An Afternoon at Ulee Lheu After 13 Years of Tsunami [Suatu Sore di Ulee Lheu Setelah 13 Tahun Tsunami]

in #aceh7 years ago (edited)


Now, Ulee Lheue's portrait has changed drastically. As if the disaster that killed hundred thousands people's life never happened.

The woman's hand was nimbly putting five meatball sticks into the paper wrapper. While the man beside him fanned the charcoal to keep it burning.

Tangan wanita itu cekatan memasukkan lima tusukan bakso ke dalam bungkusan kertas. Sementara lelaki di sampingnya mengipas arang agar tetap menyala.


On it, he laid the pile of meatball and tempe that had been smeared with soy sauce and chili sauce. Instantly, the distinctive aroma of baked meatballs and tempe was piercing nose.

Di atasnya, ia meletakkan berjejer tusukan bakso dan tempe yang sudah dilumuri kecap dan saus. Dalam sekejap aroma khas bakso dan tempe panggang tercium menusuk hidung.


Puff of smoke made Haryati and Suheri, the couple's face were sweating. But they both keep serving buyers. One puncture consist of four meatballs valued Rp 1.000.

Kepulan asap membuat Haryati dan Suheri, pasangan suami itu tampak gerah. Tapi keduanya tetap semangat melayani pembeli. Satu tusukan bakso berisi empat buah dihargai Rp 1.000.


"Every day off many people come here," Suheri told me. Since last few years, Suheri and his wife chose the location of Ulee Lheue Beach tourism as a place to seek sustenance.

"Setiap hari libur banyak warga yang datang ke sini," kata Suheri kepada saya. Sejak beberapa tahun terakhir, Suheri bersama istrinya memilih lokasi wisata Pantai Ulee Lheue sebagai tempat mencari rezeki.


Not only Suheri and his wife, there are hundred of other traders who sell any kind of food in the area that ever devastated by tsunami wave on December 24, 2004.

Tak hanya Suheri dan istrinya, ada ratusan pedagang lainnya yang berjualan di kawasan yang pernah porakporanda digulung gelombang tsunami pada 24 Desember 2004 silam.


Now, Ulee Lheue's portrait has changed drastically. As if the disaster that killed hundred thousands people's lives never happened.

Kini potret Ulee Lheue sudah berubah drastis. Seolah bencana yang merenggut ratusan ribu korban rakyat Aceh itu tak pernah terjadi.


Ulee Lheue is now become a new icon of local tourist destination, especially Banda Aceh. Activity of life increasingly stretched. Various merchandise and street vendors can be found along the street.

Ulee Lheue kini menjadi ikon baru tujuan wisata bagi masyarakat lokal, khususnya Banda Aceh. Aktivitas kehidupannya semakin menggeliat. Bermacam barang dagangan dan penjual menu jalanan bisa ditemukan di sepanjang jalan.




Such as snack, roasted corn, boiled noodles, sate, coconut, rujak to clothing merchant, and various types of accessories come to enliven atmosphere. Especially in the afternoon and evening, Ulee Lheu area becomes a culinary center that ready to pamper visitors tongue.

Also read: Berfoto dengan Berbagai Gaya di Depan Masjid Raya Baiturrahman, Foto Gadis Ini Paling Gokil

Seperti jajanan ringan, jagung bakar, mi rebus, sate, kelapa muda, rujak sampai pedagang baju, dan berbagai jenis aksesoris ikut meramaikan suasana. Terutama pada sore dan malam, kawasan Ulee Lheu menjadi pusat kuliner yang siap memanjakan lidah para pengunjungnya.


"If you want a delicious crab culinary menu, you can try it here," said Ardi, Ulee Lheu residents that I met.

"Kalau mau menu kuliner kepiting yang lezat, Anda bisa mencobanya di sini," kata Ardi, warga Ulee Lhueu yang saya temui.


This man showed Grand Sea Food, a restaurant that provides a variety of seafoodculinary, especially crab menu as its flagship. Grand Sea Food is visited by many elite class citizens in Banda Aceh.

Lelaki ini menunjukkan Grand Sea Food, sebuah restoran yang menyediakan beragam kuliner sea food, terutama menu kepiting sebagai andalannya. Belakangan Grand Sea Food banyak dikunjungi warga kelas elite di Banda Aceh.

Also read: Ingin Merasakan Sensasi Mandi Uap? Anda Bisa Mencobanya di Taman Wisata Ie Suum

This restaurant belongs to the former Mayor of Banda Aceh, Illiza Saaduddin Djamal, who turned into an entrepreneur after losing in elections in 2017.

Restoran ini milik mantan Wali Kota Banda Aceh, Illiza Saaduddin Djamal yang beralih menjadi pengusaha setelah kalah dalam pilkada 2017 lalu.


In addition to being a culinary center, Ulee Lheue also offers other its charms. Especially its beach that becomes area for children's games and a place where visitors can enjoy the romantic twilight. [*]

Selain menjadi pusat kuliner, Ulee Lheue juga menawarkan pesona lain. Terutama pantainya yang menjadi wahana permainan anak-anak dan tempat pengunjung menikmati romantisme senja.[*]

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