charm of the island breuh aceh and the place of the tour
hy freind steemians today I will share informasion about charm of the island breuh aceh and the place of the tour

Breueh Island has beautiful views of the coast and stunning underwater objects. The beauty and exoticism of Brueh Island has been widely recognized by many people especially for those who have come to visit.
Access to Breueh Island is very easy, The journey to Breueh Island takes only 2.5 Hours for Gugob and 3.5 Hours for Meulingge purpose from Lampulo using Boat. This makes operational costs to the island cheap.

Historical Tours
It is undeniable that Pulo Aceh played a significant role during the Portuguese and Dutch East Indies periods, history has proven with important situations that are still to be found and some are still functioning well. Sayem Williem's Toren Lighthouse located on the north end of Breueh Island, this historical site is still functioning well. There are many other historical sites such as Ujoeng Peuneung Beach which also can still be seen Portuguese traces such as the former of Meriam and Sumur and the buildings by the Beach.

wow amazing post @rizkigold
if you can visit to my blog
thank @travel01
You are welcome
Woooww sangat menakjubkan keindahannya...
Terima kasih bg @rizkigold telah berbagi informasinya dan sidah sepatutnya kita sebagai orang aceh mempromosikan wisata aceh ke seluruh penjuru dunia melalui blog steemit.. he he
thank @my451r
nice postings for this beautiful picture ..
thank @bukhairidin
The water is unbeleivably clear, the place is amazing. Thanks for sharing and keep it up @rizkigold!
your awelcome @funtraveller
why you not upvote
Very nice post
thank @nikosnitas
your welcome
Very beautiful island!
thank @theresteemer
Welcome @rizkigold