to @grumpycat. I get that greedy people hurt things, but stealing from unsuspecting people that are new and just trying to get started in the community...YOU ARE SCUM @grumpycat. Downvoting is already wrong in itself because you are literally taking money away from people.

@grumpycat If you're going to do something despicable like downvote people that hired voting bots, you should at least leave them with the amount they put in. That way, you're just taking away their profits. Instead, you're taking what they put in. You don't know where that money comes from. It could be really hard for them to make and you take it just by clicking your mouse. It's horrible.

You're not getting it I think. @grumpycat is not downvoting people at random here. He/she/it is downvoting those users who use the voting bots at the last hour to suck up upvotes.
Now I think it is fair enough punishment for them as most of these users are boosting their non qualitative posts very near to pay out and hence decreasing the voting power of the bots for genuine users.

That may be, but they're not very selective either; otherwise, more meaningful downvotes would be made. They may not be random, but it's not better than just throwing mud on a wall and seeing what sticks either.

You can't just hurt people and take the moral high ground thinking you help more than you hurt, so that's ok. Taking is taking. Stealing is stealing. The point of the downvote is to adjust the value of the post.

I worked for hours in the AZ heat to get nice sunset photos on my way overpriced camera that I really can't afford. I used the upvote bot to set a fair value for the photos and the time I put into taking them. Then @grumpycat comes and downvotes it to $5.

Yeah. Maybe they're not random, but they might as well be random. This is a ABSOLUTE ABUSE OF A DOWNVOTE. The point is to adjust and prevent abuse, but this account has taken it to the extreme and it's just abuse on the other end. There is no balance.

I still think it is not random. It is not only about the time, read the first few lines on the comment and you'll understand, I hope.


I've read it. You'll have to spell it out for me. I'm not sure what you're referring to.

Let's say for the sake of argument it's not random, then it's arbitrary. @grumpycat arbitrarily chooses. Here are my points.

  1. @brandonfrye uses @jerrybanfield which is listed as a compliant voting bot. Not only is it compliant, but also @brandonfrye gets dinged within a day of posting. He did not abuse the voting bot nor did he use an abusive voting bot, so why? You should read @grumpycat's response.
  2. @purepinay used @appreciator which is also one of the compliant voting bots. She also got dinged and took it like a champ anyway. Read @grumpycat's response

Even better...@grumpycat also uses @appreciator

So maybe it's not random. If it's not, then it's definitely based on an arbitrary set of rules that can be changed on a whim because they have nothing to do with actually compliant voting bots or 6th day voting. It's more like

Just because

Maybe I don't get it, but I'll say something about what everyone else (including @grumpycat) doesn't get. The purpose of downvotes is not to correct voting bots. Downvotes are to correct rewards. I think we all look at them wrong when it comes to @grumpycat. We think

Oh, whatever @grumpycat thinks is right

But in reality, the downvote is intended to adjust the payout to what the community thinks is appropriate. By completely negating a bot's influence we forget the see if we're actually adjusting the payout to what is appropriate or not. What ends up happening is a guy like me that wants to get what has coming to him uses a bot to adjust his payout to be proportionate to his effort. Here's an example:

I spend several hours in the sun to make sure no one gets my prime spot for taking a sunset photo. I sit and wait in the AZ heat and sun for hours with no shade with my camera that I really can't afford. I finally get a series of photos that I post on steem thinking people will appreciate with some upvotes. I notice that I'm not getting upvotes. Why? I have no followers and I have mostly no steem power compared to anyone else. I get a voting bot to help me out and push the vote up so more people will see it and so I can get paid for the hours I spent in the sun.

@grumpycat comes along and wipes it out down to $5. $5 for hours in the sun.

I get @grumpycat is trying to change the community and hit the voting bots, but voting bots and their management don't care. The only ones getting hurt are content creators. Voting bots will survive, but we suffer and die. It's not voting bots killing us. It's @grumpycat.

my brand new post wasn't downvoted ... If I got a comment that said don't use particulate bots I would listen. Especially if the self upvote of $40 was given to me as an upvote with a warning comment

Nice post!
Thanks for this!
Upvoted :D